How to Think Outside the Box: Recipes for Fresh Thinking

Section 1: The Flavours of Thought Lecture 1 07:20 Nothing in this course is necessarily true.

In fact, little of it is proven or even provable. Yet it's the kind of stuff which we sense is intrinsically real.

Indeed, the concepts in this course are intrinsic to our very own nature as this is a course about thought and about what and how we think. The aim of this course is simple; just to get people thinking in a fresh way about thinking.

Thinking about our thinking isnt easy. Imagine if a tyre knew it had a puncture and was able to repair itself while still travelling, at speed, down the fast lane of a highway. This would be a wonderful invention but obviously you ought to stop and make that tyre change.

Similarly, this book is a pit stop for your thoughts; somewhere to pause and take a breather for a while to work out what you are thinking.

What is remarkable is that, by thinking about our thoughts in a whole new way, we can change our understanding and our very nature. What's more, we don't have to be prescriptive about exactly how we think about thoughts.

Just thinking about them in a different way is enough to generate a new perspective.

The metaphor - and conceit - used here to generate this change in perspective is to look at thoughts as possessing different qualities - or flavours.

Furthermore by combining different flavours of thoughts in various combinations - or recipes - we can achieve a transformation in our thinking such that any issue can be resolved and any opportunity capitalised upon.

Remarkably, we go about our days not giving a second thought to our thoughts.

This is a bit of a shame as the way that we are thinking fundamentally affects how well our days go. This is not just about something as trivial as changing your outlook. For example, adopting either a glass half full or glass half empty mentality.

Your thoughts alter the world around you and your inner space too. It's even thought your thinking affects your health and it's certainly clear it can affect your demeanour which in turn can affect those around you.

What this cookbook contains we all know is true in our hearts and in our guts. It might not be fully understood by mainstream science but some enlightened thinkers are researching the mechanisms behind what is going on in our brains and minds.

The flavours used in this cookbook don't relate so much to those that we taste like sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, sourness and savouriness (or umami). The world of thought is much more aligned to the world of sub-atomic particles and quanta, as this is the level upon and at which it operates.

You cannot have a thought and think about it at the same time in the same way that you can't measure both a particle's position and momentum. That is, of course, only from our current space-time perspective.

The flavours we discuss here are strangely analogous to the flavours ascribed by quantum physicists to exotic, fundamental particles known as quarks. Quarks are thought to be the building blocks of protons and neutrons which, in turn, are the building blocks of atoms and all matter. It is somewhat ironic that, in many peoples minds, thoughts do not factor in this hierarchy although they are an integral part of it.

What is remarkable is how few ingredients we need to concoct gastronomic delights.

In total, this gives us 21 different flavour ingredients for the recipes that follow. I am sure there are more and many other ways to divide and describe them and I encourage you to think of some more of your own.
It's a bit mind boggling but just these 21 thought flavours can be combined into an amazing 51,090,942,171,709,440,000 possible recipes.

Now that's a lot of thinking in anyone's book.

Lecture 2 05:00 It is natural to assume that most thoughts are our own.

Why wouldn't they be?

This is of course both a fancy and delusion. The vast majority of the thoughts we have come from outside our bodies and our minds.

The clue, as ever, is in our language.

Off the top of my head.
At the back of my mind.
I had this great idea in the shower.

These are the signposts to the source and location of the universal mind stuff.
There's a model of the world that has been around for aeons where all thoughts, memories and wisdom, for everyone who has lived past, present or future, resides in a superconsciousness.

Jung popularised it as the Collective Unconscious. It has yet to be proven to exist but some scientists, like Rupert Sheldrake, have postulated it operates by using something he called morphic resonance. Ervin Lazlo calls it the i-Field, Information Field or Akashic Field.

It is woven into the fabric of major Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism and sometimes obfuscated in others.

Some people refer to it as God; others still as a place where messages can come from dear departed spirits or guides, angels and ascended masters.

It is thought that it exists outside our three dimensional world, packed into higher dimensions.

The existence of such a field could explain a lot like, trivially, how your dog knows you are coming home or how you knew someone was about to phone. It could also explain prescience and how you know things you could not possibly know. Hence it is attractive as a concept to both philosophers and charlatans alike.

We know when we receive one of these whispers yet they remain strangely undocumented and largely unrecognised for what they might be.

As nothing in this book is necessarily true, we can postulate that the brain is a transducer which taps into the superconsciousness. Perhaps tapping into the superconsciousness is the purpose of the 90% or so of the brain that doesn't appear to have a function - yet.

These whispers are the source of light bulb moments and precognition. They travel outside space and inside time.

They come in when we are least expecting them and in less than a second.

We might be day dreaming or just letting our mind wander while driving, walking the dog or washing up the dishes. In meditation and while dreaming, we are in the ideal mode to receive them. In both states, and certainly the latter, the message may come in the form of metaphor.

Some people get these whispers as a knowing; others as a voice, a sound or a vision; and some as a taste or even a smell. Most of us ignore them or are so busy that they are just swamped by the hustle and bustle of the day.

If we are lucky, we may get reminded of them.

Lecture 3 05:50 These types of thoughts are only unconscious insofar as their source is the non-self-aware aspect of our minds.

They emanate from mind centres outside our brains such as our gut and heart centres.

