About Laura Rose
- Do you feel pushed and pulled in all directions?
- Do you find that once you complete one task, 3 more pop up to replace it?
- Do you ever feel so busy that you dont even have time to delegate?
The truth is chaos does not have to be a way of life.
Hi, my name is Laura Rose. I am a speaker and author. My background is in time and project management.
I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they dont have time to learn new technology or train their staff. I have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas.
At the end of the day, I give people peace of mind.
Even though Laura excelled in the corporate environment, she felt a calling toward something more.Laura now uses her time management, work life balance and personal development skills as a efficiency coach and Corporate Exit Strategist.Laura Lee Rose helps people blend their goals and dreams into their everyday lives. Laura uses creative transition strategies to help her clients realize what really matters to them. Combining inspired action with practical, tangible techniques easily lead you toward more autonomy, freedom and balance.
If you are ready for your next chapter, learn more about Laura and her products contact her directly.
Some comments from Lauras clients are below:
Lauren, I love your style. Its warm, friendly and calm, and you create a safe environment for your clients. There is something very special about you, and the way you work in service of others.
You are a Masterful Coach.
Laura authors many articles and workshops on time management and strategic scheduling (click here for full list of articles) Laura offers one-on-one career and life coaching, small group coaching, seminars and workshops.You can learn more about her at www.LauraLeeRose.com
Personal note from Laura:
Thank you for spending this time to learn more about me and my clients.
My clients and potential clients are, like you, all doing well.But sometimes we want more from life.We feel that these challenging economic times prohibit us from creating the life we were meant to live.
When we integrate all that we are into what we do, we are free from doubt. We are at our best because we are working through inspiration. But it's difficult to follow one's passion, if we don't know what inspires us. Or we can't find the time.
I use my corporate project management, people management and client advocacy background to help my clients identify and tap into what excites and delights them. I help my clients identify, focus and hold onto their dreams. My clients find that by incorporating their passions into their every day, their lives become fuller, more joyous and prosperous. My clients and I use this collaborative relationship, to help define creative and practical approaches to continually and eagerly move forward.
My business is growing quickly through referrals.Please keep me in mind when talking with friends and associates.Once your friends experience this for themselves they will understand the value of coaching.With this in mind, I would like to offer you and your friends the gift of two free sample sessions.
Laura Rose , CTACC
Certified Business and Personal Life Coach
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