How To Self Heal Worry

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is a soul leader, a world-renowned master healer, and a divine servant. He is the creator of Soul Mind Body Medicine®. He was trained as a conventional medical doctor in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Canada and China.

The founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and the Love Peace Harmony Movement, Master Sha is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including qi gong, tai chi, kung fu, feng shui, and the I Ching. Master Sha is also an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China. In the West he is involved in breakthrough research on the effects of spirit on the human system.

Master Sha was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong. In 2006 he was honored with the prestigious Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for his humanitarian efforts. Master Sha is featured in the documentary film, Soul Masters. Master Sha is dedicated to transforming the consciousness of humanity, in order to create love, peace, and harmony for humanity and Mother Earth. His New York Times bestselling Soul Power Series books reveal soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to transform every aspect of life. His Soul Healing Miracles Series releases sacred wisdom, practical techniques, and extraordinary blessings to empower humanity and all souls to create their own soul healing miracles to transform all life.

E-learning courses are offered on Udemy by Dr. and Master Sha and his Worldwide Representatives whom he has trained personally.

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