Our conscious mind has the tendency to both ignore and overrule them. Only when they get repeated or we make an error of judgement, do we remind ourselves to follow our heart or trust our gut next time.

When a snake charmer uses his hypnotic skills to charm the coiled snake from its basket. He exercises control so that the dangerous beast is not unleashed too quickly.

From the snakes perspective, the charmer merely gives the signal for it to rise from the basket. It does not have a sense that it is being charmed or controlled. If challenged though with a stick, it will retract from where it came.

These flavours of thought operate just below our conscious awareness. They emanate from the vestigial minds and enter our conscious awareness primarily through the right brain hemisphere. As such, they work holistically and, for the most time, unconsciously. When our left brain finally gets hold of them, it is accustomed to think that it came up with the ideas in the first place.

Our gut mind incidentally has the same number of neurons as a cats brain. It is in constant communication with the billions of neurons we carry around in our head.  

Although this communication is normally underneath the radar of our conscious awareness, it doesnt have to be once you tune into its signature.

We are only consciously aware of a few things each second and only one thought at a time. There are millions, if not billions, of signals coming from and through our unconscious mind each second.

Our task is to tune into the ones that matter. This is the difference between being lucky, alive, healthy and abundant - or not.

Recent magnetic image scanning shows that these types of gut- and heart-generated thoughts triggers neurological changes in our bodies 5 to 10 seconds before we are consciously aware of them.

It is they that really drive the bus.

They are always right.

When your gut warns you of something or your heart isnt in it, it is worth paying attention to these signals.

Lecture 4 07:05 These are the types of thoughts that mill around in our heads as internal dialogue and commentary. In the Eastern Tradition, they are known as the Monkey Mind.

They give rise to the illusion of self-awareness and the sense of ego. As such, they are simultaneously dangerous and yet amazingly magical.

The danger is that we can take ourselves far too seriously and delude ourselves as to our own self-importance.

The magic lies in the fact that self-propelled matter has incarnated with this ability.

Many people go about their days either going with the flow or settling for their lot. They completely take for granted the most amazing feat they perform each second. They completely overlook and ignore the fact that control of thought is the key to control of their lives.

Now there is nothing wrong with such ignorance and it can even be a nice way to be. If your head doesn't rise above the parapet, you won't get spotted.

Like a conductor leading an orchestra, the Direction requires a degree of holistic control and engagement with both the individual musicians and the audience.

These flavours come with a caveat.

In using them, something will happen in your world as a result. So if you are going to have thoughts based on them, it is wise to make them good ones.

Einstein was quoted as saying something like, Reality is an illusion; albeit a very persistent one.

We think our conscious mind is making decisions. Yet, as mentioned, it has been shown that there are changes in our neurology connected to actions we are about to take several seconds before we are consciously aware of them.

In which case, perhaps the role of our conscious self-awareness is more akin to that of an observer than a director or conductor.

Our inner dialogue then is more akin to a commentary.

So to become a good director, first you must become observant. You must become comfortable with that notion that most thoughts arent necessarily what we think of as our own.

You must learn to enjoy the ride and to take in the view before it passes you by completely.

Take a little time out to notice what youre not noticing.

Lecture 5 05:45 When I wrote the original book, Flavours of Thought, I had a light bulb moment that a new concept ought to be honoured with a new word - the flought was born.

flought: noun
1. the flavour of a thought
2. the flow of a thought
3. a flood of thoughts
4. a flurry of thought
5. the fluency of our thoughts
6. the flourish of a thought
7. a fluorescence of thought - aka a light bulb moment

As all matter has equivalent anti-matter as its counterpart, each flought has its opposite, or anti-flought, which represents the inability to taste that particular flavour of thought.

Section 2: Ethereal Whispers Lecture 6 05:51 Perception separates the lucky from the unlucky.

Perception means noticing but not acting. So today, just spend time observing and making note.

Pay attention to coincidences and people or events that kind of happen at random ...
... these are the ones that are important.

Perception is concerned with patterns. Our brains are holographic pattern recognition detectors.
If you detect three instances of something, it is time to take notice and act. If three people say read a book, buy it. If three people say you must meet so-and-so, go meet them.
The trinity is the key here and asks for completion.

Perception is also the initiator of change. It is a High Day indeed when you wake up and spot something new or that something is different. The coming day does not now have to be the same as the last. The old you has carried you well this far but now it is time for the new you to shine. Perception means noticing but not acting.


Beware of falling into the trap that the cards you have been dealt in life are all you have to play with. This is an illusion.

Don't be a busy fool; you will keep yourself from spotting the opportunities that abound.

Watch for the excuses for not following or realising your dreams.

Lecture 7 05:30 Excitation calls for you to be a tower of strength and moderation.

While it is easy to get over excited, excitement should not be quashed, it should be encouraged.
The trick though is to channel and focus your enthusiasm. Stay excited by all means but take a breath before action.

Excitation may be stirred by perception. One of the clues from this is that adjacent flavours both influence each other and stir each other into your consciousness. For example, if you perceive something new, it's natural you next get excited about it. The secret is not to act in haste, take some time to prepare the right environment to germinate your crop.

