I discovered I was having a Near Life Experience in 2001.
I had a well paying job, a wife and two kids, a nice house and a nice car. I was very lucky. I had nothing to complain about, yet I felt deeply unfulfilled. "There must be more to life that this." was the thought running through my head each morning as I commuted to work.
Why did I feel like this when I had all the things that people strive for in order to be happy?
According to nurses who work in Hospices, the number one regret of the dying is...
"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself and not the life others expected of me."
That was my problem! I was living the life others expected of me, not a life that was true to myself. Trouble is, I had no clue what a life true to myself would look like!
Then I read a quote by Mark Twain...
"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."
And I realised that a life that was true to myself, was a life of purpose and meaning. So I decided I would do whatever it took to find my why.
A year later my life had fallen apart. DOH!
I no longer had my well paying job, or car, or house. My wife had left me and I wasn't in a position to be even a weekend dad to my teenage boys, because in a desperate attempt to find my why, I had given it all up to go and live under a tree in Battersea Park, Central London and sell the homeless persons magazine, The Big Issue.
It was the dumbest thing I ever did and the smartest thing I ever did.
Seven months later, not only had I found my why, but I'd discovered skills and abilities that I never dreamed I had.
Seven years later, I lost my leg in a diving accident in Mexico.
But instead of it being a tragedy it felt like a gift.
I experienced something called Post Traumatic Growth Syndrome and realised that in the years after my experience of living under a tree in a park for 7 months and discovering my life purpose, that I'd also developed a set of skills and perspectives that enabled me to turn tragedy into triumph and life's lemons into life's lemonade. (I tell my whole crazy story in the course videos)
So I did a bit of reverse engineering to classify those skills and perspectives and created a series of practices and exercises that became a workshop called The Art of Meaning, which proved to be extremely popular with participants.
After 4 years of running the workshop in the UK to 10-20 people at a time, I wanted to reach many more people and I wanted people from all over the world to be able to benefit from it. So I created the Udemy course you are looking at now.
This course will instruct you in 20 transformational practices that transform the Near Life Experience into a Meaningful Life Experience, so that you...
1. Find or create a lifestyle that is so inspiring and fulfilling that it makes you love getting up on a Monday morning to go do what you do for a living!
2. Finally fill that exsistential gap and it's seemingly unscratchable itch by finding that visceral, passionate, meaningful "something" that's missing from your life
3. Discover your true purpose in life
4. Live a life that is true to yourself, not the life others expect of you
In this course you will learn to:
Notice that your incessant mental dialogue (or Program) is preventing you from experiencing the unbearable lightness of being (what the Mystic Poet Rumi calls "The Beloved") which will amplify this ecstatic experience in your everyday life
Feel the Presence of the Genius State of Mind (what poets call "The Muse") and consistently tap into this unending source of inspiration and creativity
Experience what Neuroscientists call "Reframing" and transform the mundane, negative or even traumatic events of your life into inspiring, motivating and empowering turning points.
The Art of Meaning is a Multidimensional Multimedia course consisting of over 10 hours of Instruction. There are 5 sections with a total of 35 Lectures
14 Video Lectures - containing Epic Tragicomic Poetic Tales/Case Studies of real world Art of Meaning Practice (where you learn from my mistakes)
8 Powerpoint Lectures - containing 4 Assignments & 14 simple practices to ground & integrate the 3 uncommon skills into your daily life (tried & tested on yours truly)
5 Audio Lectures - which elaborate the finer points of the Art and provide my 10 most powerful tips, tricks & tools for normalising & amplifying the unbearable lightness of being & the Genius State of Mind in your life (the shortcuts)
7 Quizzes - which will test the depth & clarity of your understanding of the Art (reality checks)
1 Couse Guide Document Lecture - which will help you stay clear and focused on exactly what to do, how to do it, when to do it and how often
On Average each hour of Instruction should take 1-3 weeks to work through, so the course can be completed in as little as 13 weeks. However The Art of Meaning is designed to fit into your schedule, not the other way around, so you can start & stop it whenever you need to and you can take as long as you like to complete it. There is no danger of overwhelm with this course.
