Your skills are valuable.
There are people in the world who need what you have and want to know what you know.
In this lesson I give an overview of RePurpose Work. Its a basic introduction and explains what you will learn by the end of the course.
This training course is for students who want to learn more about how they can use the skills they have learned in work and in life and use them to create new work.
You will see how what you know can be use to:
- Solve problems
- Answer questions
- Meet needs
Of those around you.
You will learn how to become a Contributor and a Solution Maker.
This course is the first in the the RePurpose Work series.
RePurpose Work and You
You probably have not thought of all of the ways you can RePurpose Your work. In this lecture I go over the following five applications in which you can create new work.
The Five RePurpose Work Applications
- Work Experiences - Things that you learned on the job.
- Hobbies and Interest - Things that you enjoy doing and have spent time learning outside of the work environment.
- Volunteer Work- You may have been a long-term volunteer. You can use things that you learned during this time to help others.
- Systems that You Created - Have you designed a program, a process or way of doing something that you can now share with others?
- Learn and Teach an Existing Platform -There are many platforms that you can learn and teach. Platforms like LinkedIn, Vimeo, YouTube, Word Press, Headway Themes and e Learning programs. Once you learn a system you will be able to offer your services and teach those who need this information.
Allow a little time for this session. I will give an example of each application and introduce you to people who have used the application to create new work.
Be sure to complete the session because as you hear the stories featured you will begin to think of your own ideas. Don't discount any of your ideas just write them down for review later.
Who Can You Help with What You Know?
In this lecture you will learn that the foundation of RePurpose Work is helping you to become a problem solver.
There are millions of people who have problems that need to be solved. Problems are not always rooted crises. Many times a problem is just something that we need in everyday life.
<span class="typ">Here</span><span class="pln"> are some of the problems that people look </span><span class="kwd">for</span><span class="pln"> each day</span><span class="pun">:</span>
<span class="typ">How</span><span class="pln"> to find the best deal on a car</span><span class="pun">.</span>
<span class="typ">How</span><span class="pln"> to find a house </span><span class="kwd">for</span><span class="pln"> rent</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="kwd">long</span><span class="pln"> term </span><span class="kwd">or</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="kwd">short</span><span class="pln"> term</span><span class="pun">.</span>
<span class="typ">Where</span><span class="pln"> can I sell </span><span class="kwd">my</span><span class="pln"> art work</span><span class="pun">?</span>
<span class="typ">What</span><span class="pln"> are the best schools </span><span class="kwd">in</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="kwd">my</span><span class="pln"> area</span><span class="pun">?</span>
<span class="typ">What</span><span class="pln"> are the best places to eat </span><span class="kwd">in</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="kwd">my</span><span class="pln"> area</span><span class="pun">?</span>
<span class="typ">Where</span><span class="pln"> can I find discount shopping </span><span class="kwd">or</span><span class="pln"> discount deals online</span><span class="pun">?</span>
Problems are different for each person, when you know what problem you can solve then you can create a solution.
What are people searching for online?
Now that you understand what a problem is, we're going to look at what people are searching for on Google.
You learn how to put in questions to see what popular answers are returned.
If you know you want to work with Executives, you can ask various questions about them in the search and see what comes up. This will give you an idea of what problems they have and see the different solutions that are available.
Remember, if you find someone doing something that you want to do, don't worry about that. It's true that no one will do things like you do. Your style and unique advantage will set you apart from the others.
Have you ever been attracted to someone just because they are so good at what they do? Usually when you find such a person they are whole-hearted in their work.
The people you want to work with will be drawn to you when they know that you care about their needs or their problems. In fact, the more you care the more they will want to work with you and tell others to do the same.
Your Skills
Your Passion
Your Purpose
Your Hustle
What's motivating your new work?
Are you building on the skills that you already have?
Are you building on your passion?
Are you connecting you work to your purpose?
Are you doing your Hustle? Your hustle is what you do to earn money while you prepare work based on one of the other foundations.
There is no right answer and you may choose to combine your skills and your passion or your purpose and your passion.
Your vantage point will be unique to your skills and abilities.