Excitation happens in a flash and is intoxicating.
When you get a new idea in, it is tempting to drop everything you are working on.
This can result in a trail of unfinished business.
Next time an idea of this nature comes in, take a breath, let it simmer for a while and bring it to the boil slowly.
This way the dish will taste that much better.


Fear of ridicule and failure stop excitation in its tracks.
Fear of the unknown and success generate avoidance tactics. The busy fool of anti-perception raises its head.
Watch for the Billy-No-Mates and the naysayers, they are drains and absorbers of your excitement.

Lecture 8 04:25 Germination is about having just the right conditions for your excitations.

If you have poor seed stock, they won't grow.
If you have soil with no nutrients, they won't grow.
If you don't give them enough water, they won't grow.
If they don't see the light, they won't grow.
The seeds of your hopes, dreams and thoughts need just the right conditions.

Fruitful germination relies on healthy seed stock.
Intelligent timing and selection of what you are planting is crucial.
The plans and ideas you grow should be free of any wrong intent and only hold the aim of pure outcome.
The right seed chosen in this manner will blossom and lead to full harvests.

Germination relies on good timing and synchronicity.
When you are in tune, you become unstoppable.
Get out of sync and everything just becomes hard work.
Slowing down is the new speeding up.
Take a break; catch a breath; shoot the breeze - and watch it all come to you.

Germination is a turning point in the natural rhythm of death and life.
It represents the point of incarnation for a new soul cycle.
Each new seed bears both the legacy and intrinsic knowledge of its forebears.
It also comes pre-loaded with a new evolutionary mission.

If your initiatives are taking too much effort, you will see the fruits of your labours withering and dying.
You will experience a sense of déjà vu around repeated un-success.
You struggle to get things off the ground.

Lecture 9 05:30 Reception requires a quiet mind. Internal chatter, whilst being one of the neatest tricks the Universe has pulled off, also creates interference.

Meditation is the key here - ideally daily. If you have to have an addiction, this should be it. It will extend your life by at least 10 times the time it takes to do it.
For this reason, saying you dont have enough time to meditate is a nonsense. It would be more accurate to say, dont meditate and you will lose time.
The gems of what you receive in this space would take hours, weeks, months, years or even whole lifetimes to come along any other way.

Reception means you accept most thoughts are not your own. Before we gained self-awareness we seamlessly connected with the universal mind-stuff. This connection is still active.
Our inner mind chatter gives us the illusion that ethereal whispers are internally generated.
Pay attention to the source and direction of your thoughts.

Reception is the art of not-thinking. The normal human mind only allows us to have one thought at a time. Note though that this is not a given. Just 5 to 10 minutes meditative space each day is the only investment needed to transform your mind - and your world. A walk in nature, in a park or by water is as good as holding a mudra or chanting a mantra.

Reception is the landing place for inspiration. Ideas are coming our way 24 hours a day and even while we sleep.
If we maintain a mind full of internal chatter, there is no space for them to land.
Treasure all that comes in and take time and consideration to decipher the metaphors presented to you.

Avoid transmitting constantly and those that do so.
Observe those who talk and don't listen - and yourself. Notice when your eyes are pointing downwards, your jaw is tense and your tongue is touching the roof of your mouth.
Beware and be aware of being excessively concerned about the future and obsessively reflective of the past.

Lecture 10 04:46 Collection without purpose creates a desert.

Collections are to be treasured not hoarded. Imagine if you were the only person able to enjoy them when there are millions more that could both gain from them and add value to them.
You never know, that missing piece might just appear from nowhere or from a benefactor.
If you let the world share what you have amassed, just imagine if your thing of beauty could be even more beautiful still.

Collection creates a natural pause before concocting the most perfect recipe.
So, before you start to cook, it's a good idea to lay out all the ingredients before you to make sure you've got everything you need.
Next you set them out in the order you will use them, weigh them out and prep them. A little time spent up front pays huge dividends down the line.

Collection exposes inter-connectivity.
All things are connected even if, at first, we cannot see the links.
By being patient and steadily gathering and grouping, we see where everything fits.
The patterns emerge when you are not looking and they are not necessarily what we first think.

Collections become new entities in themselves.
The richness evoked by collective nouns is a testimony to this.
A muse of capons and parliament of owls brings new wisdom as to why they came together in the first place.
Look at what you have collected so far, rise way above it and give it a name of your own.

Be aware if you find things slip from your grasp easily - money, friends, relationships.
In your jigsaw of life, count the missing pieces. Do they mean you can't appreciate the whole image yet?
Don't be afraid to horde for a while before acting.

Lecture 11 04:35 Extension takes what you already have and builds on it.

Many personal growth systems throw the baby out with the bath water.  Why not simply take the good work that is already in you and make it even better? To do this write down three things you are really good at and three things you really like doing. Now think of three ways each that they could do them even better and three ways each you could spend more time doing them. Do this simple task daily and watch your fortunes change out of all recognition.

Extension allows you to reach out to places you have never been.
Once you make the stretch, things will never be the same again. Your wisdom, experience and the collective consciousness will have changed in some way.
Every day, in some small way, make a change; make a new connection; do something differently. The world around you will change in proportion to your actions.

Extensions need careful planning.
The best extensions use the minimal amounts of materials and cause the least disruption. If you find the planning authorities are making it difficult for you, then there is almost certainly an easier way.
By finding the path of least resistance and effort, you grow in both stature and wisdom.

