I will offer this course at the introductory price of $39 until Janurary 31st, on February 1st the price will increase to $59.
A While Back I Notice I Always Had To Answer The Same Questions. People wanted to know:
- How I had tripled my speaking engagements!?
- How I had tripled my interview requests?
- How I had quadrupled my profits?
The answer is quite simple...I WROTE A BOOK. You can too, in under 30 days, without typing a single word, and start positioning yourself to profit with your passion!
Finally! A Fast and Easy Way For YOU to Painlessly Get Your OWN Book Written Without Actually Having to Sweat and Struggle Sitting at the Keyboard Typing for Weeks, Months or Years!
You want your book done, but
- Youre just too darn busy to actually sit down and put in the time writing your book.
- You dont really like to write.
- You feel as though youre not a great writer.
Look at What Youre Losing Out On Because You Havent Finished Your Book
(1) Instant Credibility in the Eyes of Those Who Are Considering Booking You to Speak.
As soon as you get your book finished, YOU will instantly be regarded as a Leading Authority on your topic. If youre competing against another speaker for a speaking engagement and you have a book but the other speaker doesnt, you could get hired simply because YOU are considered more of the expert because YOU ARE AN AUTHOR! Personally, many corporate, association, youth and college groups have booked me to speak simply because I am an author.
(2) Instant Exposure as Your Book Will Serve as a Brochure That Markets You Forever.
Unlike some sort of printed brochure or postcard that may get tossed in the trash, your book will stay around and get passed around to others. People will be able to contact you directly to schedule you for speaking engagements, hire you for consulting and to order your other products and services.
(3) Instant Fame and Publicity as Your Book Can Bring You Television, Radio, Newspaper and Magazine Interviews.
How would you like to be interviewed as a guest on national and international television and radio shows? How would you like to have stories written about YOU in magazines and newspapers that are published and read by people around the world? How would you like people asking YOU to autograph your book to them? Your book can help you to achieve all of this.
(4) Instant Income Bringing You Thousands of Dollars as Hundreds of People Line Up to Buy Your Book After You Speak.
You will have a quality book to sell after your presentations, pre-sell in large quantities prior to each speaking engagement, sell via your web site or direct mail and sell to current customers. If you performed only 20 speaking engagements and sold only 20 books at each talk (a grand total of only 400 books) at a rate of $15 per book, your gross profit would be $6,000! What if YOU sell 1,000 copies (at $15 per book)? You will Gross $15,000!!!
What's the catch? There's always a catch.
Problem is, even with your noble intentions and obvious solution, people today have been conditioned to say "no." They've been conditioned to reject and/or question everything. And with good reason. There a lot of people out there without solutions to a person's problem that claims to have a solution to person's problem. Shameful. Unfortunately, this has caused people to be very resistant to change. People only want to accept information from experts and people they can trust.
So what happen's if you are not an expert but you have the solution to someone's problem? How do you get them to pay attention to your awesome solution?
Since we all know that the "customer is always right," the onus falls on us to remedy this situation.
If our potential customers only want information from an expert, then how do we become experts?
My work as an author solidified me as a qualified expert in my field. That simple.
Speaking engagements tripled!
Interview requests tripled!
Profits quadrupled!
My books got my foot door and it can do the same for you.
My book established me as an expert and allowed me to profit from my passion of helping and inspiring people.
Stop wasting time and losing out on extra product sales by not having your book done
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