It's always nice to get to know a bit about the teacher, don't you think? Here I share a little about myself and why I'm so very passionate about health, wellness and longevity. And for more information about me you are welcome to visit my websites and
I know that my passion for wellness and healthy living has helped me lengthen my telomeres. (I talk more about telomeres in lecture #5.) That's why I look and feel so much younger than my actual chronological age.
You be the judge.
There are so many benefits to following the information in this course. A few things I've experienced are healthy weight, clear skin, lots of energy, uninterrupted sleep, less colds, less cavities, and did I mention lots of energy? I actually feel younger than I did in my twenties. Seriously!
By doing all the things I recommend in this course I have been able to have the telomeres of a 27 year old even though I am over 50. Yeah... this stuff is powerful and it works!
YAY! Are you ready to begin a program that can literally change your life? Are you ready to feel and look younger? Are you ready to enjoy better health and well-being? Well... let's go!
This is the standard legal disclaimer I include whenever I publish anything having to do with health and wellness.
Biology was not my best subject in school. However, I find telomeres fascinating and explain them in this video in simple terms. It's important to understand how this tiny section of your DNA can help you live a long, healthy and vibrant life.
And if you want to see another video I created about telomeres, you can check it out here:
Did you know that being creative and doing things you love can actually help rewire your brain? That's right. One of the ways you can feel younger is by being more creative. Check out some of the things you can do...
There is scientific evidence that proves laughing keeps you healthy.That's why it's good to practice it every single day! Are ya with me? ROFL
Photo credit for laughing baby photo: Cheryl Jacobs Nicolai
I believe in keeping a positive attitude. But I know sometimes life can get a little challenging. That's why I share positive quotes and pictures daily for people around the internet. (I have over 33,000 followers on my Facebook page alone.) I've been told that they are uplifting and inspiring. You can see them on these sites:
My Quote Gallery:
Did you know that kindness can actually slow the aging process. Yuppers! There's plenty of health benefits for practicing kindness and compassion. Check them out...
Managing (and minimizing) stress has actually been proven to help repair your telomeres. Hello! That's what we're talking about here. Let's get that stress under control so we can get long and healthy telomeres.
I love reconnecting to my childlike nature. I love to see the world through the eyes of a child. Keeping that sense of youthfulness is what the power of lalala is all about.
I actually dedicate a whole chapter to staying childlike in my book, The Mustard Seed Way. It is available on Amazon if you are interested. Here's the link for the ebook: The Mustard Seed Way ebook
We often forget that the way we age is directly connected to our thought processes about aging. If we think we're going to get old, decrepit and senile then there's a good chance we will. But, if we keep a fresh, youthful and vibrant energy about ourselves the results are remarkable. I give you some real life examples of people who have defied aging. I think you will know most of them.
Exercise is so important for staying young, healthy, vibrant and alive. You have to move those muscles and get your body moving. Now, you don't have to look like a body builder (unless you want to) but you really do need to get your heart rate up and sweat a little bit. I'll share some of my tips and suggestions about staying fit through exercise.
Come on! I'll show you my gym and some of the exercise equipment I use on a regular basis. It's kinda like a field trip. Remember those?
Thousands of people around the world have been reading my blog post about drinking lemon water. If you want to check it out, here's the link
There are soooo many benefits to drinking plenty of water every day. So listen to this video and check out the blog, too. And if you get a chance, read the comments below the blog as lots of people share their experience with drinking lemon water every day.
Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body. That's when your body relaxes and repairs itself. Are you getting enough sleep? Is you room conducive to a restful eight hours? Listen in a get some tips on how to get the best night's sleep possible.
I love to smile! Don't you? And dental health has been directly linked to your overall health. So it pays to take good care of your teeth and gums.
After I shot this video, I found a way to create my own toothpaste. I wrote about it in this blog post. It is simple and all natural. Enjoy! Make Your Own Toothpaste
I think our diet is the cornerstone to our overall health and wellness. My personal choice is to eat a high-raw, vegan diet. We even grow lots of our own organic fruits and vegetables on our farm.
If you'd like to hear more about why I became vegan, please check out this video:
And if you'd like to see where we grow some of our veggies, take a look at this video I created in our garden:
I do love green smoothies! Have you tried them yet?
If you'd like to read a blog I wrote about them, here it is:
YUP! It's another field trip. This time we go into the kitchen and make a green smoothie together. If you like kitchen/recipe videos, here's a link for another video where I make homemade hemp seed milk. It's yummy and nutritious.
I am often asked how I keep my skin looking so youthful. My main secret is using products that are as natural as possible. I even make some of my own right in my own kitchen. This year I will be experimenting more with creating moisturizers and cleansers. If you'd like to see what I'm doing, feel free to sign up for my newsletter on
If you're watching this video you already know how important learning is to staying sharp. That's awesome news because it means you are one step closer to having a vibrant, active and youthful mind. WOOHOO!
I am very sensitive to many chemicals so I always look for cleaning products that are as natural as possible. I even wrote a blog about keeping your workplace as free of toxins as possible. Since I worked for many years in a corporate environment I know how challenging that can be. Feel free to read my suggestions here:
This is the lecture where I get to do a little fashion show for you. LOL... Yup, we go into my closet to see lots of the natural clothing I wear on a regular basis. By wearing natural fibers I am doing something good for myself and for the planet. (Less toxins all around!) And, natural fiber clothing is available for both men and women. So even though I am only showing you my side of the closet, my husband also has environmentally conscious clothing on his side.
I cannot emphasize how important it is to get rid of the junk in your life in order to stay happy and healthy. I've talked about this in several of my lectures and even have a youtube video I did on the topic. If you want to check it out, here's the link:
Meditation is very important in my life and the studies are showing that it has many health benefits. I encourage you to find time on a regular basis to meditate. And if you would like to get more information, I dedicate a whole chapter to the topic in my book. Wholarian Vision. It is available on Amazon and here's the link for the Wholarian Vision ebook
You can also see an interview I did with my husband, Peter Ragnar. He is also a big believer in meditation. The link for our youtube video is here:
In this video I speak about the supplements I was taking at that time of the recording. The list changes as my needs change. Sometimes I remove or add a supplement according to what my body needs and/or according to research I've done. I also get micro-nutrient blood testing done occasionally to see if I have any deficiencies.
I say all this because it is important to do your own research on this topic. Every body is different. You need to figure out what is best for your body and lifestyle. What works for me may not be ideal for you.
Since I am not a doctor, I am only sharing this information from my personal experience. Do your research and see what works best for you.
Surround yourself with people who support you and have your highest good in their hearts. This is an important key to living a long, happy and healthy life.
The tips and secrets I've shared with you may not all be a perfect fit for you. Remember to always do what's right for you and your journey. Take ownership of this amazing adventure. And above all, enjoy you life and love yourself. You are worth it.
You are always welcome to get my latest updates and newsletters on and
I am so grateful that you chose to watch this program and learn ways to stay more healthy, vibrant and youthful. I appreciate the time you took to watch this program and learn along with me. Thank you!
Okay... this makes me laugh every time I watch it. Watch me goof up and meet my cats, too!
Cut Your Age in Half! How I Did It And You Can, cut my age in half with test to turn your life around so you can feel younger and healthier, too.
Intro to my online course Cut Your Age in Half: How I Did It and You Can, Too!
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