Extension means augmenting what exists and making it even better.
It is more remarkable that things work than that they dont work.
Indeed, it is incredible that we are even alive and sentient enough that I am able to write this and you are capable of reading it.

When the walls you have already built are crumbling, you will notice the foundations you previously built on were unsound.
People will block your path and disagree with your plans.
You will feel usurped and undermined at every step.

Lecture 12 04:45 Comprehension is about knowing but not knowing why you know.

Not all thoughts are generated in our brains. Many come from our heart and gut minds.
These are always right and worth paying attention to.
Some come from the Collective and you may find yourself saying things like, "From the top of my head."
Together, thoughts external to our brain, are referred to as claircogniscence - if you like, a knowing.
Tuning into this natural source of wisdom will pay untold dividends.

Comprehension is the reason we are here.
Without the inclusion of consciousness and comprehension, the so-called laws of physics simply won't add up. There will always be missing dark matter or the fudge factor of a cosmological constant.
Understanding is the name of the game. Reverse engineering of our very own nature is what we are here to do.

Comprehension allows you to make step changes.
When the context of understanding comes our way, we comprehend the function of the wood at the same time that we see the individual nature of the trees.
Every leaf, branch, trunk and root has both individual and collective meaning.

Comprehension allows you to grow exponentially.
When you grasp something completely new, it puts a whole new context on many things. Old thinking collapses like rows of tumbling dominoes to allow a clear deck for new understanding to emerge.
You kick yourself for not thinking this way earlier but now cant put the genie back in the box.
Onwards and upwards is the new clarion call.

The opposite of knowing is sticking your head in the sand.
It's about being a victim and letting the world happen around you and to you.
It is about not asking why and being happy with the cards you have been dealt.

Lecture 13 40:08 Download this MP3 file if you want to listen to all the lectures about Ethereal Whispers on your MP3 player, smartphone or tablet computer. Note that it is safe to listen to these while driving as there is no hypnotic language or brain entrainment music to alter your state of consciousness. Lecture 14 11:00
This visualization will connect you with your creative muse and help you tune into the ethereal whispers.

It takes your consciousness on a journey outside your cognitive lobes and connects you with the collective mind.

Do not listen to this while driving or operating machinery.

Section 3: Unconscious Murmurs Lecture 15 05:33 Moderation is about taking a pause for breath before taking action.

When you take that next breath, the manner of inhalation and exhalation is important.
The out breath should be taken with thanks and grace to Mother Earth for grounding.
On the in breath, pay particular attention to flow of your thoughts.
The next thoughts you have in this manner are gifts - treat them as such.

Moderation is about patience and control. Specifically it's about controlling any impatience. What is on path for us will appear in just the perfect time. Diversions and interruptions serve only to teach us to recognise when we get back on that path by reminding us what its like when we are off it. By taking time, you will not only save time but enjoy the journey that much more.

Moderation means not to consume more than you need.
This is not about frugality, it is about balance. When your outputs and inputs balance, flow becomes perfect. Opportunities and learnings all start to arrive at the perfect time with minimal effort.
You can then focus on just Adding Value. Fears of how to feed, clothe and nurture yourself and your family vapourise. This is true abundance.

Moderation is also about consumption of just the right things at the perfect time.
It is all too easy to overindulge ourselves on food, knowledge, entertainment or relationships.
Taking on board just what you need allows space for even more and even better things to arrive.
Miss out that starter, just enjoy the main course and you will leave space for the most delicious dessert.

The phrase "fools rush in" implies acting without moderation.
If you find yourself having to repeat work or tasks, imagine how useful that pause for breath and some '20:20 hindsight' might have been.
Watch again you don't become a busy fool.

Lecture 16 06:00 Isolation is about seeing individual trees in the woods.

There are two aspects to this flought. The first is to recognise each tree as an individual with its own attributes and needs. Then, together in the wood, each tree then combines to form the whole.
This is a collective community which provides mutual protection, growth and symbiosis in its own ecosystem. Both views are necessary and must be simultaneously held from a position of both detachment and engagement.

Isolation allows you to reap what you have sown. There comes a time that you must gather in what you have planted.
Furthermore, it is vital to store your crop so it provides sustenance over the coming period. Be inventive on how you use it.
Use some as your staple food and use some in new recipes. Take the cream of the crop for your new seed stock.

Isolation gives the perfect marriage of objectivity and subjectivity. See your Heart as the pivot point not your brain. Take guidance from your gut and ask Mother Earth if it is safe.
Consult with your guides and angels. Then ask yourself are you in love with what ever it is you are thinking about.
Only if you get the go ahead from all minds, it is then time to act.

Isolation is a re-treat not a retreat.
Much insight, or inner-sight, can be gained from the re-insertion of a hyphen into a concatenated word.
Re-treating is not about going backwards, it is about gathering your strength and re-positioning yourself.
From a position of objectivity, a new level of subjectivity is attainable.

You can be the life and soul of the party, yet, when it ends, no friends are around.
You continually seek a buzz, want the latest gadgets and can't sit still.
Happiness and contentment eludes you. It's time for that re-treat.

Lecture 17 06:30
Replication is about having a perfect sense of timing.

