Success, Happiness & Fulfillment - Udemy

Section 1: Part 1 Lecture 1 07:32

In lecture 1 Robert introduces himself and where he has come from, the struggles he has been through and how each and every one of us has a story to tell.

With a severe upbringing Robert didn't even speak at school so from the age of 4 it was almost as if his other senses had been heightened and his astute observation of people and their behaviours had already kicked into action.

Joining the army with a thought of no real prospects Robert was in and out of Jobs up until the age of 26 and is now through this course teaching how other can know real Success, Happiness & Fulfillment.

Lecture 2 02:49

In lecture 2 Robert discusses The Power of Strategic Intervention...

How one intervention from the right person can change the direction of your entire life Robert swiftly moved into sales but the negative conditioning he had been through up until the age of 27 took over a year to overcome with all the subliminal mind tapes he could find.

Through implementing certain changes Robert moved from £60 per week door knocking to £2000 per week as a consultant for a Malaysian firm.

Lecture 3 02:27

In lecture 3 Robert opens up on how depression had crept in like a shaolin monk; losing his family, his home and his business as he tells us, everything happens for a reason.

For over 4 years Robert was on and off medication, lost sight of all his goals and was spiralling downwards with no direction.

With the continuing helping hand from a good friend Marco and after a years' of requests Robert refused to sit around any longer and accepted the request to move to Malaysia to consult once again.

Lecture 4 02:46

In lecture 4, Robert covers briefly how after all his trials and tribulations he will never again take his eye off the finer things in life.

After 4 years of consulting for Marco, Robert has re-established his own business, released his own book and resumed his 1 on 1 coaching.

But still insisting throughout that if his past has taught him anything on how swiftly the wind changes direction it's not all about the money but true Success, Happiness & Fulfillment.

Lecture 5 04:44

In lecture 5 Robert explains how everything starts in the mind...

Briefly discussing how everything you see in the world today first existed in someone's mind and so by example one's own goals should be firmly fixed in the mind.

Achieving a position at the Napoleon Hill Conference as a key speaker, Robert is living proof that once you set your mind on a goal anything is possible.

Lecture 6 09:08

In lecture 6 Robert helps you to identify key areas of your life with powerful questions that engage you to make changes.

Robert delves into how everything we believe is all down to programming and that the conscious, the subconscious and even our decision making process is affected by this.

Primary Conditioning and Secondary Conditioning in turn affect our beliefs about education, health, money, friends and that these pre-programmed beliefs from childhood are affecting our abilities to make lasting changes in our lives today!

Lecture 7 08:09

In lecture 7 Robert discusses the direction of the mind and putting up sign posts to help you recognise your success.

Identifying unconscious fears such as standards of success, identity and criticism are key points discussed along with how we handle Acceptance or Rejection.

The mind resists change, but recognising essential areas of your own life could be key to you unlocking your potential, achieving your goals and realising your dreams!

Lecture 8 10:45

In lecture 8 Robert goes in depth to explain how the mind is actively looking for what you focus on and it will ignore evidence contrary to what you focus on.

How attitudes create feelings and feelings create action, it's important to focus on how we feel and realise that our past does not equal our future.

Ultimately though Robert draws you in and forces you to ask yourself "what do I focus on?" throughout.

Lecture 9 12:12

In lecture 9 Robert shares a story of The Two Twins, The Will to Survive and Embracing Change.

We all know about our comfort zones yet Robert shines a bright light in this area through his mental mind mapping of what he calls The Familiar Zone.

An in-depth lecture covering The Fear of Change and overcoming it!

Lecture 10 06:45

In lecture 10 Robert discusses briefly how if you develop an intense enough belief about something, anything, yes anything, is possible!

Using examples from famous celebrities who have applies this technique Robert walks you through one of the most critical techniques for achieving your goals and that with an unshakable belief you will smash through any obstacle.

Anything is possible, if you create that belief.

Lecture 11 10:44

In lecture 11 Robert covers a sensational topic of Reprogramming the Mind.

Robert talks also of when change takes place in your own life you will begin to see a resistance from those around you. Why? Because when you change, it means others have to change too.

Being mindful of your own thoughts and taking ownership of them, Robert says, will help you to implement subtle changes into your own life.

Lecture 12 14:25

In lecture 12 Robert boldly tells us and goes on to explain that... Thinking Isn't Something That Just Happens To You...

Also covered is the dangers and powers of your daily language, changing your speech and how to become more aware of your own thoughts.

