Discover The 5 Keys to Achieving Total Happiness & Wellbeing

Section 1: Introduction: The 5 Keys to Achieving Total Wellbeing Lecture 1 03:24

In this lecture you will learn:

  1. How satisfied do people feel with their lives around the world.
  2. The multiple scientific sources used to support the findings and recommendations on how to improve your overall wellbeing.
  3. Overall introduction to the course
Lecture 2 04:34

In this lecture you will learn:

  1. The basic definition of wellbeing.
  2. How important is wellbeing to global & influential leaders.
  3. How the most comprehensive global research on wellbeing was conducted.
  4. Reflections on why the content of this course is relevant to you or someone you know.
Lecture 3 03:31

In this lecture you will learn:

  1. The 5 universal and interdependent aspects of your life that contribute to your wellbeing over a lifetime.
  2. Brief description of each of the 5 wellbeing elements.
  3. How the world population ranks in some of these elements.
  4. The detrimental effects of focusing solely on aspect of your wellbeing.
Lecture 4 01:14

In this lecture you will learn:

  1. The revised and most comprehensive definition of wellbeing.
  2. An indication of how the content of this course will be approached in the following sections.
Section 2: Learn how to absolutely LOVE what you do for a living (Career Wellbeing) Lecture 5 02:08
    Lecture 6 06:37

    In this lecture you will learn:

    1. How long we spend working in our lifetime.
    2. What it means to be engaged with your work, main activity or occupation.
    3. What in means to disengaged with your work, main activity or occupation.
    4. The level of engagement and disengagement in the workplace around the world.
    5. How disengagement negatively affects every aspect of your wellbeing.
    Lecture 7 03:27

    In this lecture you will learn:

    1. How not liking your work, main occupation or activity will increase your stress levels.
    2. How stress will register in your body and mind and disrupt their normal functioning.
    3. How disengagement contributes to the mortality rate.
    4. How being engaged will promote the secretion of natural chemicals in your body that will make you feel happier and fulfilled.
    Lecture 8 04:48

    In this lecture you will learn:

    1. Research that has been conducted around how we spend our time.
    2. The findings of how the majority of people feel about their boss.
    3. Profile of bad leaders and its effects on employee health.
    4. Employee disengagement based on manager's leadership style.
    5. The importance of having a great boss.
    Lecture 9 05:32

    In this lecture you will learn:

    1. Life expectancy in relation to career wellbeing.
    2. Example of impact of thriving career wellbeing in life expectancy.
    3. The importance of patience when looking for the right job, activity or occupation.
    4. Why your main activity shouldn't necessarily be uninteresting or plain boring.
    5. Studies that show how fully engaged workers live longer and have more fun.
    Lecture 10 02:38

    In this lecture you will learn:

    1. How using your strengths in key to enjoying your work, main activity or occupation.
    2. How wisdom traditions recognise the importance of knowing oneself.
    3. Comprehensive definition of what is a strength.
    4. Comprehensive definition of what is talent.
    Lecture 11 06:06

    In this lecture you will learn:

    1. The complete strengths formula.
    2. Tools to discover your own strengths.
    3. Engagement statistics resulting from using your strenghts.
    4. Recommendations on the key elements that your main activity or occupation should have.
      Lecture 12 01:40

      In this lecture you will learn what successful people around the world do to thrive in career wellbeing. I touch upon:

      1. How they feel about their work, activity or occupation.
      2. How they relate to their strengths.
      3. How they make sure to find meaning, purpose and inspiration in what they do and how they seek support through mentorship and their social networks.
      Section 3: Learn how to make friends that will inspire you and fulfill you (Social Wellbeing) Lecture 13 03:39

      In this lecture you will learn:

      1. The definition of the second universal and interdependent element of our wellbeing: Social Wellbeing.
      2. Reflection on where you stand when it comes to your own social wellbeing.
      3. Activity to validate the importance of social wellbeing.
      4. The influence of our friend's independent network of relationships in our lifestyle
      Lecture 14 05:10

      In this lecture you will learn:

