How to Think, Write, Speak, and Be Funnier!

Section 1: How to Write, Think, and Be Funnier Lecture 1 3 pages

This course is still "under construction" and being polished into a shinier version. All of the information you need is already here, however. This enthralling "Welcome Letter" explains what's going on, and all the cool stuff that's still on the way.

Lecture 2 03:39

Welcome to "Professional Humor Tricks for Writers, Speakers, and Other Misfits!" This course is designed for a wide range of writers and speakers. You'll discover that, contrary to popular belief, a "sense of humor" is not a magical gift that only special people have. It's a skill anyone can learn.

Lecture 3 03:29

Can you really learn how to be a funnier person? Yes! In this lesson, we'll talk about why and how it's possible.

Lecture 4 03:25

Some people wonder if studying humor, and learning comedy techniques, takes away the creativity. But no! Just like studying music theory will make you a better musician and composer, studying "comedic theory" will make you a stronger and more consistent humorist. The techniques you learn become your tools, your bag of tricks to draw from. You use those tools to ratchet up your creativity in the joke-writing and storytelling process, so that being funny becomes a lot easier.

Lecture 5 02:17

Who is your favorite humor writer or comedian? Do you have a favorite movie, a TV show that consistently cracks you up? You can choose anybody you want to be your virtual mentor. Here's how to do that ... and how to thwart the dreaded Cubic Zirconium Conundrum.

Lecture 6 05:01

Whether it's a published story, a scripted event, something you randomly blurt out, or an unexpected moment in your day, if something is funny, there's a single root cause.

Lecture 7 03:25

More funny ideas flit through your brain on a daily basis than you realize, yet most of them vanish quickly. Here's how to fix that.

Lecture 8 Text

Welcome to our online Comedy Lab -- your place to test out what you've been learning and get some hands-on humor writing experience.

Lecture 9 Text

It's time to start learning from your favorite funny person.

Lecture 10 Text

Start dissecting all things funny and your humor skills will soar.

Lecture 11 Text

When you fish for ideas, you need to carry a net.

Lecture 12 74 pages

Throughout this course, I include short excerpts from my own humor columns as examples of various techniques. This free, downloadable e-book includes all of those columns in their entirety.

As you work through the lessons, you can refer back to this e-book and read the stories pertaining to each individual lesson. Enjoy the stories -- and also watch for the techniques I use as you read them!

Section 2: Set-Ups and Punch Lines Lecture 13 05:00

You can't have a punch line without a set-up -- and different kinds of comedy call for different kinds of set-ups.

Lecture 14

The One-Two Punch in Action: "Almost Live" and "Saturday Night Live" clips

Text Lecture 15 02:59

A lot of potentially hilarious jokes fizzle -- not because they aren't funny, but because they're not structured in a funny way. In this lesson, we explore a simple way to solve that problem.

Lecture 16 07:11

Now that we've learned the basic structure of individual jokes, we learn now to weave those jokes together into longer humor tales, essays, and presentations -- with an easy-to-master formula that's used by professional storytellers, sketch comedy and improv artists, TV sitcom and movie writers, and more.

Lecture 17

The "Hero Up a Tree" Technique in Action: SNL's "Luvahs in the Hot Tub" sketch

Text Lecture 18 01:52

The "Things Go Wrong" idea is the basic concept to humor, but describing how they go wrong can make the difference between whether or not you spark laughs.

Lecture 19 Text

It's time to tackle your first humor column for the Comedy Lab.

Section 3: Beginnings, Silly Putty, and Endings Lecture 20 05:35

Learn how to hook your readers from the very beginning ... before they wander elsewhere.

Lecture 21 02:31

Why you shouldn't always begin at the beginning -- and where to start instead.

Lecture 22 05:58

How to stretch your humor and make it funnier.

Lecture 23 07:00

Wrapping up your story is often the hardest part.

Lecture 24 Text

Squash some Silly Putty on your words and start stretching!

Section 4: Twelve Techniques for Making Things Funny (And Funnier) Lecture 25

The Twelve Techniques: Your Bag of Tricks to Draw From When Writing Punch Lines

03:30 Lecture 26

Parallels: The Fine Art of Incongruity

02:35 Lecture 27 Text Lecture 28

Parallels in Action: Eddy Izzard's Death Star Canteen (The Lego Edition)

Text Lecture 29

Takes-of-Three and U-Turns: How to Yank Your Audience Where They Least Expect It

02:10 Lecture 30

Bad Math: Why Some Numbers are Funnier than Others

03:51 Lecture 31

The Fine Art of Telling Lies (Dave Barry's Not Making This Up?)

