Maximize Your Earning Potential through Business Networking!

Section 1: Why Networking? Lecture 1 02:37

Welcome to this networking course. In this lecture I will introduce myself and give you some tips on how to get the most out of this course.

Lecture 2 04:57

So what is networking and why it is so important. This lecture contains stories of how networking can change your life. We will cover the different reasons to consider networking an essential skill to have for everyone.

Section 2: Element 1: 20 Seconds of Awesome Lecture 3 02:07

Some people call it an "elevator pitch" and some call it an introduction. I think that 20 seconds of awesome is more appropriate for networking. You have to introduce yourself in a way to get noticed without sounding arrogant or pushy. Learning how to do the perfect 20 second introduction will help you in a variety of situations.

Lecture 4 03:07

You would never think that how you say your name is so important-But it is!

Lecture 5 09:01

What makes you awesome? What makes you different? Why would someone want to remember you? This is so important to making your first introduction. You must give people a reason to remember you. A reason to want to know more.

Lecture 6 06:16

Many people focus just on the introduction part, but what happens after you say hi, my name is...You have to engage in conversation in order to be successful at networking. This lecture will focus on how to ask questions to engage the other person. To start building a great relationship.

Lecture 7 02:38

So there you have it. 20 seconds of awesome includes your name, your awesomeness, and a question. This lecture will give you examples of how it is all put together.

Lecture 8 Text

This is your first chance to stop and apply what you have learned so far.

Section 3: Element 2: Engaged Listening Lecture 9 01:21

Listening is a key element to networking. It is probably the most important piece after your introduction. This lecture is an overview of what will be covered in Element 2: Engaged Listening.

Lecture 10 01:26

This lecture covers the definition and importance of engaged listening. Engaged listening is a whole body experience, even more than active listening. Engaged networkers focus on the details of what the other person is saying in order to remember and respond.

Lecture 11 04:22

Becoming an engaged listener takes practice and it is a whole body experience. In this lecture we will discuss the ways to encourage engaged listening with your brain.

Lecture 12 04:08

Yes you have ears, but there are other ways that you can listen with your body. In this lecture we will discuss open vs. closed body positions and how to increase your approachability.

Lecture 13 03:27

Your second chance to practice your engaged networking skills. Practice makes Awesome!

Section 4: Element 3: Killer Whales vs. Friendly Dolphins Lecture 14 01:16

You have made the introduction, listened to the response, now what? Most networking classes end at the introduction stage, but many people struggle with how to continue conversation. It is important to know the different ways to kill or lengthen a conversation. This lectures gives you an overview of the two different types of conversational phrases: Killer Whales and Friendly Dolphins.

Lecture 15 08:08

Killer whales are those phrases that we use that are negative in nature. Learn what killer whales phrases you are using and cut them out to increase your awesomeness.

Lecture 16 07:14

Now that you understand how to kill a conversation, let's focus on how to continue a conversation. The friendly dolphins are phrases and words that encourage responses that are positive. These are words and phrases that will help you build long-standing, relationships.

Quiz 1

Killer Whales vs. Friendly Dolphins

5 questionsSection 5: Element 4: Information Station Lecture 17 01:17

So you have a conversation and it is a success. Now, how do you use these relationships to increase your success? By Remembering Details! It is crucial that through your engaged listening, you remember details to follow-up on at a later time. This lecture overviews this section on the care and feeding of relationships.

Lecture 18 04:49

This lecture will cover some techniques for using information from a conversation in order to remember it. A person who remembers details is often seen in a more positive light than the person who does not.

Lecture 19 02:29

Sometimes we hear things during a conversation that we definitely need to remember for later. Items and details that we should follow up on. This lecture covers some techniques for writing down details to refer back to later.

Lecture 20 09:20

A part of relationship building is following up. You always need to be concerned with the care and feeding of every relationship, especially when you are looking to network and use relationships to increase your success. This lecture talks about different ways of following up and which ones are appropriate for which situations.

Lecture 21 Text

Homework Assignment 3: Get your network database started so you can watch it grow!

Section 6: Element 5: Be the Shark! Lecture 22 08:38

You can do it! You are already doing it! Having confidence is a vital part of being a super networker. You have to believe in yourself before anyone else will believe in you. In this lecture, I will share with you my own thoughts about confidence and using it in networking.

Section 7: Evaluating Your Skills Lecture 23 03:04

How can we really evaluate our networking without directly asking people. The answer is you have to watch yourself. Learning how to practice in front of a mirror or video camera can help you see your facial expressions and body language. Watching yourself is difficult, but it can make all the difference.

Lecture 24 02:57

In order for something to become a habit you must practice it at least 21 times. So do you have 21 networking events on your social calendar? Probably not, but networking is something that happens everyday, you just don't realize it. Learning that networking is something you can practice everyday is crucial to becoming GREAT at it.

Lecture 25 02:22

So now that you know the five elements and how to practice and evaluate your skills, you must make a plan. Why do you want to network? What can networking do for you? This lecture will walk you thought the development of an action plan to take your networking skills to a higher level.

Section 8: Course Summary Lecture 26 02:16

This course summary video gives you a quick reminder of what you have learned and the next stpes that you need to take. Now go out and Super Network!

Section 9: NEW Content! Lecture 27 17:18

Having an AWESOME resume is essential. As a Super Networker you must be able to send your resume at a moment's notice to a connection. These tips will help you put more AWESOME into your resume!

Full curriculum

Maximize Your Earning Potential through Business ...
What am I going to get from this course? Over 27 lectures and 2 hours of content! Students will be able to identify what networking is and why it is useful.

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