      1. The findings of a 30-year long Harvard University study that involved 12,000 people to determine how dependent our personal wellbeing is on our entire social network (which includes people we don't know and don't have direct contact with).
      2. The influence of our social circle when it comes to weight gain.
      3. The influence of our social circle when it comes to exercising and healthy eating.
      4. The influence of our social network when it comes to smoking.
      5. The influence of our social network when it comes to our happiness.
      6. Potential explanations as to why our social circle and network influence our lifestyle choices and thinking.
      7. The findings of a Harvard Medical School study on the influence of our emotional state of mind and homeostasis (our internal mechanism for self-healing)
      Lecture 15 03:14

      In this lecture you will learn:

      1. The effects of a salary increase in our happiness level.
      2. Potential explanations as to why our social circle and network influence our lifestyle choices and thinking.
      3. The findings of a Harvard Medical School study on the influence of our emotional state of mind and homeostasis (our internal mechanism for self-healing).
      Lecture 16 04:12

      In this lecture you will learn:

      1. How your friendships shape who you are.
      2. The difference between loneliness and being alone.
      3. The effects and ramification of the experience of loneliness.
      4. The personality proximity rule in friendships and its implications.
      5. The importance of being yourself.
      Lecture 17 04:47

      In this lecture you will learn:

      1. How to make more friends.
      2. Quality over quantity then it comes to friendships.
      3. Recommended type of friendships.
      4. The effect that having friends can have on your stress levels and overall wellbeing.
      5. The physical proximity rule in friendship.
      Lecture 18 05:29

      In this lecture you will learn:

      1. The importance of close relationships and physical proximity.
      2. How much time you should invest socialising on a daily basis.
      3. Different ways you can socialise to meet your daily quota.
      4. The benefits of nurturing close and mutual relationships.
      5. The implications of having no social activity in a day.
      6. The effects of social activity on our memory capabilities.
      7. The influence in our health of having a best friend at work.
      8. The productivity implications of small talk at work.
      9. Valid ways of staying connected if working from home.
      Lecture 19 01:07

      In this lecture you will learn what successful people around the world do to thrive in social wellbeing. I touch upon:

      1. How they nurture close and mutual relationships.
      2. How conscious they are of the time they need to invest in socialising.
      3. How they seek people who support their growth.
      4. How they always make time for various types of social activity.
        Section 4: Learn how to get rid of your money problems now (Financial Wellbeing) Lecture 20 02:49

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The definition of the third universal and interdependent element of our wellbeing: Financial Wellbeing.
        2. Common misconceptions about financial wellbeing.
        3. Reflection on where you stand when it comes to your financial wellbeing.
        Lecture 21 03:57

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The meaning of wealth and its relationship to happiness.
        2. The pitfalls of wealth accumulation.
        3. Abundance vs wealth accumulation.
        4. The true metric of financial wellbeing.
        Lecture 22 07:59

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Is there magic number that will guarantee financial wellbeing?
        2. Why financial wellbeing is accessible to everyone regardless of income levels.
        3. Example of how wealthy people can experience financial distress.
        4. The role of perception in financial wellbeing.
        5. Example of someone with high financial wellbeing.
        6. Findings of a study exploring the experience of lottery winners.
        7. How wealthy people can attain financial wellbeing.
        Lecture 23 01:59

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The relationship between income and happiness.
        2. Definition of "Relative Income".
        3. "Relative Income" as a predictor of happiness.
        Lecture 24 03:02

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Credit cards as a potential source of stress.
        2. Decoupling: The psychological underpinnings behind credit card purchases.
        3. The three recommended uses for credit cards.
        Lecture 25 03:58

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Low risk / Average return vs High risk / Higher potential return.
        2. The stock market option and its impact on financial wellbeing.
        3. The implications of long-term debt on happiness levels.
        Lecture 26 04:16

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The relevance of career and social wellbeing in your financial wellbeing.
        2. The interdependence of financial wellbeing with other wellbeing aspects.
        3. The benefits of automating regular payments.
        Lecture 27 02:21

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Raising financial wellbeing through disposable income.
        2. Findings of study concerning giving and receiving money and its effects on happiness.
        3. The effects and ramification of the act of giving
        Lecture 28 04:49

