Goal Setting - How To Easily Turn Dreams Into Reality

Section 1: Introduction To Goals Lecture 1 03:33

In this introduction, you'll learn what goals are and why everybody has them. You'll learn the difference between consciously chosen goals, and instinctive goals. You'll learn why consciously chosen goals are much better for creating your life.

Lecture 2 01:56

When most people set goals, they are really setting a wish. In this video, you'll learn what the difference is between a goal and a wish.

Lecture 3 02:28

In this video, we'll go through a specific example to understand why wishes are easy to set, but very hard to achieve, and why goals are much more likely to come true.

Lecture 4 01:27

In this video, we'll go over the two most common fears to setting goals, and in subsequent videos we'll learn why they are false.

Lecture 5 03:12

Fear of failure is very common when setting goals. In this video we'll learn why it's absolutely false.

Lecture 6 03:03

Fear of success is just as real, and can be just as debilitating as the fear of failure. In this video, we'll uncover what it really means, and why this is also a false fear based on a false understanding of achievement.

Section 2: Proper Mindsets For Successful Goal Setting Lecture 7 00:39

This is a brief introduction to this section. What mindsets are and how they can be thought of as mental tools for successful goal setting.

Lecture 8 01:58

Since we can't know the future, we don't know how we'll get to our goal. Luckily, with the mindset of flexibility, you can easily change course as needed, no matter what happens.

Lecture 9 02:11

The second crucial mindset is being open to feedback. Taking action, and getting results will get feedback. So long as you are open to all feedback, you'll be fine.

Lecture 10 02:09

The third mindset is enjoying the journey as a life changing process, rather than only enjoying the destination. Since we are all driven to achieve bigger and better things, understanding this mindset is essential.

Section 3: Step By Step Goal Setting Technique Lecture 11 00:55

The nuts and bolts of taking your biggest dreams and turning them to a specific action plan for easy success.

Lecture 12 02:23

The need for specificity. How to take your vague dream and turn it into a concrete and measurable target.

Lecture 13 02:35

Your goal will become much more real when you attach it to a specific time in the future.

Lecture 14 02:26

Your goal is much more powerful if it is really your goal and not somebody else's.

Lecture 15 01:57

A powerful goal must be completely under your control. In this video we'll learn how to make sure.

Lecture 16 03:11

One often overlooked aspect of goal setting is to maintain present positives. This means keeping things about your life that you like the same. That way, you won't have to give up anything you don't want to.

Lecture 17 03:38

In this video you'll learn a very powerful technique to uncover any hidden fears, and turn them around into positives that will make your goal even more powerful.

Lecture 18 03:47

One last piece of the puzzle is that your goal should get you EXCITED when you say it. In this video, we'll learn how to make sure.

Lecture 19 02:53

Here we'll go over a few sample goal statements to give you an idea of what your own final statement should look and sound like.

Section 4: How To Stay Motivated Until Your Goals Are Realized Lecture 20 00:48

How to turn yourself into a powerful force of success without needing to rely on willpower.

Lecture 21 02:04

Why daily journaling is absolutely essential to maintain motivation without needing willpower.

Lecture 22 02:52

In this video, you'll learn powerful visualization techniques, as well as some very effective mental mind games to play with yourself to get a burst of motivation any time you need it.

Lecture 23 01:29

It can be tough to think of your goal way out on the time horizon. Which is why in this video you'll learn how to break it down into easy weekly milestones and how to reward yourself as you achieve them.

Lecture 24 01:38

How to build up your final achievement, the completion of your goal, and fill with emotional power that will keep you salivating with an unstoppable burning desire.

Lecture 25 01:45

In this video, you'll learn who to share your goal with, and who you should never tell.

Section 5: Final Thoughts and Bonus Material Lecture 26 01:37

Your ultimate purpose in life is to be a continuous creator of bigger and better things.

Lecture 27 02:00

Your life, and everything in it, is ultimately up to you. By using the techniques in this course, you can create anything you want.

Lecture 28 01:21

Final message and bonus downloads to make setting and achieving your goals even easier.

Full curriculum

Goal Setting - How To Easily Turn Dreams Into Reality
Learn How To Take Any Vague Wish and Turn it Into A Specific, Step by Step Action Plan For Automatic Success

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