This is me and this is what you are going to learn in your course.
Grab a cup of coffee and have fun.
Paul Browning
Let's set the foundation for where we are and where we are going. We have lots to do before we start applying for our dream job.
Nothing affects our results more than our attitude. Why is it that some people seem to get ahead at work and in life while others seem to struggle? Could it be that our attitude is our most important asset?
Watch the below videos to find out more. Please also download the worksheets.
More of the good stuff.
No goal equals no results. Simple as that. Here's why and how to do it the right way.
More juicy goal goodness.
Mind map for attitude presentation.
Oh. The old planning story. If it's that old, where is your plan?
Bonus Webinar - Get Into IT PowerPoint Slides
Bonus Webinar - Bridge the Gap PowerPoint Slides
It's all in the wrapping. Do you look like a gourmet burger or more like a big mac?
Yes. Appearances count for everything. Make yours count.
How to avoid yours being thrown in the trash.
My top tips for a resume that gets you the interview.
Search and destroy. Your mission is to find that dream job.
No experience? No problem.
In this module we look at how you can bridge any gaps you have in your hands on experience. We look at how to tap into your network of contacts, establish links with local companies and training companies and even how to make yourself look like an authority in your chosen field.
Getting Experience
Getting Experience Mind Map
In order to land the right job you need to do your homework first.
Check out the company to ensure it is financially secure. Find out what they do, where they do it and how long they have been doing it for.
After you do that, work out what you will be doing there and if there is room for you to progress. If it is mundane work for a small company you will find yourself quickly bored and looking for another jobHave you ever heard anyone complain that they have applied for lots of jobs and never heard a thing back? The reason is probably that they never took the time to plan and prepare their job application campaign.
You need to PLAN PREPARE EXECUTE in that order if you want to be successful. When you do this you can work wonders, even with only 30 minutes per day. Learn how here.
Plan and Prepare Mind Map
The dreaded technical interview.
This is where you are quizzed over the phone or in person to test the skills you say you have on your resume and the skills you will need for your job. But with proper preparation and planning you will be able to use this as an opportunity to shine and take you to the next stage, the final interview
Make a great show of yourself by preparing for interviews - the RIGHT way.
Answering Tough Interview Questions
Dont just walk out of the interview and pray the phone will ring with a job offer.
You need to work out your tactics. Ways to improve your interview technique as well as continue to apply for other jobs until you have an offer from the company you want to work with.Everything is negotiable. Salary, holiday, benefits, car, home working.
You just need to understand that you can negotiate, how to create leverage and how to make a counter offer. If you follow these proven steps then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Its never personal!
Losing is part of winning so get whatever feedback you can and keep going.
More details in the video and workbook below.
So youve got the job.
Now isnt the time to relax and kick back. You need to redouble your efforts so you can progress quickly within the company and therefore become indespensible. Yon can then seek promotion, internal projects or plan your exit. If you do decide to leave you will have a glowing reference.
Dont let the dust gather under your feet. If you havent added new qualifications and achievements to your resume after six months at your new job then you are half way to being unemployable already.
Plan your progress and prepare yourself for your next role.
You need to keep your skills sharp and your resume fresh so every 12-24 months it is time to consider moving onto pastures new.
This video will give you some tips and suggestions on how best to prepare and execute.Did you attend the course Break into IT - How to Land Your Dream Job in IT at Udemy? Help other people by submitting your review at Springest!
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What steps should I take to help me break into "The Wall Street Oasis private equity & venture capital guide is an excellent overview of how to land you dream job Land Your Dream IT Job | Helping You Get ...
Passed CCNA and Landed a Job. I love to share stories of students who have little hands on experience or industry experience but still decide to study hard.
Break into IT - How to Land Your Dream Job in IT (English ...
Break into IT - How to Land Your Dream Job in IT (English Edition) eBook: Paul Browning: Tienda Kindle
Break into IT - How to Land Your Dream Job in IT
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Leading artists share some top tips and tricks for breaking into the game art industry.
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5 Ways to Break Through the Clutter and Land Your Dream Job
you can become more employable, charge more for your services, In this current workplace climate, there is no job security, no guarantee that []
9 tips to land your dream job - Fortune
9 tips to land your dream job. by ; Erika Fry @FortuneMagazine; September 3 and certainly before you step into an interview, know your goals and what youre