Those that master this art appear to be lucky.
This luck does not simply happen to them. They create it.
Furthermore, they create just what they need just at the time they need it.
This system in manufacturing businesses is called "Just In Time".
The same system in life is "Being In Flow".
The key to getting in flow is paying respect and attention to karma, the breath and the Light.

Replication is about ebb and flow.
We are subject to natural rhythms.
Resist them and life becomes tough.
Work with them and you become unstoppable and will roll downhill with gravity assisting you.

Replication is about reproduction with enhancement.
If you find yourself copying or emulating, always add a little of your own sparkle.
This applies to your own work and that of others.
By incrementally enhancing, you add to the collective thought pool.
New thought brings in change and through change comes evolution.
It really is that simple.

Replication allows what goes around to come around.
The gap between something stagnating and becoming toxic is very narrow.
It is vital that all energy keeps moving - be it love, money or creativity.
Spend some money creatively on someone or something you love unconditionally and watch it bounce back multiplied.

If you find yourself pushing water uphill, you are out of kilter with your natural, internal seasons.
It is a karmic illusion that life is hard. Do not believe or listen to those who infer that this is so.
If you feel you are unlucky and no good fortune comes your way, try some of the recipes later that utilise this flavour. Then just watch your luck change.

Lecture 18 06:20 Equilibrium is the perfect mix of both science and art.

Your left hemisphere is predisposed to detail and manifestation in the physical world and your right to the holistic view of everywhere and every-when else.
When you bring art to your science, you imbue it with beauty and balance.
When you are scientifically art-full, you transcend accepted world views.
From the resulting position of equilibrium, you become naturally poised for greatness.

Equilibrium is about judicious combination of all the flavours.
The best chefs have an innate sense of which ingredients go well together to create a gastronomic delight. They also know exactly when in the cooking process to introduce them.
It is always easier to add an ingredient than take one out. Less being more is the order of the day.

Perfect equilibrium is easy to maintain once achieved.
It is harder to unlearn to ride a bike than to learn to ride it. In the same way, once your world in is balance, it has the tendency to gyroscopically stay that way.
Just for today, take your stabilisers off and see what happens.
Let equilibrium come to you.

Equilibrium is both the sweetest and most charming of all the flavours.
Equilibrium is not just about balance. It is about balance being in balance. You become unflappable, unstoppable and un-wobble-able.
Everything is in flow. You become Just in Time and Just in Space.
The world again becomes wonder-full.

There is no anti-equilibrium. Anything that disturbs equilibrium will put you off balance.
Maintaining balance is as easy as riding a bike.
Explaining how to ride that bike, however, is impossible.
You will only know you are doing it properly when you are confident enough to lose the stabilisers

Lecture 19 04:47
Revolution is healthy.

Like many words in our language, revolution has attracted an unintended connotation. It has come to imply violent struggle of the oppressed against authority. The root meaning gives sharper inner-sight.
Re-volution means re-application of the will. This can be resetting of goals or a change in direction.
Turning your thinking upside down too can work wonders.

Revolutionaries should be encouraged and supported.
All fresh thinking comes from people who look at the system and want to change it. Violence should be a last resort. Change through stealth, driven by intellect and powered by love is much more powerful and long lasting. Be the change.

Revolution incorporates death as an essential part of life.
This does not mean throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Neither does it mean to bring in the new just for its own sake.
Rather, when something no longer serves, no matter how comfortable it has become, let it go with unconditional love.

Revolution allows old and new models to co-exist and not to supplant each other.
Revolution is about seeing things from alternate perspectives and upside down thinking.
Same thinking leads to the same results.
New thinking brings in new worlds of opportunity.

Dogma and fear are the scourge of revolution and encapsulate its antithesis.
Sticking your head in the sand will not make change go away.
All the things you most enjoy almost certainly came about from revolutionaries.

Lecture 20 06:11 Storytelling is a powerful force for the imagination.

By taking our minds on a journey with metaphor and allegory, two things happen.
Firstly, the left brain has to suspend its belief so the right brain can get a look in.
Secondly, the learning bypasses the conscious mind and accesses our cellular DNA.
New strands are woven. New connections are made. Evolution takes a step forward.

Imagination is powered by the in breath.
We talk on our out breath and the Universe speaks to us when we are silent.
Pay specific attention to both the direction of your thoughts and their location in your mind and body.
This is the tell-tale indicator of their source.
Those that arrive in the still points between the in and the out are the most salient.

Imagination should be encouraged - especially in the young.
One of the roles for each generation is to pave the way for the next.
Your creativity thus gives you immortality. It also acts as a seed from which others will innovate further.

Imagination is 24x7 - it continues while we dream.
People who say that there arent enough hours in the day are missing out big time.  Your sleeping time is not just for recuperation, it can be easily used for ideas generation.
Seed your dreams by putting a note under your pillow on which you would like insight and guidance.
Then upon awakening, luxuriate in the hynopompic cusp to bring dream-time into reality.

Fear and self-doubt are an anathema to an Imagineer.
Life without imagination is dull as ditch water.
Imagination should never be checked but only modulated by other flavours.

Lecture 21 05:20 Adaptation is about maintaining low inertia.

