Go From LOCAL Teacher to GLOBAL Yoga Entrepreneur

Section 1: Welcome to the course! Lecture 1 Text

"Go from LOCAL Teacher to GLOBAL Yoga Entrepreneur" is a course for entrepreneurial yoga teachers who dream of their teachings reaching students on an international level.

By the completion of this course, you will understand exactly what it takes to transform your yoga teaching "hobby" into a fun, fulfilling and sustainable career.

Lecture 2 00:47

This course will teach you how to go from a LOCAL teacher to a GLOBAL yoga entrepreneur.

To get the most out of this program, I recommend that you watch each video without distraction and read all text lectures and supplemental materials thoroughly.

You'll also notice that there are comprehension questions throughout the course to make sure you're on track and digesting the information.

And, of course, if you are looking for even more resources to turn your teaching hobby in to a fun, fulfilling and sustainable career, you can find me over at CALMbiz [dot] com.

Lecture 3 Text

Cailen Ascher is an internationally-known yoga entrepreneur & marketing expert and the founder of CALM biz.

With Cailen, you'll discover how to transform your hobby" into a career.

Section 2: Yoga Biz Basics Lecture 4 05:57

"how do i monetize my blog & youtube channel?"

first off, i want to congratulate you on thinking about how to pull in multiple streams of income for your yoga biz and for wanting to take your business online -- that's awesome!

but, you're looking for money in the wrong place if you're hoping for a 1::1 ratio of blog readers/youtube watchers to online yoga students. (does that surprise you?!)

the thing is, having a blog, e-newsletter and youtube channel is super important for yoga-entrepreneurs, but they ARE NOT how the majority of teachers who are successful online make their money.

let me me repeat that just in case you missed it -- they ARE NOT how the majority make their money!

we have to look at our blog, newsletter, social media pages and youtube channel as marketing tools, not products to be sold.

your blog and (the majority of) your youtube vids should give students and potential students super valuable, *FREE* info that they can use to improve their lives. and, doing this will build trust, foster a genuine connection with you and grow your community. all of which is necessary for making money down the road.

they are a means to the end...not the end.then...when it comes time to sell something, like an online course, meditation guide, primo video series, e-book, workshop or training, you'll have a slew of people who KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you who are ready to purchase whatever it is that you're offering.that's where the money is, and that's how feel-good marketing results in sales!

so, it's not about monetizing your yoga blog on the front end -- blocking readers until they pay -- it's about cultivating community and offering awesome info so that your blog readers become product buyers at the end of the day!

Quiz 1

Monetize Your Yoga Blog Comprehension Question

1 question Lecture 5 Text

as yogis, we're in the business of service.

we want to help as many people as possible, but when that means teaching 15, 20, 25 public classes a week, we can only grow our yoga career so big before we tap out.

if you're stuck in a business model that has you working too many hours for too little money, it's time to rethink your strategy. 'cause trading time for money only gets you so far -- and often burn out hits along the way.

of course, time in-person with students is essential -- it keeps us inspired, connected to the community, and is the reason we started teaching in the first place. but, we can't rely solely on ourselves as teaching vehicles.

what if we get sick? want to start a family? or want to travel?

what happens to our business if we're not actively working it 24/7?

if you can't step away from your business without it falling apart, it's time to restructure your business model so that you can enjoy more ease and abundance in both your LIFE and business.

in this lecture, you'll receive a list of 35+ ways to grow your yoga business WITHOUT working more hours. after your initial time investment, the suggestions on this list will bring in passive income. meaning, you'll be making money while you're in savasana!

