Before you sign up for this course, please watch this video to see what we'll cover in this course.
The course is packed with videos with me in front of the camera, PowerPoint presentations, audios and written text.
To make the best of your course experience, please watch these slides to show you around your course console. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to place them in the discussion area.
Don't overwhelm yourself by inhaling all of the course contents at once. Take your time and come back and revisit some lectures. There is a lot here to digest. You have life time access!
This short audio talks about why I love relationships so much. Much of what I talk about in my work has to do with relationships. Without relationships our lives wither and become meaningless.
A short introductory video introducing the subsequent lessons about soul mates, twin flames and other relationships.
Love has been talked about for eons. Most ancient philosophers whom we are still talking about today, have talked about love and relationships for thousands of years. Listen to what Plato, the Sufis and Edgar Cayce have said about the longing to be united to true love.
People often believe that soul mates are here to be our spouses, a significant other. That's not what soul mates are. Watch this presentation to get an idea of what a soul mate is.
One of the most coveted relationships amongst so-called spiritual people is the twin flame or twin soul relationship. People all over the internet are frantic about finding their twin flame. Just what is it? And how much of it is fantasy, an adult fairy tale, and reality?
Attached please find a video I did about self worth, cheating and twin flames.
I know you have loads of questions about this so-called twin flame phenomenon. Here is a PowerPoint presentation covering some of the questions. There is an additional teleseminar/audio at the end of the course (see bonuses) that covers even more questions about twin flames.
Please also check the attached supplemental material, where you will find another extended recording of Q&A about twin flames.
Quiz: Are you incomplete without a significant other in your life?
Every person deals with four types of relationships. It's up to us which one we attract. The majority of people are stuck in repeating the cycle of relationship type 1 and 2. Very few are mature enough to create a relationship type 3 and even fewer are equipped enough to create a relationship type 4, and yet it is this type of relationship that everyone wants.
Here are the details of these four types of relationships. Which ones have you been entertaining in the past? Which one do you really want? What will it take to give you the mature, realistic, lasting and supporting relationship that you really want?
What the attached 6 minute video where a young couple gets to see what they will look like as they age. Notice how every time he sees her in a new age group, he is focused on her looks. She on the other hand puts his looks down as he ages.
Quiz: Only relationship type four is worth pursuing.
What is sacred sexuality? Is it tantra? No!
Here is the introductory video easing you in for the lessons to come.
One of the most important lessons of this course - understanding sexuality, spirituality and science. All of it here to help you stay grounded and practical, while bringing more love into your relationships.
This is part 1 of 2.
One of the most important lessons of this course - understanding sexuality, spirituality and science. All of it here to help you stay grounded and practical, while bringing more love into your relationships.
This is the 2nd part of this lecture.
Also, please check your resources in this section for an article about celebrities choosing the route of celibacy.
Please watch the attached the attached supplemental video created by Mark Dice. He is doing an experiment telling people on the street that they just won either a 10 oz. bar of silver or a Hershey's bar of chocolate. The silver bar is worth over $150. The chocolate costs less than $2.
What do chocolate and silver have to do with divine relationships?
Bonus: Discussion About Sexuality With a Divine Partner
Quiz: "And the two shall become one."
Watch this brief introductory video preparing you for the next lesson about your chakra system.
This is part 1 of 3.
This is one of the most important lessons of this entire course. When you fully understand this lesson, you will understand how every relationship in your life is unfolding. This will help you in deciphering very quickly whom you want in your life and whom you are not to allow into your inner circle. Red flags are always around us and sometimes it's better not to put our little hands on the stove - we only get burned when we do.
This is part 2 of 3.
Let's examine what the chakra system has to say about you and your love relationships.
This is part 3 of 3.
When we understand the "why" of how things function and why we go through things, life becomes easier and more peaceful. Watch this part about how science fits into love.
Quiz: What does chakra one represent?