A large mass moving at high velocity requires more force to change its direction than an object with low inertia.
By being adaptable to situations as they present themselves, you move through life with more ease.
Intransigence and entrenched thinking are the anathema here.
Spend a day being open and agreeing to everything and observe how the old armoured skin quickly renews.
It will be visible in your complexion.

Adaptation is the application of imagination.
It refers to the reception of a thought and then moulding of it both into the physical plane and then to your advantage. Your interpretation and extension of the idea then becomes your purpose. Listen out for the ethereal whispers, serendipities and metaphors - they are your guide.

Adaptation is essential to survival.
This is not a message about adapt or die. It is all about adapt and thrive.
Change is to be encouraged and change is as good as a rest.
Make a change in your circumstance today and you will both extend your lifespan and your life-reach.

Adaptation is the source of diversity.
If you remain static when all around you is changing, you will miss the last bus.
Change is the life-breath of the Universe.
Adaptation unlocks the door to rich seams of serendipity and diversity.


If you find you are stuck in the same old rut, you will be lacking in this flavour.
Aspects of your relationships, your job and life in general will have atrophied.
You will need to adapt to stop the rot from setting in further.

Lecture 22 46:25 Download this MP3 file if you want to listen to all the lectures about Unconscious Murmurs on your MP3 player, smartphone or tablet computer. Note that it is safe to listen to these while driving as there is no hypnotic language or brain entrainment music to alter your state of consciousness. Lecture 23 18:00
This visualization will reconnect you with and reactivate your main unconscious mind centers - those of the throat, heart, gut and root. These are sometimes referred to as vestigial mind centres. Note that they are still active but our conscious mind is so 'loud' that it swamps their messages.

Do not listen to this while driving or operating machinery.

Section 4: Directive Thoughts Lecture 24 05:00 Decisions are judicious execution of the will and can be made in two ways.

You can make a decision solely in your head or you can check in with your gut first.
The latter route not only gives you a vital second opinion but your gut is ahead of you by several seconds - it is one of the sources of near-time precognition.
The gut mind is the route of volition and will act on your decision by creating ripples in the Universal Mind while you get on with other things - or even while you are sleeping.

Decisions are also a dare from our unconscious murmurs.
We think we have made them ourselves but they start as seeds planted by our guides which percolate through our subconscious processes.
Maybe an intuition from our gut or a fancy from our heart then pops into our view as a thought.
Mind-fully we then take on these dares and enact them in the illusion.

After making a decision, it is wise to fall silent.
It is not the notes in a piece of music but the gaps between the notes that are important.
If we generate continual noise, we will miss the tell tale signs that signify we have made the right choice.

You intrinsically know when you make a good decision.
When your conscious mind, your gut mind and your higher self are in agreement, you get a green light.
Make your resolutions and set your goals with your Whole Minds and you will be unstoppable.

Beware the procrastinator as they are expert at not making a decision.
If you find yourself not knowing your own mind or not trusting your judgment, you need more of this flavour.
Use it only in a recipe combination for best results.
Not deciding is not a decision.

Lecture 25 04:40 Validation allows you to sleep at night.

All we need to do to know that we are on path and doing the right thing is to perform a small check before we retire each night.
Ask yourself if your day went as well or better than you hoped. If it did, sleep well.
If not, ask your guides for enlightenment in your dreams and pay close attention to your thoughts on the cusp between sleeping and waking.
Herein lies the seeds of the keys to getting in flow.

Validation means taking due diligence.
Before you act, take a few breaths.
Ask your gut if he is OK about your action.
Ask your heart is she loves it.
Check if your action will harm no-one - and yourself.
Only then give your Will a green light.

Validation is a healthy check and balance.
This is not about self-doubt or fear.
It is about testing your theories by trial and error and learning from the latter.
Your gut is your compass and your higher self your navigator.
Watch specifically for the signposts you see along the way in patterns of three.

Internal validation strengthens the connection with your gut mind.
Any muscle if not used tends to atrophy.
The same is true for areas of our brain such as those used for language, mathematics, music and art.
Our gut mind too benefits from being used often and likes to be trusted.
Checking in with it daily pays great dividends.

The tale of the blind men all feeling different parts of an elephant and then comparing their observations is a great example of how not to validate.
If you ask someone of a negative disposition for their thoughts, they will see the fallibility of your plans.
An optimist might put too much of a positive spin on it.
The validation itself may require more validation.

Lecture 26 04:15 The process of deduction sets everything in a new order.

The appearance of your world is predicated by the senses you use to perceive it.
With new levels of understanding, you set up the conditions to ascend beyond what used to be the old norm.
Start by extending your five senses. Focus on tuning in one each day over the coming week.
On the sixth day, then tune into your Third Eye and on the seventh, ask your Heart for its wisdom.

Deduction is supervisory in nature.
We have been trained to think that it is ourselves that has come to a conclusion and an understanding.
The 'reality' is somewhat stranger than that.
What has happened is that all our minds have converged and agreed on the same answer.

Deduction allows you to constitute your own view of the world.
Nobody else can breathe for you or eat for you.
Similarly, nobody else can think for you.
Avoid following dogma and setting up your own.
As a modern day example, when you blog or Tweet, check your true motivation for doing so first.

Deduction means not taking anyone elses word for it. Nobody else should speak for you.
You are in charge of your own evolution. Your conclusions are your conclusions.
Be at peace with them and refrain from imposing them on anyone else - unless they request your opinion.

