Create an Irresistible Resume That Lands You a $100K+ Job

Give me 60 minutes, and I will change your life and your career.

I am an Amazon best-selling author, technology entrepreneur, career transformation coach and a priority management ninja.

Over the last fifteen years, I have worked with large corporations and small startups advising them on technology strategies for success. In the process, I have led large teams and managed complex programs. During this period, I have interviewed thousands of individuals, hired hundreds of them and in process scanned and read many thousand resumes.

When it comes to resumes, I know what works and what doesn't.

I'm a career success insider. Only an insider can tell you what happens on the inside. Learn the secrets of why some people are wildly successful in their careers from an expert, and accelerate your own professional success.

I have researched and experimented with the dynamics of priority management for more than a decade, and have developed unique insights that anyone can use to accomplish more of their personal priorities every day.

My research in the area of priority management led to write and publish my Amazon #1 best-selling book, "Done! The Art of Managing Priorities".

I am the creator of Done! Principles, a set of immutable principles which empower you to reach your goals and realize your full potential by intensely focusing on your priorities.

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