We will go over the course main :
- Learning objectives
- Building blocks and high level structure
- Few FAQ
- Two important recommendations before starting...
OK, let's start !
Understanding the main global forces leading to constant changes around us, like globalization and technologies improvements, the impact on small to very large business companies and how it is correlated to the increasing requirement for more creative thinking individuals across all industry domains today and in the future.
Starting with simple definition of "Innovation" , the type and degree on innovation and how we should benefits from applying innovative approach at different dimensions in our daily life.
Creativity is a skill that already exist in each and everyone of us being used even if we are not aware of using it. In the most basic level, creativity is the fuel running the innovation engine. Some people learned along the years to better express and sharp their creative capability while others forget how to spark their own internal creative power.
Our basic assumption is that every person can really increase his/her creative thinking power with the right support.
Brainteaser - The Blue Monkeys Riddle
Our mind is one of the most amazing and complicated device in our body, with unbelievable capabilities helping us to manage the complex reality around us. Still, the way our brain process information combined with our limited sense is sometimes the main barrier to creative thinking while we gain and develop our personal mind perception along the years.
Each in everyone of us, develop many mind patterns along the years to better response to the complex external environment in our daily life. We will answer basic questions, like why our mind is using patterns ? and what are the main benefits and limitations related to creative thinking.
Creative thinking and logical thinking are not opposite forces, we must learn to mix between them and create the right balance point so they will be more harmonic waves in our mind.
Creative ideas are like organic creatures, the first step we need to take is to set the right supporting climate so they will start to grow and flourish in a faster rate.
The right attitude is definitely the most important element for constantly improving our personal creative skill. We will learn what is the best strategy to achieve that goal.
Most people create a virtual boundaries around themselves of what they can or can't do. Creative thinking requires a proactive approach to keep breaking and expand those boundaries of limitation.
For pursuing our personal creative and innovative project we need time. Without enough time and energy investment we can't really make constant progress in a reasonable rate. Finding more time to be creative is getting more important today then ever before, as we all flooded with digital information, preventing us to be efficient and productive in our creative thinking.
Ideas are the early seeds for changes, it is almost natural that some individuals, group of people, teams or even the all organization will not support some ideas. In some case, hidden forces will try to prevent us from leading a new direction. We need to learn to overcome such forces and lead the way going forward with our ideas.
We can be more proactive with our creative thinking by using some logical steps that are summarized as part of the creative thinking cycle :
- Seeding
- Growing
- Harvesting
For developing high quality ideas we need to do some preparation. Looking for opportunities to be creative and seeding some ideas in our mind in other people mind is critical and important initial element.
Creative and innovative opportunities are not going to wait outside our door, we need to be very proactive while looking for them around us. The first step is to setup the right state of mind.
We can't spend our time searching for opportunities in almost random way. The second step while looking for opportunities around us is to put our focus on the right places, where we have some edge over others.
After deciding the right places to put our focus we need to start searching. In many cases, great ideas are sitting quietly in all kind of places, we just need to fine tune our searching radar so we can pick them up on time.
As soon as we have some interesting opportunity in hand, we need to quickly setup an initial destination to start pushing the creative boat into the right direction.
The Growing phase is the second step inside our creative thinking cycle where we really start to invest energy to spark our creative thinking with all kind of practical methods and tools.
Cooking time is one of the most fundamental element of any efficient creative thinking process. Our unconscious mind is playing a key role of helping us to keep searching new creative directions especially when our conscious mind is going to rest for a while.
The JTBD method is used to re-focus our creative energy on the basic customers requirements, answering the simple and yet important question, what kind of job the customer is trying to get done. By breaking each job to sub-items we can better analyze where to put our creative horse power.
Our mind does not like knowledge gaps, by utilizing this tendency we can expose our mind to some gap related to the creative project and let our mind to start completing the puzzle in a creative ways.
Most problems, situation or challenges can be expressed in a visual manner, helping us to look on things with different fresh perspectives.