The blind man who feels the elephants tusk deduces he has hold of the tooth of a large dinosaur. The blind man who holds the tail thinks he has hold of one end of a skipping rope.
When mis-information is passed on and taken as being fact, corrupted Chinese Whispers follow.
The opposite of deduction is blind faith from which dogma emerges - or the other way around. Both science and religion are equally prone to such fallibility.

Lecture 27 03:55 Composition is about 1+1 being greater than 2.
When you are in flow, normal mathematics go out of the window.
You put the same energy into the system as before but more seems to come out than you put in.
If you seem to be working harder than seems right and proper, pay attention to the learnings ...
... and remember to thank them for coming along.

Composition is a raison d'être.
It is possible to go through life as an observer and commentator. It is ultimately less satisfying though to be a film critic rather than an actor or set designer.
To fully embrace life we must build on what has gone before.
The only thing you can take with you is your evolution; the only thing you can leave behind is your art.

Composition is only limited by infinity.
If you know all there is to know and then combine two knowns to make a new known, you have extended the depth of the thought pool.
Each new bar of music, stroke of an artists brush and the penning a new sentence, like this one, adds another building block to the collective.
So for today, create something new and observe as new doors open automatically for you.

Composition unites the disparate.
Entropy infers the Universe is decaying, the reverse is actually the case. The level of consciousness and awareness is rising in inverse proportion and the system is in complete balance.
The disparate parts are coming together and making more sense. This is how everything was meant to be.

Destruction is the force that decomposes.
Decomposition that comes from death is OK as it is part of the natural rhythm and cycle.
Wanton destruction however is the antithesis of the composing force.

Lecture 28 04:05

Connection joins elements that were meant to be together.

There is a natural tendency for all matter to coalesce through the all pervasive force of gravity.
The same is true of thoughts and people.
The output from this process is collaboration where the sum is greater than the whole.
Resist and life will be hard.
Accept and trust and the right connections will be forged.

Connection unites and brings disparate elements together.
Without consciousness, things are just things. It is the awareness of living beings that make the connections.
A squirrel connects falling temperature with the need to horde nuts. A flower connects the sunrise with the desire to unfold its petals.
Today make some new connections and spot the serendipities that follow.

Connection is all about spotting patterns.
Somewhere within the billions of bits of information that impinge on our senses each day, are the nuggets we should pay attention to.
To make things easier for us, those we need to spot often get repeated. Spotting these keys differentiates the lucky from the unlucky.

All things are connected; separation is an illusion.
This separation is something we agreed to sign up to in each incarnation so we could experience and learn from the path of return.
Just for today, bear no anger.
Just for today, go in peace.
Just for today, give unconditional love to yourself and to others.

Anti-connection is subtly different from disconnection. It is the art of not seeing patterns.
The patterns are there to make us pay attention and reconnect with our karmic path. If we dont spot the connection, it will repeat itself until we do, normally in groups of three.
If you have had three bad relationships or three unhappy jobs, ask yourself where the patterns lie.

Lecture 29 03:55 Discrimination separates the important from the non-important.

Note though that the simplest explanation is more likely to be the correct one.
This means we should not over-think or over-complicate decisions.
The key is to create a separation between the noise and the signal.
From this position we can decode the real message.

Discrimination allows us to follow our path.
Faced with a choice, sitting on the fence is not an option.
Choose one side or the other but check in with your Gut Mind first.
Ask for a signpost pointing to your karmic path.
When you find it, the water will flow downhill.

Internal discrimination develops your sense of thought smell.
The best chefs know they have concocted a delight by its aroma alone.
There is no need to taste your thoughts or act them out to know that you are on to a good thing.
Allow your guides to directly connect with your gut while letting your conscious mind be the observer.

External discrimination brings the signal out of the noise floor. There are two types of signs.
Ones to pay attention to and ones to ignore.
Once you spot that the latter are just for education, they shrink back from where they came.
You are left with only the good stuff and even more of your karma being voided.


If you are not art-full with your sense of discrimination, you will soon be overwhelmed with opportunity.
By tuning in to other flavours, you will stir up the universal mind-stuff and no end of new thoughts will come your way.
Choosing the good ones may take some time and involve the kissing of a few frogs before you meet your prince or princess.

Lecture 30 04:00 For best results, you must cultivate in tune with the seasons.

There is a natural rhythm imprinted upon us by our place in the cosmos.
Daily, monthly and annual cycles all play their part and weave a tapestry with an intrinsic harmony.
Ignore them and you will find yourself wrapped in its knots.
Go with the natural flow and you will sail with prevailing winds.

Cultivation makes wise use of raw materials.
Some people hold back from action by waiting for input or contributions from others.
The reality is that we are all equipped with the resources we need. The key is taking what you already have and nurturing it.
Timing, patience, care and thanks are the natural fertilisers.

Cultivation is about both reaping and sowing.
Once you have planted your seeds, your attention should switch.
The order of play is to nurture, to be patient, to be joy-full when the shoots appear and to be thank-full when you reap your harvest.
Then go around the loop again with even more fervour.

Cultivation is a mechanism for self-propelled travel.
Let your plans shift in their emphasis. Set goals based on what you want to learn and allow things to turn up.
Cultivate a sense of awe and wonderment.
Be grateful when the next bumper harvest arrives. From it you will manage to find the ingredients for your next book of recipes.

