This is a brief description of who will benefit from the course.
Download these books, please.
This first video features Alan H. Jordan discussing the the objectives of Write a Picture Book - Empower Children - Make Money. He explains the course's goals.
This part of the introduction explains why this course empowers students to change the world for better, one-reader-at-a-time.
The #1 tip, before we begin, to maximize results
This brief video explains why the techniques in this course will build skill sets that help you to write a novel or short story as well as a children's book.
This section show you why this course in writing children's books will empower you to succeed. (I originally recorded it when the title course title was slightly different. I decided to keep this video because even though the title was changed. Let me know if you feel I should redo this, and not use the word "legacy.". - Thanks. Alan
Please introduce yourself
It's always good to feel that your instructor is qualified to teach. Check out this video. Note to Alan: Redo the section with the spreadsheet. Make the view larger.
Get a better idea of who the instructor, Alan H. Jordan is as a person. Learn why he uses a variety of different lecture formats, and discover a challenge that will kick start you when you write your children's books.
What you get out of a course is related to how much effort you invest in it. The resources show how to ask good questions, and use the notes and discussion features. The video pinpoints the advantages of taking notes using the Udemy interface.
This checklist will help you to determine if you've mastered the most important parts of the first and second sections.
You may be surprised at the impact your writing can have on the world. Review this video to gain some additional insight.
This checklist is a quick recap of why your writing can have a huge impact.
Changing the World - One Person at a Time
The real scoop on how much money you can expect to earn when you write children's picture books.
An explanation of why having at least two different stories is a good thing.
Because of the small number of words in a picture book, it is important to select each and every word with care.
Please review this video, and also check out the resources that are attached. PBMBS--Picture Books Must Be Short and CHLT - Children Have Little Tolerance.
Children are the easiest audience to please, unless you have bad illustration or writing. Then, they put your book down without finishing it,and never pick it up again. Learn how to avoid this issue. It's easy. Be sure to check out the resource, "The Questionable Value of Using Real Life Examples.
Have a look at this critique of a FIRST DRAFT of a book that I am writing to understand the value of conflict. Keep in mind that first drafts are for the writer, not for the reader. They are a place where to get your ideas down for refinement.
As you write your manuscript remember that it's almost impossible to get a perfect first draft, and weak first drafts are normal.
An audio interview with the illustrator of The Monster on Top of the Bed. Manuela lives, and illustrated the story, in Italy. She has an accent when she speaks English, but it is easy to follow.
This checklist will help you to quickly pinpoint areas of concern. For example, if you have a 2,000 word picture book manuscript (and you're not already a best selling children's author) you'll quickly discover that you have written way too many words.
This video explains the advantages of using the two shortcut techniques that are built into this course. The shortcuts are drawing inspiration from a popular picture book and drawing inspiration from photographs. Don't confuse a shortcut with cheating. Both of these measures have been used successfully by many authors, one for thousands of years.
If you base your picture book plan on a successful book, you will be emulating the techniques used by successful authors who have spent much time understanding the structure of a book.
You may be surprised at how easy it is for you to write a children's picture book if you use a successful book as a model. The external resources here will let you find one that you enjoy, quickly. The video will get you started on using a picture book as a model.
You might be surprised at how easily you can write a story, if you start with a photograph or work of art that inspires you.
In this module we discuss how to write a first draft of a children's picture book when you understand what you want to accomplish. It uses the example of one of my children's books, The Monster on Top of the Bed.
Finishing a first draft is an intoxicating experience, even for an accomplished writer. This checklist will help you to understand emotionally that you have finished a first draft, not a book.
This is a poem that I wrote after reading Magic in Shel Silverstein's book, Where the Sidewalk Ends. Magic ends with "But all the magic I've known / I've had to make myself." I didn't try to duplicate Magic, but to use it as an inspiration for my own poetry. I thought to myself, "What's the easiest way to make magic, and how can I convey that insight? My poem "More than a Grin" answers that question.
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to read Magic. (You can find it in a free preview of the book on if you don't have the book.) Then write a poem that you think will appeal to children. Please create a discussion and post your poem.
