Positive Psychology - Discover the Science of a Happier Life

Section 1: Introduction Lecture 1 04:34

There are a few learning principles on which this course is based on and that will help us get most out of it:

1. Based on science. The ideas I am presenting have been tested, retested and proven effective throughout many years of hard scientific research.

2. Apply

To really be able to make long-term change, you need to apply the additional materials provided. Do some of the exercises and take the time-outs during the lecture.

3. Engage

Do the exercises not for the sake of doing them The intention that you bring to the exercise matters for its outcome.

4. Remain Critical

Just because this course is based on science does not mean that all the ideas and strategies work as well for everybody. People are different and you will find some activities/topics more interesting and effective for you than others. Choose the exercises and ideas that fit best for you.

I hope you enjoy the course and commit to making positive changes in your life!

Lecture 2 02:15 Lecture 3 06:52

This lecture sets the scene for the rest of the course. We will discover what positive psychology is.

Lecture 4 04:07

In this lecture, we will learn about the two ways to view happiness - hedonic and eudaimonic.

Lecture 5 09:00

Nearly all of us buy into what Sonya Lyubomirsky one of the leading happiness researchers - calls the myths of happiness. Beliefs that certain achievements (marriage, kids, jobs, wealth) will make us forever happy and that certain adult failures or adversities (health problems, not having a life partner, having little money) will make us forever unhappy. We will explore those beliefs and discover why they are myths.

Lecture 6 2 pages Lecture 7 58 pages

This Personal Reflection Journal is the compilation of all the exercises and strategies presented throughout this course. You can print it out and use it as the main document to guide you through the application of lessons in this course.

Quiz 1 1 questionSection 2: The Power of Positive Emotions Lecture 8

Introduction to The Power of Positive Emotions

00:36 Lecture 9 15:48

In this lecture we will understand how positive emotions affect our mind and body and how we can cultivate more positive emotions.

Lecture 10

Exercises - Building Positive Emotions

2 pagesSection 3: Creating Sustainable Change Lecture 11

Introduction to Creating Sustainable Change

01:10 Lecture 12 05:53

In this lecture we will learn about the mechanisms in our brain that enable us to transform ourselves over time.

Lecture 13 15:08

In this lecture we will understand how habits are crucial for our long-term success and how we can build healthy habits and sustain them.

Lecture 14

Exercises - Action Plan for Effective Change

7 pages Lecture 15

Exercises - Creating Lasting Change

1 pageSection 4: Focus on Habits Lecture 16 01:14 Lecture 17 03:25 Lecture 18 02:44 Lecture 19

When a trigger is missing

02:10Section 5: Beliefs and thoughts Lecture 20

Introduction to Beliefs and Thoughts

01:03 Lecture 21 18:04

In this section we will explore how our beliefs and thoughts shape our reality and what we can do about it.

Well talk about how science shows us that focusing more on what works and what is going well helps to counter our inherent negativity bias. Well see how placing more focus on the positive is NOT to be detached from reality but to see reality from a more useful angle. And we will finish this first class by looking at the power of being more grateful for what we have.

Lecture 22

Exercises - Benefit vs. Fault Finding

2 pages Lecture 23 14:00

In this class we will deal with self-fulfilling prophecies and the optimistic mindset and try to get a better understanding of why the way we see ourselves determines who we are and who we become.

Lecture 24 10:03

In this lecture we discuss how we can benefit from a change in mindset and how leaving our comfort zone is a key to changing our mindsets.

Lecture 25

Exercises - Going Outside Our Comfort Zone

3 pages Lecture 26 08:28

In this lecture we learn about difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset and how we can change them.

Lecture 27

Exercises - Changing Beliefs

1 page Quiz 2 5 questionsSection 6: Core Strategies for Living a Good Life Lecture 28

Introduction to the Core Strategies

01:27 Lecture 29

Introduction to Mindfulness

01:23 Lecture 30 09:16

In this lecture we will learn to understand what mindfulness is and how research has shown its powerful effects.

Lecture 31 12:43

In this lecture we go over various ways to bring more mindfulness to our lives. We will also discuss common challenges that people face when they want to establish a mindfulness practice.

Lecture 32 3 pages Lecture 33

The Challenges of Mindfulness

2 pages Lecture 34 13:37

This video class will be about self-esteem. Self-esteem is the judgment we place upon ourselves and it affects almost every aspect of our lives. We discuss the benefits of higher self-esteem and then we learn about the six pillars or practices of high self-esteem.

Lecture 35 4 pages Lecture 36 10:00

Having an understanding of what makes us stand out, of what we are best at can transform our lives. In this lecture we look at character strengths and how we can find out more about ours.

Lecture 37

Exercises - Discover Your Strengths

4 pages Lecture 38

Exercises - Applying Your Strengths

2 pages Quiz 3 6 questionsSection 7: Building fulfilling relationships Lecture 39

Introduction to Building Fulfilling Relationships

00:43 Lecture 40 12:15

In this lecture, we see why relationships are so important to us and then go ahead to explore how we can make our relationships to our partners and also our friends and family more fulfilled. We look at what not to do: four behaviours that can predict divorce up to 94% accuracy.

Lecture 41 10:25

In this lecture we turn to how we can nurture happy and fulfilled relationships by looking at what the happiest couples do differently. Taking the Minding Model of Relationships we explore the five practices that the most fulfilled couples bring to their relationships.

Lecture 42

Exercises - Building Fulfilling Relationships

7 pagesSection 8: Overcoming tough times Lecture 43

Introduction to Overcoming Tough Times

01:14 Lecture 44 04:00

In this lecture, we establish an understanding that we also need negative emotions and that they are a normal part of our lives.

Lecture 45

Exercises - Permission to Be Human

1 page Lecture 46 08:17

In this lecture, we discuss what is called problem-focused coping. It involves dealing with the problem and using social support, and well see how we can use physical exercise and expressive writing to overcome tough times.

Lecture 47

Exercises - Problem-Focused Coping

1 page Lecture 48

Action Plan for Effective Problem Solving

4 pages Lecture 49 16:53

In this lecture, we turn to emotion-focused coping. After hearing the story of Viktor Frankl, a Jewish psychologist who survived the concentration camps, well revisit optimism and optimistic beliefs that we discussed in the fourth section about 'Thoughts and Beliefs'. We will use the so-called ABC-method to understand how we can rewire our brain and gradually replace old, negative thought patterns with more productive and positive ones.

Lecture 50

Exercises - Emotion-Focused Coping

3 pages Lecture 51 1 pageSection 9: Wrap-up Lecture 52 IFrame Lecture 53 01:48

To round up this course, we repeat 5 main points that we learned in this course.

Lecture 54 03:09 Lecture 55 2 pagesSection 10: References Lecture 56 10 pages

This is a list of references to some of the research papers that this course is based on. Every lecture also comes with a book recommendation for those who want to dig deeper.

Full curriculum

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Discover the Science of a Happier Life Discover the Science of Positive Psychology . enable you to make positive, sustainable changes in your life;

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This course distills research from positive psychology into lessons and steps that you can take to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Discover the Science of

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