Here is a tip from my own marriage and a movie to show you what's really going on in most couples' homes.
We all have to go through heart-ache sooner or later. These challenges seem to linger and stick around and make it difficult at times to move forward with a clean slate in a new relationship. Here are some tips on how to deal with old pain.
Also make sure to watch the video attached in your resources tab.
Here is a video to help you let go when it's time to do so.
Setting healthy boundaries, and sticking to them, is a huge part in getting ready to be in a truly significant, and life long relationship with a divine partner. Attached is your workbook and your lessons.
Judging People Based On Their Looks
And just to help reinforce the matter of creating practical and grounded partnerships, here are additional slides to help strengthen your new reality.
Also watch the attached support video in your resources area.
By now you have learned that many adults love an adult fairy tale as much as children do. Chasing after a fantasy, however, is not going to bring you a lasting and practical partnership. What exactly does it take to create a true life partnership?
Quiz: What does it take to create a lasting relationship?
Watch these slides to get a summary of what you have learned in this course.
I want to congratulate you to getting through this course material! Here is a letter from me to you, in the hopes to helping you on your path to attracting a truly divine partner.
Your review is important for new students. I know this course rocks, but it's a whole other story when they hear you rave about what you've learned. If you can't leave a 5 star review, will you please not leave a review at all but send me a message instead and let me know how I can improve the course? I want to produce high-quality content that is life changing for all my students. I deeply care and your feedback is essential to this process.
When you leave a review the computer system sends me an automated message. This is my trigger to send you a personal message to say 'thank you' for taking the time to let others know that you've enjoyed the course. And as an extra 'thank you' I'll send you even more bonuses.
Here is an eBook I compiled for you, listing some great videos and books that can help you on your journey. Remember to observe yourself when you are reading a book or watching a movie, rather than getting wrapped up in the fairy tale of things.
Some of these movies and books you may not have heard of, whereas others you perhaps have seen already.
Whenever possible, I took the liberty to use my Amazon affiliate link. If you have a Netflix account you may find many of these on there.
As a valued student here are a series of discount codes to all my courses, which you may use for yourself or give away as gifts to your friends and family members. You are free to use this downloadable document and use it as a bonus on your website or do an email blast with it.
A Twin flame is a spiritual (esoteric or New Age) concept describing a special soul connection between two souls. The twin flames are thought to be a template for an
Twin Flames, introduction by Antera - Center for Soul ...
What is a Twin Flame? Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the
Twin Flames - Devine Miracles
Greeting & Welcome!! In this article I will "attempt" to explain the process of a Twin-Flame relationship. This is a very controversial subject with many different
Twin Flame Relationship - Creating a Life filled with ...
Much has been written about the concept of Twin Flames, with many channelled opinions and deep beliefs in current circulation. It would seem that this is the time
Top 10 Twin Flame Signs - Lucy's Signal River
Twin Flame Signs - Have you met your Twin Soul? See if you've felt the top 10 twin flame signs, stages and symptoms and read more about finding twin flames.
Twin Flames - The Secret Truth About
Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. All other relationships could be said to be "practice" for the twin, the Ultimate
Twin Flame Signs - Collapsing Duality
Signs that you have found your Twin Flame or Soul Mate can be many and varied. Some of you may be able to identify with a few of the signs listed below while others
Gold Ray Twin Flames, Real Deal Twin Flame Reunion and Love
Twin Flame Healers Mel and Nicole offer Channeled Readings and Transpersonal Counseling for individuals whom feel they met their twin flame or soul mate.
Twin Flame - Twin Flame Path
Twin Flame Path Coaching / Support. Purging your Self of all old negativity to do with you and your Twin Flames connection, this can be very intense and emotional.
Twin Flames, Crystalinks
Ellie's Twin Flame. April 1991 - Sedona, AZ Guided by my twin flame, Zoroaster, who I call Z. I climbed a winding mountain, alone, and yet never alone as Z has been