Through this self awareness journey of your own thoughts Robert helps you to identify the fact that you have control over your thoughts and that with this you have the power to break your own minds' existing negative patterns.

Lecture 13 15:02

In lecture 13 Robert takes us through Removing The Labels.

What are your labels? What labels are people putting on you? What action are you taking to execute change? These are some of the questions and topics Robert covers in probably the most in depth lecture to part 1.

This lecture is a taster of things to come in part 2!

Section 2: Part 2 Lecture 14 07:49

In lecture 14, with a recap on self confidence, Robert asks how do you get self confidence?

Confidence is like a muscle and with a little exercise confidence is then learnt and acquired, not born!

By building your own self confidence you will develop the strength, the motivation and the focus to begin creating your dreams.

Lecture 15 09:54

In lecture 15 Roberts states, 'I am in control of my mind and therefore my results, you are in control of your thoughts and therefore your results'.

Robert discusses how the inner critic can run riots with 'your' thoughts however you can reduce the noise of the inner critic once you begin to learn to recognise it.

Take a control of your inner critic and don't allow it to dominate your thoughts and feelings. If your feeling low, its because your inner critic has thought it up first.

Lecture 16 05:28

In lecture 16 Robert introduces the practical application of The Domino Effect of your Thought Patters.

Through this practical technique Robert helps you to interrupt and break the pattern of negative thoughts by becoming consciously aware of the triggers that cause them.

This technique can be applied everyday and is a life long tool to monitor and produce much more productive thought patterns.

Lecture 17 03:38

In lecture 17 Robert helps you to Develop a Super Coach..

Your super coach is there to re-enforce positive thought patterns that will help you identify each and every situation from a different perspective.

All the resources are within.

Lecture 18 09:48

In lecture 18 Robert expands on the use of a Super Coach and how you can replace your inner critic with the fabulous, new super coach!

Robert states, it's all about making a choice! Why? Because you're thinking anyway, right?

If you merely acknowledge, ask and expand you will become more and more consciously aware of your thought patterns and how they can either promote you forward in life or demote you down to the gutter.

Lecture 19 06:18

In lecture 19 Robert opens up a topic on the Energy Orbits of the people around you and the Mirror Neurons that people are receiving and omitting all the time.

Discussing the impacts and dangers of your mirror neurons, Robert forces us to ask ourselves, who's in my energy orbit and what am I picking up on?

Once you realise the impacts and dangers of your energy orbit and mirror neurons, it won't be long before you begin to make some serious changes in your circle.

Lecture 20 02:40

In lecture 20 Robert briefly covers the realms of Possibility Thinking.

That if you're going to dream, you may as well dream BIG.

And to break down your goals!

Lecture 21 05:15

In lecture 21 Robert delves into Creative Visualisation and the methods of being still and being quiet.

Asking throughout, "What is it you want?" Robert demands specificity when it comes to creative visualisation all the time providing all the details and being consistent in your approach.

He closes the lecture with a thought provoking example that aiming for success has nothing to do with your time!

Lecture 22 10:56

In lecture 22 Robert concludes on his creative visualisation laws and techniques telling us about the test that comes with every attempt at success.

The bigger the test, the bigger the rewards but Robert re-assures us once you've passed your test, there's no more, just don't break the law!

Robert concludes the lecture with a story about creative visualisation and that if you apply the techniques and follow the laws he teaches, anything is possible!

Lecture 23 07:15

In lecture 23 Robert highlights the importance of keeping a little silent pride and not to reveal your visualisation goals.

Along with keeping your goals private Robert insists 'Feel like you have it now', 'take action and trust in your visualising' and 'not to worry about the hows'.

Robert asks, do you wonder how your computer sends the email? How your phone sends a text? How a camera captures an image? Well you might, but you wouldn't concern yourself with it, so don't concern yourself with the mechanics of visualisation, why? Because its not made in Japan, it's made in the universe!

Lecture 24 04:31

In lecture 24, Robert closes the course with a few powerful questions.

Robert reminds us of key points such as, it's not all about the money and asks, how much time do you spend on planning your future?

As the age old saying goes, fail to plan, plan to fail.

Lecture 25 08:08

In lecture 25 Robert takes the students through an eye opening group exercise that literally speaks right through to the subconscious mind.

This technique can be applied at home or in the office.

Robert has an abundance of techniques and mind tactics that he shares throughout his one on one coaching at

Full curriculum

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