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. How spending on experiences will raise your happiness levels.
        2. Comparison between purchasing material objects and investing in experiences.
        3. Implication of spending disposable income during sensitive emotional states.
        Lecture 29 02:11

        In this lecture you will learn what successful people around the world do to thrive in financial wellbeing. I touch upon:

        1. How they live within their means.
        2. How wisely they manage their economic life.
        3. How they seek professional advise on how to manage investments and debt.
        4. How they spend disposable income on experiences.
        5. How they recognise the positive effects of giving in their overall wellbeing.
        Section 5: Learn how to feel physically great without much effort (Physical Wellbeing) Lecture 30 05:16

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The definition of the fourth universal and interdependent element of our wellbeing: Physical Wellbeing.
        2. Reflection on where you stand when it comes to your physical wellbeing.
        3. People's general disregard for long-term thinking when it comes to their health
        Lecture 31 05:56

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. They most effective way to make major lifestyle changes.
        2. The positive & negative effects of our dietary choices in the short and long run.
        3. How inadequate food choices will slow you down mentally and physically.
        4. The short-term effect thinking opens the door to healthier eating habits.
        Lecture 32 03:55

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Why some people decide to exercise.
        2. The findings of a study on exercising and the cumulative happiness effect you should expect.
        3. The short term and long term effects of regular exercise.
        4. Common misconceptions about exercising.
        Lecture 33 04:07

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The influence of your genetic history in your physiology and psychology.
        2. What are genes and their role in your body and mind.
        3. Will genes determine your physical and behavioural fate?
        Lecture 34 05:04

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Epigenetics: Waking up your good and bad genes.
        2. Example of epigenetics in action.
        3. Fixed and flexible genes: What you can and can not influence in your physical and mental development.
        4. Your ability to keep cancer at bay
        Lecture 35 05:42

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. How environmental factors will determine whether you switch your good/bad genes on or off.
        2. How your lifestyle choices will determine whether you switch your good/bad genes on or off.
        3. Findings of a study on identical twins and the variance of gene expression based on lifestyle choices and environmental factors.
        4. How you will pass on your lifestyle choices to your children and grandchildren.
        Lecture 36 05:20

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The importance of what and HOW we eat.
        2. Why food can heal.
        3. Examples of foods and their healing properties.
        4. How some Western diets are not conducive to good health.
        5. How Mediterranean diets are beneficial to our health.
        6. The simple guideline to dietary choices that will make you feel good and live longer.
        Lecture 37 03:24

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The importance of taste when deciding what to eat
        2. The science behind the feeling of hunger
        3. General guideline of where to find the 6 tastes in food.
        Lecture 38 06:19

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Where your first stop should be when you go into a grocery store.
        2. The hidden dangers behind seemingly innocuous savoury sauces.
        3. Getting ahead of your eating impulses before food shopping.
        4. Getting ahead of your eating impulses before eating out.
        5. How being mindful of the short-term incentive technique will lead to healthier choices.
        Lecture 39 04:46

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The importance of sleep.
        2. What happens when we sleep.
        3. The role of sleep in your learning process and your memory function.
        4. The rejuvenation and restoration aspect of sleep.
        5. The consequence of lack of adequate sleep.
        Lecture 40 05:59

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The number of hours you should be sleeping during the night.
        2. The effects of oversleeping and not getting enough sleep.
        3. The ideal time to go to bed.
        4. Inadequate sleep and its relation to weight gain.
        5. Inadequate sleep and its relation to illness.
        Lecture 41 05:41

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. What is aerobic exercise and how it differs from other types of exercise.
        2. The benefits of aerobic exercise.
        3. Ideal and practical ways of getting aerobic exercise:
          1. Cycling and its benefits
          2. Swimming and its benefits
          3. Aerobic classes and its benefits
          4. Running and its benefits
          5. Dancing classes and its benefits
          6. Group sports and its benefits
        Lecture 42 03:29

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. What is strength exercise and how it differs from other types of exercise.
        2. The benefits of strength exercise.
        3. Ideal and practical ways of getting strength exercise:
          1. Group strength training and its benefits
          2. Strength training at home and its benefits
          3. Free weights / Weight machines and their benefits
          4. Bodyweight exercise and its benefits
        Lecture 43 03:20

