Changing Career - Learn How to Change Career

Tom Cassidy - Internationally Published Author, Thought Engineer, Reasonable Polymath, using algorithms to help people crack the deepest issues of their lives: self-worth, self-belief, goal-achieving, feeling good, achieving sustainable health and deeply fulfilling relationships.

My mantra is: 'Feel Good. Do Stuff.'

Life's not about meditating on the top of a mountain in Nepal, feeling great, achieving enlightenment for yourself...

And it's definitely not about going through life doing things, without having awareness, being busy, achieving a lot but not being mindful of the bigger picture.

It's about both.

Feel good. Do Stuff.

Feel great about yourself, about life, the universe and everything, but do loads of things as well. Have a family, run a business, learn Italian, travel the world, change the world - Do Stuff.

I mean, why not?

I've spent the last 20+ years combining the wisdom of hundreds of years of the study of global philosophies, human effectiveness, modern findings of behavioural science, recent breakthroughs in the understanding of brain physiology and even the results of quantum mechanics into practical systems for getting things done.

Systems based on practical algorithms of thought and of operation. Algorithms that are easy enough for most people to do just as they are, without having to change any aspect of their life. 'Reasonable Algorithms for Reasonable People.'

My signal achievement is applying the concept of 'One Thing At A Time' to getting what you want out of life. It's a system that takes monotasking to a new level and most importantly works with a minimum of willpower.

You still need to do the work. But the willpower you need to get the results is almost certainly the lowest you've ever used for achieving anything in your life, ever.

Please feel free to connect with me however best suits you. I'm always open to exploring ideas either virtually or in person.

All the best


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