Negotiation Skills Training - Salary Negotiation Tips

Section 1: Welcome! Lecture 1 01:37 In this video, I welcome you to the course and talk about our goals. You'll hear about my background and qualifications as an instructor, and I set the scene for the next lecture you're about to see. Lecture 2 01:48 In this video scenario, you'll watch Allison, the main character in this series, talk about her work like with her friends. Like many job-seekers, you'll see that she genuinely likes her job and is a hard worker, but is frustrated at being underpaid and undervalued.
Section 2: Lessons Learned Lecture 3 01:03

In this video, Jim recaps the previous scenario, explaining the 3 key take-aways that you should use for your own job search. You'll also learn what NOT to do when asking for a raise.

Section 3: Planning Your Negotiation Strategy Lecture 4 01:04 This video sets the stage for how you will approach your ask for a raise or promotion, and how it differs from interviewing for a new job.
Lecture 5 02:39 Timing your request for a raise critical. This video explains the 5 questions you need to consider.
Lecture 6 02:27 In this video, Jim explains the "Accomplishments Manifesto," a document used to track your big wins at work over time.
Lecture 7 Text This section provides customizable templates that can be downloaded, allowing you to track your accomplishments. A Microsoft Word and Excel version is included.
Lecture 8 03:52 This lecture talks about ways you can get noticed on the job, and presents a case study for "the big idea."
Section 4: Creating A Portfolio Of Your Work Lecture 9 01:21 A portfolio of your work is a great way to be memorable and present your best case when asking for a raise. This lecture gives 3 reasons why that is the case.
Lecture 10 01:05 This lecture presents 8 items that can be used in a portfolio, and demonstrates the type of content that can be used.
Lecture 11 01:26

Our photos, videos, books, and music have all gone digital... why not your portfolio? This lecture explains how to display your accomplishments on a tablet.

Lecture 12 Text This section provides customizable templates that can be downloaded, giving you an example of how you might construct an online portfolio for your job. Two different versions are given with instructions for each, both in Microsoft Powerpoint format.
Section 5: Conducting Market Research And Increasing Your Value Lecture 13 03:55

What is your value on the marketplace? This lecture shows how to do the homework and conducting market research in order to find what you're worth when asking for a raise.

Lecture 14 Text This section provides a customizable email letter that can be downloaded, allowing you to reach out to a mentor or colleague to ask about salary range. It is in Microsoft Word format. Lecture 15 03:05 How much is the typical raise? This lecture answers that question, but also shows how you can exceed that number by standing out in a crowd.
Lecture 16 00:36 This lecture shows how to create a custom salary research document.
Lecture 17 4 pages

This section of the course detailed a few ways to do your homework and find out how much you are worth.

This PDF download provides more than 50 websites, guides, and sources to help you narrow down the range that you should target.

Lecture 18 Text

This section provides customizable templates that can be downloaded, allowing you to create your very own salary research document.

Three versions are available, depending on what program you are most comfortable with: Photoshop, PowerPoint, and Excel.

Section 6: Your Plan Of Attack And Case Studies Lecture 19 03:03 In this lecture we review what you've learned so far, and talk about tailoring your raise request to your boss's style, what to ask for, and how to handle vacation requests.
Lecture 20 01:22 OK, you're ready to ask for a raise, but what are your options? This lecture gives you two techniques for getting the number you want.
Lecture 21 01:51 In case study 1, we show how a salesperson might structure their ask for more money.
Lecture 22 02:20 In case study 2, we show how an executive chef or high level manager might structure their ask for more money. Lecture 23 01:37 In case study 3, we show how a social media manager might structure their ask for more money. Section 7: Preparing For Battle Lecture 24 03:56 It's easy to study what to say, but everything changes when you're in the moment. Jim shows how interactive role-playing can make a big difference.
Section 8: Final Thoughts Lecture 25 00:24 This video wraps up the course and summarizes the key things you need to know.
Section 9: Bonus Content Lecture 26 11:08 In this bonus slideshow, Jim reviews 6 case studies of professionals that successfully negotiated their salary.

Note that this is based on a similar presentation that was included in the Negotiation Mindset course, but has some additional content.

Full curriculum

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