Your skill usually comes from what you learned on the job. When it comes to RePurposing your work, be sure not to discount the value of your skills.
If you worked as an office manger, your skills may be of service as a Virtual Professional. Many businesses had to down-size but they still need to get the work done. You can help them.
Don't under estimate the value of even the very simple things that you know how to do.
There are people who love Facebook and can be on it all day. I personally struggle to log any time on Facebook, a dream of mine would be to have someone use the skills they know to help me in this area.
Do you see how using what you know can bring great comfort and relief to someone so they can do other things?
Many great projects and companies have been built on passion. You passion is something that burns inside of you and you are compelled to do it no matter what.
There is a danger side to creating work solely based on your passion. I will talk about that in an upcoming lecture.
For now, take a bit of time to write down and explore your passion as it relates to doing new work.
Keep in mind that just because you have passion for something, you don't have to turn it into a job. You may be happier keeping your passion private or outside of your work life.
You'll love this Ted Talk. Black found great passion in the yo-yo. It took him a while but he found a way to turn that passion into new work. Notice the things that he did to prepare for his new work.
While you may not use a yo-yo to create your new work, you can find your "tool" and do the same thing that he did.
Your purpose is often tied to your feeling of significance or on a calling. Work built on purpose can have a far reaching impact and can change organizations, communities, cities and even the world. Look at organizations like or the organization I work with called Children International.
I've been to the field and met some of the children who benefit from sponsorship. It's a very rewarding feeling to do this work.
Your purpose based work may turn into your full-time work or something you do in addition to other work.
You have options.
Here's an example of purpose based work. This looks like so much fun! Notice how simple it is to create a song and a vision and to share that vision with children.
You can do this in your community. You can also create a special event just around the topic of recycling and renewable energy.
Check out Solar Energy International I love this organization. If you have had an interest in renewable energy this is a place where you can get online training.
Sometimes you need to do something that's going to pay the bills while you create your new work. This is what I call your hustle.
You know that your hustle is just temporary but important. If you find that you have to take a hustle position, be sure to put your heart into what you're doing. If you work at a coffee shop, enjoy it and make a good contribution while you are there.
Whatever you do make it matter and make an impact. Who knows what contacts or people you will meet who can help you in your future work.
Warning! Don't follow your passion unless you connect it with skill!
I love the "follow your passion" dream. I'm actually a recovering "follow your passion" girl. There nothing wrong will following your passion when you know what it takes to make it work.
Many people are on a constant search for their passion and never get anything done or they jump off of the cliff and find they are not prepared.
This lesson is about matching your passion with skill so that you get where you want to go and don't end up in a ditch.
Be sure to check out the Passion Article below and read So Good They Can't Ignore You by Dr.Cal Newport. It's work your time and energy to get through this book. I read it over the holidays and it was a turning point in my work.
Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson's talk is crucial in life and in work. It will teach you how to stop sabotaging your efforts and create a strategy that leads to successful accomplishments.
Watch the video.
If you are like most of us you are interested in more than one thing. This lecture encourages to pick one thing to grow and nurture into your RePurposed Work. The benefit of picking one thing is that you can master that area become known for solving that problem. If your efforts are too divided you won't be able to become really good at anything.
Can You Answer this Question?
This lecture is the conclusion of the course.
- You'll learn how to use the RePurpose Work hub to map out your idea
- How to use Lean Canvas to further plan your work.
- Have more clarity on who you can help with what you know.
- Program summary and invitation to register for free inbox coaching at
Thank you for taking the course. Stay tuned for the upcoming RePurpose Work Mastery course. The Mastery course goes into further detail of creating your work and sharing that work with the world.
It's always good to hear from those who have done what you want to do. In this mini session you will hear from Stepp Sydnor Author and Creator of the 2Meeting Close Selling System.
Imagine joining LinkedIn within the first 60 days of launching? This is what Kevin Knebl did then he learned the platform so well that he has built a sustainable business traveling around the world speaking and teaching about LinkedIn. He also teaches about Twitter and on the value of cultivating good relationships.
Lay a foundation for discovering your work as worship, your career as a calling, and your business as ministry.
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