This course is most effective if you begin using the tips and techniques right away. Learn how to take full advantage of this course. This lecture also covers additional tools included in the course, flexibility in lecture structure, and how to contact me for questions and comments.
Lecture 2 05:14I once thought introductions were up to other people, especially when entering an established group. Then one memorable night, I realized waiting for other people to build my relationships wasn't working. That night marked the beginning of my journey to learn how to introduce myself, develop relationships beyond "Hello, my name is..." and become a person who looks and acts like it all came naturally - even though it didn't. This lecture tells you my story of that transformational evening - and insight which will allow you to leap ahead of those mistakes and be successful right away.
Section 2: Assessment and Purpose Quiz 1Self-Reflection: Your Current Conversation Skills
Meeting people and developing strong relationships works better when both parties benefit. When your intent is to develop an authentic connection and become better acquainted with people you truly want to know better, it's much easier to introduce yourself and engage in conversation. This lecture focuses on the key goal of a professional or personal relationship.
- Section 3: Initiating an Introduction and First Conversation Lecture 4 04:32
Anyone can learn these skills. I will show you step-by-step how to initiate a conversation and give you example questions for breaking the ice and starting a good discussion. Self-introduction and opening lines are the first steps to starting and maintaining a first conversation.
This lecture shows you a simple method you can use to introduce yourself. By following this method, you will find it easier to be the hero and initiate a conversation, show genuine interest in the other person, and have a better chance at remembering their name. There is a downloadable file attached with "opening lines" - examples of what you can say after you've introduced yourself.
Lecture 5 07:08What if the other party does not give their name, or worse, what if you forget their name?! This lecture gives you tips on how and when to ask the other party their name, whether or not the other party gave it to you at your introduction.
Once you've introduced yourself, you need to be ready to initiate a conversation and begin building rapport. The initial conversation is the beginning of "Know, Like, and Trust" in your new relationship. Also included in this lecture are 3 easy tips for knowing what to say next.
Lecture 6 02:03Just saying "Hello" and allowing yourself to be part a conversation can change your life for the better. My friend, Ellen, found herself unexpectedly in a conversation with a stranger - which transformed into a strong business referral alliance. Listen to this short lecture to hear a true life story of how one conversation can change your life!
Section 4: Continuing Conversations and Building A Relationship Lecture 7 09:28Continuing a conversation with ease means finding additional topics to talk about once the first ones run their course. Avoid an awkward lull and instead expertly move to new topics using any of the four techniques taught in this lecture. With these conversational tools at your disposal, you will easily keep the conversation flowing and find yourself moving from strangers to acquaintances and beyond.
Quiz 2Time for Action: Places to practice meeting people... and start relationships!
There is a give and take feeling to a good conversation, where both parties learn something about the other, share their views, and begin to reveal their personalities. This lecture shows you how to ensure both of you contribute to the conversation and hear what the other party has to say. Common mistakes are revealed and solutions offered, so your conversations will grow new relationships in a positive way.
Lecture 9 05:36Sometimes your conversation partner doesn't say a whole lot. This lecture gives you tips on how to draw out more conversation in a natural, comfortable way. Your conversation partner may need more time to feel comfortable talking, and you can use these tips to ease the way.
Section 5: Pitfalls and Conversational Quicksand Lecture 10 04:12Once you start a conversation, you want to steer clear of topics which can bring it to a halt or reflect on you poorly. You might not think you would ever choose a poor topic, but it's easier to do than you may realize. In your first conversations with people, there are a few topics to avoid. This lecture covers five of them and also gives you a strategy for moving the conversation away from a poor topic if you find your partner heading there.
Lecture 11 02:45There is more than one way to ask a question. Innocently making assumptions in the way you word your question can lead to awkward moments and conversation derailments. Review this lecture for tips on how to keep from putting your foot in your mouth when it comes to ordinary questions.
Section 6: Exiting a conversation with grace and style. Leave your partner wanting more. Lecture 12 02:02If you've ever found yourself clinging to one person for the entire event, then you know you are guilty of staying in one conversation too long. Conversely, have you ever been the person trapped by someone who will not stop talking? There is a way to transition out without being a jerk. Reach your objectives for meeting people and building relationships without being mired in one conversation until the event is over.
Lecture 13 05:04Leave your conversational partner with a positive feeling about you, themselves, and your conversation. This lecture focuses on three key points for exiting a conversation smoothly and gives you a downloadable list of handy exit lines.
Lecture 14 03:38Do you want more techniques for how to exit a conversation or segue into a new one? Sometimes you want to keep talking to one person while meeting more people. Other times, it just feels better to make sure your conversation partner isn't left standing on their own. This lecture helps you continue talking, meet new people, or exit a conversation without leaving your partner on their own.
Section 7: Summary and Additional Resources: You know what to do, so go meet people! Lecture 15 01:31This lecture is a quick summary of the key ideas in this course. Use it to lock in what you learned. You have the tools and techniques you need to meet new people and build the relationships you seek.
Lecture 16Additional resources for meeting people and developing strong relationships
The handshake is typical of an American greeting and can give a lasting impression to your handshake recipient. Many times people are unsure how to give a good handshake. This bonus lecture explains the fundamentals of a good handshake as well as addressing common mistakes. See if you are guilty of any of the common mistakes or if you are already a handshaking pro! Either way, you will benefit from a review of a good handshake technique.
Full curriculumBuild professional and personal friendships with easy introductions, interesting conversation tips, and graceful exits.
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Lorrie Hess Meet People! .for business success and lifelong friendship