Director, Animator, Designer, Writer, Teacher, Entrepreneur.
For the last decade, I've been studying the creative process. Not as a scholar, but as a professional creative trying to unlock the secrets to the ultimate working method that would (a) work for every creative field out there, (b) push quality while eliminating creative frustrations, and (c) support professional "on demand" creativity as well as personal work.
My own career in this past decade is living proof that the research was successful. With no formal training at all, I managed to lead a rich, varied, fast-evolving and profitable creative career. I've done storyboards for major TV shows (Emmy awarded Shaun the Sheep), animated on major feature films (Asterix and the Vikings), worked on famous computer games (Hitman), and managed and supervised creative teams of up 30 people (Roadrunner). I also wrote a couple of instructional books, illustrated chilrens books, designed apps (AppSpace for android), and much more.
Being a teacher since 2001, it seems only natural that I should look for ways to pass along my creative process secrets. That's why I founded CreativityWise, and this is also what this Udemy channel is all about.
Welcome to the world of a creative process that actually WORKS. :)
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