Remember Names and Faces - Udemy

For over 25 years Damian Andrews has been a study of peak performance in human behaviour. In varying careers from the Defence Force to Marketing and TV to Accounting and Law to Construction to name a few, the skills of peak performance have been refined, honed and tuned on a perpetual continual improvement quest.

A full time career started at 18, leaving school and joining the Army for term of 4 years in which many personal limits were broken. Many of todays corporate boot camp training experiences were part of daily life, from rock climbing, parachuting, submarines and physically pushing the bodys limits beyond what was believed could be achieved.

Down time was used to study under such teachers as Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Dr Wayne Dyer and others. These teachers laid the foundation of knowledge for future development.

After the Army, the next challenge was mining in remote North Western Australia. A barren land where temperatures could fluctuate from below zero to scorching heat in one day. However to keep people motivated, fit and healthy, Damian set out and ran physical training and mind awareness sessions at the camp sites gym.

Returning home, formal university study was undertaken in the field of accounting and law. Shortly after commencement, employment with a corporate recovery firm was attained. This position involved the management of a variety of financially distressed companies requiring exceptional personnel management skills.

The next step was out on ones own as an advisor providing both commercial and contract management expertise to the building and construction industry. Fulfilling direct on the job engagements plus also presenting training on various topics, delivering knowledge in person to both small and large listed companies.

In 2013 Damian jointly founded Adrenalin Arena, Victorias first commercially viable indoor radio control car racing facility.

Launched in 2014 Damian is the Founder and CEO of Infinity Loop, a company dedicated to personal and organisations peak performance.

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US Memory Champion On How To Remember Names, Faces - Forbes. 23 Mar 2012 Taking time out of his rigorous training, How to Memorize Names and Faces - Udemy.

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How to remember names and faces - Build Your Memory
How to remember names and faces. To remember the name of a dimpled young lady named Miss Standwick, you could try picturing her face,

Names And Faces
Remembering names is a valuable asset in both the business and Learning only the techniques to remember names and faces is not

Remember Names and Faces - Memorise
In order to remember names AND FACES YOU NEED 5 THINGS: 1.

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How to Remember Names and Faces: 5 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Remember Names and Faces. When a person has a difficult time remembering the names and faces of people they meet, they are not alone.

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The Five Best Tricks To Remember Names
Studies show that most adults struggle to remember names, yet we know how good it feels when people remember ours.

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