Those without green fingers will experience poor harvests.
They will expend much effort for little return and can end up being disheartened. If this sounds like you, do not be despondent as this is just part of the lesson.
This book holds many keys and they will bear fruit in both good time and with further study.

Lecture 31 32:41 Download this MP3 file if you want to listen to all the lectures on Directive Thoughts on your MP3 player, smartphone or tablet computer. Note that it is safe to listen to these while driving as there is no hypnotic language or brain entrainment music to alter your state of consciousness.
Lecture 32 11:00
This visualization shows how to meditate on a thing - the breath - in order to quieten the mind.

Once the mind is distracted by focusing on the breath, it takes you deeper so you meditate on thought itself so that your thoughts collapse in on themselves.

Do not listen to this while driving or operating machinery.

Section 5: Chef's Specials Lecture 33 05:30 As we can only have one thought at a time, it would be foolish to think you can apply all the thoughts and recipes above on the fly.

The very act of thinking about them can only happen after you have had a thought.

So the two ways to use this book are in post-analysis of a feeling or situation and by judicious use of a recipe.

When you apply a recipe, you will end up at an obvious position that was previously obscured to you.
In time, you will apply them without having to open the book as they become ingrained in your neurology. The flavours of thought will begin to cascade into each other and superimpose on top of each other.

This is a natural occurrence and they are known as light bulb moments. The more you use the recipes in this book, the more of these moments of light you will experience.

When you experience a light bulb moment, not only will you have a great idea but it will come into your consciousness fully formulated.

What has happened is that youve experienced at least three, if not more, flavours of thought at once.

A whisper of an idea has been murmured to your conscious mind and youve instantly worked out its significance.
With major light bulb moments, where all your neurons fire at once, it is entirely possible that you are experiencing all 21 flavours at once.

What is most remarkable about this is that it almost seems to happen in less than a second - outside Time itself.
It then takes you a while to work out all the ramifications and implications. For some, like Isaac Newton with his theories of gravitation, this can even be a lifetimes work.

The light bulb moment is only obvious after you have had it. It was obscured to you before it happened yet changes your life and those of others after it has occurred.

This is why the Obvious is the Master Flavour and the aiming point for all the recipes in this book.

Like any magic trick, it ceases to become magic once you know how its done.

Lecture 34 05:15 Have you ever had the same thoughts running around and around in your head?

Perhaps somebody upset you or crossed a boundary. Maybe you have a conversation looming that you were dreading or are rehearsing a speech or presentation.

If so you were experiencing a mindfall. These can be debilitating and can ruin your day. Eventually, if left untreated', they can lead to mental dis-ease such as depression or illusions of grandeur.

In this lecture, we show how to use a single flavour to jump out of such a mindfall.

Note that a three flavour recipe can also be used to the same effect.

Lecture 35 12:05 This lecture shows how to form just one simple three flavour recipes from one of the billions of possible recipes.

As such, and as for real recipes, you can see there is a fair bit of scope for some experimentation on your part.

These particular permutations are however naturally balanced and formulated.

If you do experiment, initially, I suggest you use combinations of three flavours taking one each from the Ethereal Whisper, Unconscious Murmur and Directive Thought sections.

When you get confident however, feel free to mix them with abandon.

We also want to hear from you. Let us know if you have an issue or opportunity that you would like some insight upon.

Lecture 36 14:16 This is the first in a series of Chef Special Recipes which is an example of how the Flavours of Thought can be used in coaching and therapy sessions.

In this session, I am chatting to Denise Harris-Heigho about helping her Spring into Action. We use a five flavour recipe and you can download the graphic from the lecture to print out and use on yourself too.

If you would like some insight on an issue or an opportunity, get in touch to book a session with me or one of the trained practitioners.

If you are a coach, therapist or healer and would like to learn how to use the Flavours in your practice, get in touch too.

Lecture 37 11:01
In this lecture, I am talking to artist and creativity coach, Paula Swenson, about how to Seek Catharsis.

The recipe from this lecture can also be downloaded from the side bar ... and you can also see Paula's artwork below that she did after 'tasting' this recipe.

Lecture 38 40:00

There is a special class of thought that most of us experience every day but most of us ignore and dismiss as unimportant.

When we dream, our conscious mind is largely switched off and our minds are awash with unfettered and unbridled ethereal whispers and unconscious murmurs.

Our dreams contain messages and information that can be really important to us - if only we know how to remember and decode what are dreams are telling us.

I was fortunate to interview an expert on dreams for my radio show recently. Davina Mackail is a shaman and healer and also an expert in the Tarot. In this lesson, I am sharing the interview with you as a bit of a bonus.

Before the next time you go to bed, think of an issue or opportunity in your life that you would like some illumination and enlightenment on. Write it down on a Post It note, or scrap of paper, and put it under your pillow.

Then, the next morning when you awaken, use the techniques recommended by Davina to remember and analyse your dreams.

Lecture 39 04:20

This short video gives some background as to how the Flavours of Thought came to be ...

The tale continues in the form of 22 short stories in a new book called The Germinatrix

Lecture 40 02:22 Quiz 1 3 questions Full curriculum

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