Welcome to 7 days to Happiness, where I'll take you through 7 quick and easy, proven and portable exercises that bust your stress and boost your mood. My name is Kellie Edwards and I'm Psychologist, Mindfulness Teacher and Passionate champion of happy lives of over 25 years.
7 days to Happiness is a week long experiment where you get to try one power-packed stress buster and mood booster each day and by the end of the week not only will you feel better and be on your way to rewiring your brain for happiness for the rest of your life - you will have a tool kit of 7 short and sweet things that you can do anywhere, anytime you want to! I've cherry-picked these exercises to give you the best neuroscience, positive psychology and mindfulness have to offer.
Happiness doesn't just happen. Get back in the drivers seat of your well-being! Can't wait to work with you inside the course.
Meet your instructor Kellie Edwards
- Psychologist
- Mindfulness Teacher
- Over 25 years studying, coaching & counselling the science of happiness and flourishing in her practice "A Flourishing Life"
- Helps people establish research based Happiness Habits - and flourish
- Udemy course Mindfulness 4 Mothers: Self Care for Any Stage of Parenting
- Upcoming in depth programs on Resilience, Happiness, Relationships & Parenting
Here we discuss enlightening happiness science from the field of neuroscience and positive psychology so we can understand how to get into the drivers seat and rewire our brain for greater well-being and happiness
Three simple guidelines are offered to help you get the most from your happiness experiments this week
Jessica is going to try each experiment with us, one day at a time, and get back with her stress busting and mood boosting happiness feedback!
Stress can come in all shapes and sizes - what can we do to manage our stress and increase our happiness? This exercise offers a simple way to reset the nervous system and restore calm and well-being regardless of what is going on with your thoughts and emotions - powerful and backed by science
Stress Buster - Jessica's Results
Here we offer some final happiness tips to get the most out of this experiment and manage stress fast!
A great tool to soften our stress and generate a relaxation response in our physiology.
Softening the Stress - Jessica's Results
Here we offer some final happiness tips to get the most out of this experiment and manage soften and soothe stress fast!
Fake it till you Make It? - Introduction & Instructions
Fake it till you Make It? - Jessica's Results
Here we offer some final happiness tips to get the most out of this experiment and reduce cortisol by 25% in just two minutes. BONUS - your confidence will also soar. Such a powerful exercise!
Learn the powerful science behind gratitude and why it has such a significant affect on your happiness.
Learn how to do a simple daily gratitude practice (plus a bonus option) that research shows has a powerful impact on your happiness, well-being and connection to others.
Be Grateful - Jessica's Results
Here we offer some final happiness tips to get the most out of this experiment and boost your mood, happiness and well-being all in one.
Savouring - Jessica's Results
Let's Get Physical - Introduction & Instructions
Let's Get Physical - Jessica's Results
Giving to Others - Introduction & Instructions
Giving to Others - some ideas to get you started
Giving to Others - Jessica's Results
It might seem strange to you that I have waited until the end of our week of experiments to raise this question - but I have done that for a reason. I wanted you to have your own lived experiential feel of happiness before I offered you a few research based answers to this question.
No discussion of happiness, however brief would be complete without reference to what we commonly refer to as its opposite: sadness, grief, anger, anxiety, jealousy, envy, greed, fear, etc
Congratulations to you - you did it, you kept your curiosity alive, experimenting with each of the exercises and hopefully had a lot of fun along the way. My hope for you is that have a few more happiness resources in your tool kit - that you know how to respond to stress so that it doesn't overtake you or undermine your well-being and that you can understand all that can be gained by deliberately choosing to boost your happiness on a daily basis and rewire your brain for greater success, health, happiness and connection to yourself and others.
So where to from here?
I encourage you to take hold of the exercises that have caught your fancy and make them part of your life - and come back to those you were unsure of and give them a go every now and again. Remember, I have cherry picked experiments that are backed by lots of research that demonstrates that they really work - so you can make them happiness habits with confidence that you are rewiring your brain for greater levels of happiness and well being for the rest of your lives.
Three quick tips on making them a habit that sticks so they are not a fad that is forgotten tomorrow - because your increased happiness is worth it.
Post Script: Happiness in Action
Happiness; Religion & Spirituality; Personal Brand Building; Creativity; Influence; Self Esteem; Stress Management; Memory & Study Skills; Motivation; Other; Design
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7 Days To Happiness is on Facebook. We've all known people who have been sick & passed away that wished for more days and many people are complaining about the
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