How to Get into Medical School: A Journey Through Medicine

Section 1: Introduction Lecture 1 08:56

This lecture is the introduction for the course.

Lecture 2 2 slides

This file is the course outline 

Section 2: Group 1: How to Build an Unstoppable Medical School Application Lecture 3 33:47

This lecture covers your time in college and how it relates to building a competitive medical school application. Specifically the courswork you must and should take as well as avoiding misconceptions and pitfalls common to many undergraduates. 

Lecture 4 10 slides

The PowerPoint for lecture 1.1

Lecture 5 58:01

This lecture discusses the important of undergraduate research from the perspective of a medical school as well as how to classify good research and where to find it. 

Lecture 6 11 slides

This file is the powerpoint for lecture 1.2

Lecture 7 31:30

This lecture covers all the information a medical school hopeful requires to consider pursuing vocational experience while on their journey to medical school. It contains recommendations, the advantages of having a job, and also some wisdom about the process. 

Lecture 8 8 slides

This file is the powerpoint for lecture 1.3

Lecture 9 40:08

This lecture covers everything you need to know about volunteer and life experience in how it relates to you medical school application.

Lecture 10 9 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 1.4

Lecture 11 48:34

This lecture covers a comprehensive overview of the medical college admissions test. 

Lecture 12 15 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for Lecture 1.5

Lecture 13 36:32

This lecture covers everything you ever wanted to know about letters of recommendation from how to rate their quality to how medical schools use them. 

Lecture 14 10 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for Lecture 1.6

Lecture 15 50:59

This lecture covers the last minute benchmarks a candidate should use to assess their competitiveness as an applicant before interacting with the AMCAS application.

Lecture 16 9 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 1.7 The Benchmarks

Lecture 17 26:35

This lecture covers all major aspects of a Post-Baccalaureate Program from how to find them to how to effective use them to get into medical school.

Lecture 18 8 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 1.8.

Section 3: Group 2: Getting into the Right Medical School from Applying to the Interview Lecture 19 39:03

This lecture covers making a decision about which path of medical education is right for you.

Lecture 20 8 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 2.1.

Lecture 21 08:13

This lecture contains a short checklist you should follow before beginning the application process. 

Lecture 22 2 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 2.2.

Lecture 23 34:51

This lecture covers a complete overview of the AMCA application and everything a candidate needs to know to begin filling it out.

Lecture 24 15 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 2.3.

Lecture 25 29:45

This lecture contains a broad overview of how to begin filling out the AACOMAS application for admission to Osteopathic medical schools. 

Lecture 26 18 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 2.4

Lecture 27 53:58

This lecture covers the process of first generating and then refining a list of medical schools in which you wish to submit an application.

Lecture 28 9 slides

This file is the associated PowerPoint for lecture 2.5

Lecture 29 46:06

This lecture covers the medical school interview process and provides some helpful resources to maximize your chances of getting admitted. 

Lecture 30 8 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for the Medical School Interview lecture.

Lecture 31 39:57

This lecture discusses the long wait an applicant must endure after the interview and also the resulting possibilities.

Lecture 32 7 slides

This file is the associated PowerPoint for lecture 2.7.

Section 4: Group 3: Upcoming Changes to the Medical Education System Lecture 33 34:22

This lecture covers the upcoming changes of the 2015 MCAT. 

Lecture 34 10 slides

This file is the PowerPoint for lecture 3.1.

Lecture 35 22:40

This lecture covers the upcoming changes to premedical education as recommended by the SFFP committee report. 

Lecture 36 7 slides

This file is the associated PowerPoint for lecture 3.2.

Lecture 37 15:37

This lecture briefly discusses changes to the Medical Education system as outlined in the SFFP report. 

Lecture 38 5 slides

This file is the associated PowerPoint for lecture 3.3.

Section 5: Group 4: So You got into Medical School? What Happens Now? Lecture 39 28:29

This lecture is part one of a two part set containing useful information for anyone just about to enter medical school. 

Lecture 40 21:58

This lecture covers the nature of medical academics from expectations to how to develop an effective study system to survive. 

Lecture 41 47:40

This lecture provides a broad overview of the first two years of American medical schools. 

Lecture 42 31:38

This lecture covers the clinical years of a medical student's education from the core rotations to the sub-I.

Lecture 43 19:38

This lecture covers the USMLE and the COMLEX and their associtions.

Section 6: Group 5: Residency or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Sleep Deprivation Lecture 44 24:40

This lecture covers a quick overview of the residency application process and the match referring the learner mostly to the resources at the NRMP and the ERAS. 

Lecture 45 13:13

This lecture discusses the nature of being a resident and provides several helpful resources to gaining a better understanding of the lifestyle and emotional consequences of the position. 

Lecture 46 06:33

This lecture provides a quick overview of Board Certifications as they relate to the ABMS and it's members. 

Section 7: Group 6: Fallbacks and Alternative Routes Lecture 47 30:33

This lecture provides a comprehensive foundation for a candidate who didn't matriculate into medical school to use to make a decision for his immediate future.

Lecture 48 41:54

This lecture covers some assessments and tips to help a candidate correct his issues with either a low GPA or MCAT scores to ensure the great possible chances of being admitted to medical school. 

Lecture 49 32:56

This lecture covers two alternative paths to Amercian medical schools. 

Lecture 50 08:08

This lecture provides a list of several foreign medical schools I personally recommend.

Full curriculum

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