Creativity Training - Learn How to Be Creative

Section 1: Introduction to the Creativity Gateway Lecture 1 03:13

An introduction to the creativeNsights approach to creativity enhancement.

Lecture 2 07:39

This lecture provides the rationale for the importance of creativity enhancement for virtually everyone.

Section 2: What We Know from the Science of Creativity Lecture 3 06:32

This lecture describes the basis for the science of creativity and how the generalized creative process really works.

Lecture 4 07:26

In this lecture you will learn how the creative process is powered by knowledge not innate talent. The types of knowledge critical to creativity and involvement of different parts of the brain are explained.

Lecture 5 03:00

This lecture explains the reasons that energy is critical to the creative process and what aspects of creative energy are most important.

Lecture 6 02:52

This lecture illustrates the results showing how collaboration fostered by networking is vital to the creative process.

Lecture 7 04:48

The science of creativity is pulled together into significant principles that are used to form the building blocks of Creativity Gateway enhancement.

Section 3: Supercharge Your Creative Energy Lecture 8 05:52

This lecture describes components of creative energy that can be reinforced to boost creativity. Commitment and time management techniques are detailed as important energy facets.

Lecture 9 07:14

This lecture includes methods to build on our strengths and fortify attitudes crucial to creativity.

Lecture 10 09:10

Ways to stimulate your creative melting pot, find inspiration and personalize your environment for creativity.

Section 4: Expand Your Creative Knowledge Base Lecture 11 05:24

This lecture contains general approaches for expanding your creative knowledge base and tips for how to practice the creative process.

Lecture 12 04:57

This lecture includes specific methods for expanding deep knowledge of your field and broad knowledge of other fields.

Lecture 13 03:18

This lecture includes tips for studying the creative problem and dealing with information throughout the creative process.

Section 5: Enhance Your Networking for Creativity Lecture 14 05:18

General techniques for networking enrichment and specific methods for enhancing communication skills are described.

Lecture 15 03:56

Proper use of social networking, choosing optimal connections and use of Effective Meeting principles are described.

Section 6: Putting It All Together Lecture 16 01:18

Brief conclusion along with encouragement to complete your creativity plan.

Full curriculum

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