Lecture 6 05:35

any time we try something for the first time -- whether it be kicking up into a handstand, enrolling in yoga teacher training, or starting a yoga business -- it can be majorly scary.

and, unfortunately, all-too-often our fear of the unknown stops us from pursuing awesome opportunities that could ultimately be so rewarding, fulfilling and fun! (sound familiar?...)

well, no longer!

if you've been flirting with the idea of developing an online offering -- whether it be product or service based -- but have been letting your fear or overwhelm stop you, today's CALM biz teaching will help!

in this lecture video, i share 4 things you NEED to keep in mind when creating your first online offering.

whether you're thinking about creating a 5-page e-book or a 5 module course, the tips i share in today's vid will help you, keep you on track and hopefully eliminate whatever is holding you back from creating your oh-so-awesome online offering :-)

Quiz 2

1st Online Offering Comprehension Question

1 questionSection 3: How To Brand Your Yoga Business From The Inside Out Lecture 7 16:02

Meet your guest teacher for this lecture, Francesca Cervero.

Francesca has been a full-time private yoga teacher in New York City since 2005.

Through her company, Francesca Cervero Yoga+Wellness, she leads private sessions in homes and offices and specializes in personalized services, attention and care.

The foundation of her teaching is based upon OM Yoga Center's style of alignment-based vinyasa, and her teaching is also inspired by the years Francesca spent as a dancer, the subsequent years she spent in physical therapy, a deep study of anatomy, and the Buddhist writings of Pema Chodron.

In addition to working with private yoga clients, she also helps fellow teachers to understand the Science of the Private Lesson through in-person trainings and online courses. She holds certifications in Yoga Therapy, Prenatal Yoga, Anatomy, and has been a featured presenter at Yoga Alliance's Business of Yoga Conference.

Quiz 3

Branding Comprehension Question

1 questionSection 4: Taking Your Yoga Business Online Lecture 8 16:30

In this lecture video, we'll cover how to lose the fear of speaking on camera in order to create outstanding content for your yoga community. Plus, I share some of my favorite tools to help you produce beautiful videos!

Lecture 9 06:56

first off, let's address the (potential) elephant in the room.

why do you -- a local yoga teacher -- need to worry about website traffic or online community growth?

well, my lovely yogi, if you truly want to make teaching yoga your career havingmultiple streams of income is key.

and, one the best, most effective ways to expand your business and income is to take your teaching online in the form of webinars, online courses, telesummits, e-books, videos, audio recordings, 1x1 coaching, and more! the possibilities are truly endless and that is why you need to take this whole online biz thing seriously.

in this teaching, i go over 7 ways to draw QUALITY traffic to your website so that the right students & clients can find you. (yes, they will find you!)

now, remember, quality -- not quantity -- is essential. it's far better to have 10 quality prospects visit your online hub than 100 people who couldn't care less about what you're doing.

if you want to learn some of the very strategies that i've personally used to grow my business and online brand, you're going to gobble up today's teaching.

Lecture 10 08:13

when we're in yoga teacher training, many of us dream of one day opening a bright, sunny, successful yoga studio that students flock to.

then, we graduate, start teaching some classes, and discover that opening a yoga studio is a lot more challenging and complicated (and costs a lot more money) than we initially envisioned.

you need to think about renting a space, hiring teachers and support staff, insurance coverage, props, tech equipment like computers and sound systems, etc. etc. etc.and, as quickly as that dream appeared...it begins to fade...but, today we're really lucky. we don't need to have a physical brick-and-mortar establishment in order to have your very own yoga studio. in fact, one of the best, most profitable and FUN ways to open a "studio" is to create one online.

(mini-side-note: you hear me talk about multiple streams of income a lot. the reason being, in order to really make yoga your full-time gig, you cannot rely solely on teaching classes. you need multiple streams of money coming into your biz in order to make a living -- like public classes, private clients, workshops, teacher trainings, e-books, online courses, recorded meditations, online yoga studio, and the like. plus, the mega benefit is that a virtual yoga studio is open 24/7 and you don't even have to "be there" to make money!)

so, if that vision of a studio still lingers in the back of you mind, i want to encourage you think about crafting a sacred space for your teaching online.there are a number of tools and websites available now that will enable you to share your teaching with students from all over the globe! and, in my opinion, why just be a local yoga teacher when you could have a global impact with your teaching?!