Analogy is a great vehicle to transfer our problem into totally different dimension, helping to escape for a while from the current problem's constrains. By comparing and correlating the two situations we can discover new thinking directions.
Gravity is a powerful force that constantly pull us in some direction trying to keep the system balanced. From time to time we need to inject new creative energy while trying to unbalance the situation. There are some easy to use methods we can use to inject that needed creative energy.
Gravity is a powerful force that constantly pull us in some direction trying to keep the system balanced. From time to time we need to inject new creative energy while trying to unbalance the situation. There are some easy to use methods we can use to inject that needed creative energy.
The world around us is based on many types of patterns. Some patterns are very simple and some of them are very complex. Many innovative ideas are born into the world as a result of understanding new and near future evolving patterns. In addition, patterns in nature are a great source of inspiration for many creative individuals.
The world around us is based on many types of patterns. Some patterns are very simple and some of them are very complex. Many innovative ideas are born into the world as a result of understanding new and near future evolving patterns. In addition, patterns in nature are a great source of inspiration for many creative individuals.
All our life, we are "selling ideas" to other people and in most cases without really aware of that "selling" process. When we try to "sell" an idea to someone else, we will probably hit all kind of resistances and criticism. This is very natural and we must embrace them, helping us to collect feedback and be much more creative while overcoming ongoing challenges.
In many cases, creative and innovative projects require collaboration of a group or team. In simple math 1+1=3. There are all kind of ways to collaborate with others, including group brainstorming, dedicated marathons, crowd-souring, collaboration platforms and more.
Like the farmer that invested so much time, energy and resources to develop his land, and now he is waiting to harvest the corps. We can analog that to our creative project, where we are constantly investing creative power to gain better and better ideas.
It is not a secret that in many cases, our brain will forget things very quickly. During our work on some creative project, waves of creative energy will visit us in unexpected time, during driving, walking in the park, listening to music, watching a movie and more. It is critical to record our ideas with all kind of means to support the important harvesting phase.
Associative Mapping has similar development process to the way our brain store and process information. This is why this method is very powerful for many creative thinking applications. If you didn't used in the past, it is time to change that asap....
During the demo we will learn how to develop a new associative mapping from scratch around some product example related to Internet of Things (IoT) trend .
Keep thinking on something is only part of the story. The ability to move quickly into doing is critical element in the creative process. We need to learn to move between thinking and doing during the all creative project.
We will update our creative thinking cycle:
- Seeding
- Growing
- Harvesting
- Doing (NEW!)
Any project in the world has some objectives or goals and usually with limited resources. In many cases it is important to translate our creative ideas into real action plan providing us initial direction that can be updated from time to time. In this chapter we will learn to develop such project plan. Not every creative project requires detailed planning, still high level planning from time to time is important while we are trying to make constant progress in our project.
Any project in the world has some objectives or goals and usually with limited resources. In many cases it is important to translate our creative ideas into real action plan providing us initial direction that can be updated from time to time. In this chapter we will learn to develop such project plan. Not every creative project requires detailed planning, still high level planning from time to time is important while we are trying to make constant progress in our project.
Please download the attached "My Project Planner" excel file. We will learn to how to use that simple tool for planning our creative project.
During our project implementation we would like to track some of Key Performance Indicators in our creative project helping to keep the project momentum. In this chapter we will discuss about :
- Tasks Progress
- Scope progress
During our project implementation we would like to track some of Key Performance Indicators in our creative project helping to keep the project momentum. In this chapter we will discuss about :
- Cost management
- Ongoing problem management
- Overall management (e.g. recalculating new path)
Please download the attached "My Project Dashboard" excel file. We will learn to how to use that simple tool for monitoring our creative project.
Almost finished our journey, now we would like to go over all the central key points we learned during the course.
What are the next steps in your personal creative journey ?
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SparkmyCT - Ultimate Guide to Spark Creative Thinking
SparkmyCT is a resource the spark of the creative mind SparkmyCT is a free resource blog about the subject of Creative Thinking leading to innovation at