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. What is flexibility exercise and how it differs from other types of exercise.
        2. The benefits of flexibility exercise.
        3. Ideal and practical ways of getting flexibility exercise:
          1. Yoga and its benefits
          2. Pilates and its benefits
          3. Tai Chi and its benefits
        Lecture 44 06:11

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The truth behind "no pain, no gain".
        2. Ingenious ways of meeting you exercise quota.
        3. The relationship between chronic fatigue and exercise.
        4. There are no age barriers to exercise and thrive in physical wellbeing.
        Lecture 45 01:07

        In this lecture you will learn what successful people around the world do to thrive in physical wellbeing. I touch upon:

        1. How well they manage their health.
        2. How regularly they exercise.
        3. How wise they are when making dietary choices.
        4. The importance they give to sleep.
        5. How great they feel and how well they perceive themselves.
        Section 6: Learn how to achieve the feeling of greatness! (Community Wellbeing) Lecture 46 00:53

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The definition of the fifth universal and interdependent element of our wellbeing: Community Wellbeing.
        2. Two aspects of community wellbeing:
          1. Feeling safe and secure.
          2. The pride you take in your contribution to society.
        Lecture 47 09:43

        In this lecture you will learn the 9 types of pollution and their effect on your health:

        1. Air pollution
        2. Water pollution
        3. Land pollution
        4. Noise pollution
        5. Visual pollution
        6. Thermal pollution
        7. Light pollution
        8. Soil pollution
        9. Radioactive pollution
        Lecture 48 06:23

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The importance of feeling safe where you live.
        2. The effects of hyper-vigilance in your health.
        3. The essential elements to look for in a place to live.
        Lecture 49 06:48

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. How to go from living and ordinary life to an extraordinary life.
        2. The activity that will give you the greatest gratification.
        3. The happiness formula created by renowned scientists after conducting a 2-year long study commissioned by the Dalai Lama.
        4. The effects of giving in your overall health.
        5. What it means to experience the "helper's high".
        Lecture 50 04:37

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. The effects of doing things for others in our body and mind.
        2. How our physical heart is impacted by generosity.
        3. How kindness improves our personal relationships.
        4. How being generous slows and even reverses biological ageing.
        5. How kindness elevates your happiness levels.
        Lecture 51 04:39

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. Inspirational stories of humble people who manage to change the world.
        2. The the feeling of joy generated by selfless service is similar in every human being regardless of the magnitude of the service provided.
        Lecture 52 07:37

        In this lecture you will learn:

        1. How emotional ties to a cause will make your engagement in giving more consistent.
        2. The 3 essential elements you should look for when selecting a non-profit organisation to join.
        3. How regular one-off type of giving gestures can increase your levels of happiness
        4. The pros and cons of giving back to society through monetary donations.
        5. How you can give back in a manner which is aligned with your personal interests.
        6. How changing the world affects other aspects of your overall wellbeing.
        Lecture 53 02:07

        In this lecture you will learn what successful people around the world do to thrive in community wellbeing. I touch upon:

        1. How they purposely look for a place to live in which
          1. They feel safe and secure
          2. Aesthetically pleasing
        2. How they actively communicate their interests to their social network.
        3. How they look to join charities or not-for-profit organisations that have:
          1. Shared Vision
          2. Common Goals
          3. Trustworthy
          4. Aligned with their personal interests
        Section 7: The key to changing your habits - what you should really know and understand Lecture 54 09:19

        In this lecture you will learn

        1. What is a habit and how is it formed.
        2. How long does it take to change or eliminate a habit.
        3. Tried and tested ways of changing your habits.
        4. My personal story of how I changed a 20-year long habit.
        5. My personal recommendation as to what to do to change your life in every aspect of our being: Physical, Mental, Psychological and Spiritual.
        Lecture 55 00:38

        Just a reminder that

        1. Change is a gradual process
        2. And that I am hear to support you in any way you may need!

        You can alway reach out to me for support.

        Go to my website for contact details:

        Good luck!!

        Full curriculum

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