Homemade Boat" is a short poem about children who make a mistake, and insist that the mistake is better than okay. They think their boat is just fine. I asked myself, "What would happen if I made a mistake and someone thought I was a genius because of it?" The answer to that question is in the poem "On Exhibit."
Your challenge is to read my poem and Shel Silverstein's poem "Homemade Boat," and then write a poem that's inspired by (not a rewrite of either poem, but an original work) and then post it as a discussion item. If you don't have the book, Where the Sidewalk Ends, you can view the poem in an preview. Enjoy!
Examining Green Eggs & Ham
This will be a challenge. Don't expect it to be easy. Short picture books that elegantly convey a life lesson are hard to write.
We explore the concept of entertaining writing, and the concept of layering. The two downloadable files complement the presentation.
In this part we discuss how to empower children with your writing. We also go over a few technical issues.
This checklist will help you to decide when to start telling the world about your manuscript, and when to keep its presence quiet.
Polish and publish your manuscript
Here you'll find a video and a spreadsheet that explains why I'm excited that you are taking this course. You may not realize it right now, but your writing can have an amazing influence on the world.
Constructive questions provide a different way to help you solve problems and counteract the destructive effects of negative thinking.
Affirmations provide a way to inoculate against negative thinking.
Gratitude is a warm, effusive feeling or attitude. Gratitude often spontaneously arises when one realizes they have received a benefit from someone, something or God.
There are four main types of authors--traditionally published, self-published, hybrid authors, and subsidy/vanity -authors contract with a company to publish their book--regardless of the quality of the content. Covering this material in depth is outside of the scope of this course, but it is important information, so I've included a number of resources that provide valuable information.
This is an interactive lecture and it will be expanded. This lecture is based on a suggestion that I made to H.B. after he made this comment to me in an e-mail, "Hi Alan, first of all, thank you for making the course so neatly organized and full of useful information, currently I´m dedicating time at night (since I can give my full attention to your course), As to your question, I have ideas to write fantasy stories for children, glad I found your course, I´ll make sure to ask for your help if at some point I have a problem/doubt, cheers :)"
I suggested to him that he select a Fairy Tale and that he adapt it. If he's interested, we'll work through this with him. Other students are also welcome to tell us a fairy tale that they like and something about the audience for which they are writing. (Your children, students at school, your grandchildren, children who you don't know, but whose parents will buy your book, etc.)
Soon, I'll add a video tutorial, but for the moment, please use this information to help inspire you to write your book.
Just a short video to say "Thank you for taking this course, explain my future plans, and provide a few closing insights. Write to entertain and empower!
How did I do? ( A way for you to provide feedback to me and the community.)
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Write a Picture Book that Entertains & Empowers Children ...
Write a Picture Book that Entertains & Empowers Children - Only $15 SAVE 56% Off $34 Discount Coupon Code
Children's Author Entertains Students - tribunedigital ...
Mark Shasha's voice rose as he became Gram, the character in his children's book, ``Night of the Moonjellies.''Changing in tone and voice, Shasha read to
Writing Picture Books - Marisa Montes
Notes on Writing a Picture Book: 1. The best rule on writing in any genre is that there are no rigid rules. All Diagram for Writing Picture Books
Free Tips On Writing Children's Books - How To Write ...
Free tips on writing children's books Adults read picture books aloud to children. It is important that your story reads well aloud
Messages, Morals and Lessons in Picture Books Fiction Notes
comes in the form of picture books. This series of 30 posts explains how to write and edit the basic picture book, Search for one that entertains.
How to Write Childrens Picture Books
If you want to develop children story ideas and write picture books, Ive learned a few things about how to write childrens picture books that I wish Id
How To Create A Fantastic Picture Book - Writers & Artists
editorial director for picture books at Bloomsbury Publishing, Let your imagination run wild and write down all your thoughts and ideas on a piece of paper.
How to Write a Children's Picture Book by Eve Heidi Bine ...
How To Write A Children's Picture Book is a highly useful and focused guide that dissects the nuts and bolts of writing with a keen eye toward higher
Ten Tips For Creating Your First Childrens Picture Book ...
Santopolo likens writing a picture book to writing good poetry. Writing Picture Books by Marisa Montes View all posts by BookBaby Blog;