How To Dream Big And Make It Happen

Section 1: UNDERSTANDING YOUR TRUE DESIRES Lecture 1 04:49 Lecture 2 15:58

I will take you through an exercise that will help you get a clear idea of what your life can be. We all want great things but we rarely allow ourselves to chase them. In this exercise, we will imagine what you truly desire despite what you already have and do. No limits, we are giving it all to your imagination.

Lecture 3 02:49

In the previous exercise you created a long list of your life desires. In this part we will go deeper into understanding which ones are the most important to you and organize you list based on priorities.

Lecture 4 05:53

We will do one more, extremely important, thing with your list of your goals. We will analyse your desires and see how much of them are linked to your job. There is a simple calculation that helps you understand how big of a part of your life your work should be and this is what we will do in this part.

Lecture 5 07:19

Now that you've done the exercise, we will look at the process. We will discuss a totally new way of looking at goals. Forget what you studied in your management class. Ideas like SMART limit you. Here we will discuss how to set your goals so that they fulfil your potential.

Section 2: EFFECTIVE PLANNING Lecture 6 01:06

Welcome to the second part of the course, Planning. We will discuss the importance of this step into achieving big goals. But don't worry, you're not gonna find here any boring traditional planning tools. We will go through some of the most fun ideas and tools that will effective boost your productivity and help you grow.

Lecture 7 06:51

In this part we will uncover one simple technique so you will never feel overwhelmed by your to-do list. This one technique will speed up your progress, help you make the most of your time and leave you enough of free time to do whatever you want to.

Lecture 8 10:04

I will take you through the process of planning your daily priorities. I will help you connect what you do every day to your life desires to make sure your energy and time go to what is truly important to you. We will do on the example of one of your goals, so that at the end of this video, you will have your plan ready.

Lecture 9 07:32

For a better understanding of a process of creating your Top 5, here we will analyse one example of turning a big goal into monthly, weekly and daily goal. This will help you understand and practice it so it becomes very natural and fast to you.

Lecture 10 04:05

Every person plays a series of social roles in their lives. In this video we will look at what your roles are. It is essential for the next exercise.

Lecture 11 08:31

Now that you have your list of your social roles, we will learn how to plan in respect of them. We will look at techniques to allow you grow as a person in each area of your life that is important to you. I will also introduce you to some of my favorite planning tools and software to make your life easier.

Lecture 12 04:37

At this point of the course, you might start wishing for more time to be able to accomplish all the big goals you set for yourself. And this is what we're going to do now: find more time! We will do a fun exercise to help you analyze how you spend your time now to reclaim the time that is being wasted.

Lecture 13 16:43

In this part we will discuss the results of the exercise we did in the previous video. We will look at which of your social roles you are neglecting and give you 6 simple ways to regain the time you need for every social role that's important to you.

Lecture 14 02:45

Discover one easy technique that will make the biggest impact on your progress towards making your dreams come true. It's super simple to apply and you will see results after a few days already.

Lecture 15 05:28

We all have that one hour during the day when we are at our best. Here we will discuss how you can find that hour. You will also learn 7 ways to making the most of that time.

Section 3: MANAGING YOUR ENERGY Lecture 16 08:22

Welcome to the third part of this course, Managing Your Energy. In this part we are discussing the importance of taking adequate care of yourself and how your health is affecting everything you do in life.

Lecture 17 02:05

We all have a limited supply of energy - energy that makes us alive, and gets us going. Unfortunately, in our hectic times, people rarely manage their energy properly. As an effect, they feel tired, overwhelmed, stressed. Here I will introduce you to 4 sources of your energy before we move on to discussing each one of them.

Lecture 18 15:47

Your physical energy is the base for everything. It is your main battery. And so in this video we will look into 4 areas of your life that are the main sources of this energy. We will discuss simple tricks and good habits to help you always have a lot of physical energy for anything that you're doing.

Lecture 19 09:44

Emotional energy is the second type of energy. Our hectic lifestyle make us stretch it so much, that instead of feeling energised, we feel exhausted. In this part we will discuss how this type of energy works and what you can do to balance it and draw from it whenever you need to.

Lecture 20 07:14

This type of energy is the energy we need the most when we work. For this reason it's also the energy we tend to overuse the most. And so we hit moments at work when we can't focus and get easily distracted.

In this part we will discuss how to efficiently use our mental energy and stay productive for longer hours.

Lecture 21 08:12

Spiritual energy is the last, fourth type. It's the vastest and deepest source of energy. We will discuss how to activate it so it helps us achieve our goals, no matter what we encounter on the way.

Lecture 22 07:15

Now that you know about all 4 types of energy, we will move into how to properly manage them. Our energy is limited and if used incorrectly, we will end up burning out. In this video you will discover a secret to staying energised and positive the whole day, for as long as you need and want.

Lecture 23 18:50

We've discussed the importance of breaks and how they can help you stay energised. However, for breaks to do it, they need to be strategically designed into your day. And so in this part we will discuss a few rules to break. You will also learn about 5 most energising breaks ideas.

Section 4: CRAFTING YOUR PERSONAL MISSION Lecture 24 08:24

Welcome to the final part of this course, Crafting Your Personal Mission.

In this video we will discuss the idea of having your own personal mission in life, no matter what you do. You will go through a fun easy exercise to understand how your perception impacts your reality. We will use it for the rest of the course.

Lecture 25 08:29

In this video you will hear a story that represents just how powerful our thoughts are. We will discuss how thinking in a positive or negative way affects what we accomplish. This is essential for anybody looking to making their dreams come true.

Lecture 26 07:50

In this video you will go through an exercise to help you find your unique talent and purpose in life. It is easier that you think!

Lecture 27 05:38

You will experience a great exercise in this video. At the end of it, you will have a clear idea of your direction in life. It will help you understand where your purpose in life lies.

Lecture 28 05:07

This exercise is designed to let you look deep into your heart and understand what your main values in life are. You will be given a chance to write your life the way you want, and the way you want to be thought of.

Lecture 29 02:26

In this video we will touch on the results of the previous exercise. It is a very important step on your journey and I want you to have a clear understanding of what you discovered about yourself.

Lecture 30 15:49

Now that you've gone through all the exercises to help you find your life purpose, it's time to finally live it! We will discuss 3 areas to help you make that happen.

We will also create a personal map of your dreams. It's something you will keep afterwards and might just turn to be your new favorite thing in your house.

Lecture 31 17:13

Discover 8 tools and techniques to apply and leverage in your life to help you live according to your values and life purpose. They are your shortcuts to making your biggest and most exciting dreams come true.

Section 5: APPENDIX Lecture 32

Recommended Time Planning Tools

Text Lecture 33 5 pages Lecture 34

Healthy Eating - Recepies

13 pages Lecture 35

Recommended Meditation Programs

Text Lecture 36

Recommended Relaxing Music

Text Lecture 37

Recommended Visualisation Techniques

Text Lecture 38

Recommended Qi Gong Routines

Text Lecture 39

Recommended Vision Board Tool

Text Full curriculum

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What am I going to get from this course? Over 39 lectures and 4.5 hours of content! Encourage you to dream big; You will learn planning and time management tools so

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Monica Y. Craig | Dream Big & Make It Happen!
My challenge for you is to dream big. I want you to dream of epic accomplishments and adventures. Dreams orchestrate the possibilities of how things can be.

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