02:22 Lecture 32

Twisted Interpretations: How to Get Your Readers Naked

02:52 Lecture 33

Uh-Oh! (How to Build Comedic Tension)

01:43 Lecture 34

For Better or Worse: Superiority, Inferiority and False Bravado

04:29 Lecture 35

Superiority in Action: Glove and Boot's "Vertical Video Syndrome"

Text Lecture 36

False Bravado in Action: Stephen Colbert vs. Google

Text Lecture 37

Repetition and Callbacks: Lessons From the Soup Nazi

04:22 Lecture 38

Repetition in Action: Seinfeld's "Soup Nazi" episode.

Text Lecture 39 TextSection 5: Tightening and Pacing Lecture 40

Don't Drown Your Jokes! - Why Fewer Words Mean More Laughs

05:12 Lecture 41

Prune Your Words and Tighten Your Tales for Maximum Impact

05:42 Lecture 42

Why You Should Always be Willing to Throw Away Your Best Joke

Text Lecture 43

Timing is Everything: How to Use Comedic Pauses in Both Spoken and Written Humor

06:36 Lecture 44

How to Scream: Crank Up the Volume in Your Punch Lines!

02:49 Lecture 45

Survival Tips for Public Speakers: What to Do if Your Audience Doesn't Laugh

01:37 Lecture 46 TextSection 6: Expose Yourself! Lecture 47

Where, Why, and How to Publish Your Humor

08:05 Lecture 48

Dot-Comedy: Launching Your Humor Writing Career on the Internet

03:20 Lecture 49

Publishing Your Humor in Newspapers and Magazines

03:39 Lecture 50

How to Play the Odds and Get Published

01:49 Lecture 51

Go Be Funny! This is Your Final Lesson but the Party is Just Getting Started!

04:54 Lecture 52

Comedy Lab: Polish Your Final Draft

Text Lecture 53 Text

Pitch Your Story

Youve worked hard in this course and hopefully created some masterful humor. Now that youve completed the previous Comedy Lab exercise and polished up a final draft, its time to fling it into the world.

For this final exercise, give some thoughts to where you might publish that story. You might also come up with ideas for different versions you could eventually write and pitch to other publications.

Once youve given that some thought, share your ideas here and a sample pitch letter too if you like!

(And remember, Im always looking for submissions to I especially love travel humor but will consider other topics too. If youre interested, check out the Writers Guidelines.)

Full curriculum

Humor Writing: How to Think, Write, Speak, and Be Funnier
Great for Writing Public Speaking: Learn the Techniques Professional Humorists Use to Create Consistently Funny Comedy

How to Be Funny (with Sample Jokes) - wikiHow
How to Be Funny. Four Parts: You say: "Speak for yourself." If the timing is all wrong, don't mess with the joke. Or think of Calvin Coolidge himself;

Write Correctly. Speak Confidently. Everyone can learn how to think critically. Speak. Your Own Speaking Coach. | How to Write, Talk, & Think Funnier
How to Write, Talk, & Think Funnier. Home; My Account. Three comedy training videos featuring the faculty of FunnierU, George Campbell, Mark Mayfield, and Tim Gard.

How To Be Funny: 14 Tips to Write Funnier - Can I Get ...
How To Be Funny: 14 Tips to Write Funnier. and come up with something funny. So I think I stop now. That June Cleaver could speak Jive is something Ill

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Thoughts On How To Be Funny. I think I can be a funny enough guy that I'm not completely unjustified in writing about this topic.

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How to Be Funny Without Telling Jokes. write it down. people will think that you can't think of anything funny to say yourself.

christian | Dare to Read, Think, Speak and Write
Dare to Read, Think, Speak and Write How history continues to affect our past and future. Home; About; Book Recommendations; founded on the Christian religion.

Comedy Writing: How To Be Funny : NPR
Comedy Writing: How To Be Funny. you don't mean to be funny when you say this was writers trying to think of the funniest candy

How to Be Funny and Make People Love Your Company
Watch how the characters on screen behave and move when they speak funny. Think Hugh Grant in all his funny chick flicks and About Us | Write for Us | Contact