in this video, i'm sharing a number of several resources (many of which are FREE!) that'll enable you to build an online "yoga studio" where you can share the teachings that only you can offer.there are many different options that range from simple videos and audio teachings to complex member sites. but, no matter how "techy" you are, i guarantee there's an option that'll work for you.

resources mentioned in the lecture: youtube, soundcloud, audible yoga, the yoga recipe, gumroad, udemy, optimize press

Quiz 4

Open a Virtual Studio Comprehension Question

1 questionSection 5: Becoming a GLOBAL Yoga Entrepreneur Lecture 11 07:13

since you're enrolled in this course, i'm guessing the ultimate vision for your yoga career is a little bit bigger than just being a local yoga teacher. (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

but, i'm thinking that the bar you've set for yourself is a bit higher.maybe you envision teaching retreats in exotic locales.or hosting sold-out workshops across the country.

maybe you hope to run an online meditation workshop for hundreds of people all around the world!awesome. awesome. awesome.if you have a vision of being a dynamic yoga force on a grand scale, teaching students from all ends of the earth, and projecting your unique yoga voice internationally, i want to share 4 steps that'll help you transform from "local teacher" to "global yoga entrepreneur".

i know first-hand how unbelievably rewarding it is to serve on a global scale.

in my last Become a Yoga Brand course, alone, i had yogis from France, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Canada, Abu Dhabi and the United States join me for the program. and, cooler yet, i got to interact with them all from the comfort of my home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania! that blows my mind.

now, your vision for serving globally might be radically different, but that amazing thing is -- whatever you envision can (& will) be your reality if you strategically work towards it.

Quiz 5

Local to Global Comprehension Question

1 questionSection 6: BONUS: How to Fill Your BIG Programs Lecture 12 07:22

if you're planning on running (or have run) a teacher training, workshop, retreat or online program, chances are you're thinking about ways to get more people to sign-up.

unless you're one of the lucky few who strikes gold with your marketing the first time through, there can be a lot of trial and error when first running a new program. and a lot of concern about not getting enough students to enroll.

well in this video teaching, we're tackling this issue head on. i'm going to sharing with you the strategies i've used and have taught to my yoga teacher clients that helps them pack their workshops, retreats, TTs and other BIG programs.

so, hunker down, grab a notebook and pen and get ready to jot down some new ideas!

Section 7: Conclusion Lecture 13 00:45

Thank you so much for enrolling in Local to Global. It's been a pleasure leading you through this course, and I look forward to teaching you again in the future.

As a reminder, during this course we covered...

  • How to Create Your 1st Online Offering
  • How to monetize your yoga blog
  • 35 ways to grow your biz (without working more hours)
  • Branding Your Yoga Biz from the Inside Out with guest-lecturer Francesca Cervero
  • Lose the fear of speaking on camera & create outstanding yoga videos
  • How to get more QUALITY traffic to your yoga website & grow your following
  • How to open a virtual yoga studio
  • Go from LOCAL teacher to GLOBAL entrepreneur
  • And, as a bonus, How to fill your BIG programs

I sincerely hope that you learned a lot and are inspired to think of new, fun, innovative ways to expand your yoga teaching to an international level.

If you're interested in continuing your education, please visit me over at CALMbiz [dot] com. There you can sign-up for my weekly newsletter filled with actionable & inspirational biz+life advice just for yogic entrepreneurs and you'll receive a FREE copy of my e-book the Yoga Biz Essentials.

Lecture 14 1 page


Now that you've completed the entire course, download your Graduation Certificate and celebrate!

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Go from LOCAL Teacher to GLOBAL Yoga Entrepreneur
shares how to start to transition from local yoga teacher into a global yoga from local yoga teacher into a global yoga entrepreneur.

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if you've been hanging around with me for any length of time, i'm guessing the ultimate vision for your yoga career is a little bit bigger than just being a local

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