Why would you take this course instead of one of the many other courses on Udemy?
Well first there's Udemy's famous (30)-day, no-questions-asked money back guarantee.
And then there's what Art of Meaning Students have to say...
This is the most inspirational course of all time! This course will change the world! Thank you so much Chris!
Mark Keane
Very thought provoking
Honest, sincere, down-to-earth, and very profound. I really admire a person who is willing to lay it all down.
Gary Williams
Courage and meaning
Have just embarked on Chris Pattersons' exploration of meaning - so far, it is truly memorable. I love his low key, totally accessible and disarming presentation style for dealing with the biggest and most intimate of questions.
Chris - I hope your course is a big success for you - your courage in putting it out there is something I'm already grateful for.
Thank you and go well
Nigel Banks
Makes Life Meaningful
I recommend this course to anyone who wants to experience the world in a new and different way. It snaps you out of the fog and helps you to remember how amazing it is that we are alive and living on this planet.
Suzanne Williams
Talk about taking it to the extreme, a great person to listen to and learn from! This enables you to learn with out pushing it to the extreme unless of course you want to :-)
Engaging style, gentle yet exciting!
I like this course so far, I am probably 1/4 way through. Chris has an engaging, stimulating style; I enjoy following the course and am looking forward to the practical stuff.. with some slight trepidation! If you wish to begin the process of making some life changes you could deffo benefit from this material.
Down to earth practice
As an atheist and non woo type it can be difficult sifting through for the things which will be useful to me and discarding the gaff and nonsense. I didn't have to do much sifting here there's no "namaste" there's no "amen" just very practice well thought out ways of living life that brings philosophical meaning and joy. Without having to buy into or pretend too believe in woo of any kind.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Humour, Wisdom and Truth: this course is a beautiful combination of all three. I'm feeling grateful to be on this transformational journey. Thank you!
Helen Clear
Great combo of clear distinctions, wisdom and humour.
Masterful stuff
This is rather a step into the unknown for me
but so far I'm finding the course very enjoyable. Chris Paradox is an engaging speaker and I'm keen to find out what else he has to say.
More useful then a whole life time of education
They should teach this stuff at school it would definatly speed up this whole shift in paradigm thing..
Loving the course thanks a lot Chris it is keeping me sane in New York.
Joanna Bevan
Inner and outer space
Chris Paradox has broken down a life time of seeking, experience and gnosis into a fun, palatable, step by step series of fascinating lectures, self revealing practices, and exciting (if at times eccentric) exercises, in an attempt to help one break through that dense wall of conditioned response and consensus reality that prevents so many of us living our lives in a truly fulfilling way!
Andrew Stout
And here's what people had to say about the original Art of Meaning Workshop
"I went to one of Chris Paradox's Art of Meaning workshops in 2009 and it has had a deeply profound influence on how I've lived my life since, and how I now perceive the world and those around me. So much so that I dedicated a number of pages in my book "The Moneyless Man"to The Art of Meaning and it's subsequent impact on me."
Mark Boyle - Author of The Moneyless Man" & Founder of Freeconomy: The world's largest online gift economy
Chris is a brilliant and superbly creative writer, performer and workshop leader. If you're looking for an intelligent, articulate, inspirational and engaging experience...you've found it!""
Bob Harris - Independent Consultant Psychotherapist
"Chris is an exceptional human being with an extraordinary story. Chris is a poet, a philosopher, a messenger and a teacher with a great sense of purpose and belief in humanity. He is warm, gentle, fun, thoughtful, strong, determined, clear thinking, insightful and passionate about helping people to fulfill their human potential and live legendary lives. He believes that by raising people's consciousness and encouraging and helping them to be their own heroes, each person will make a positive impact upon the world.
Chris touches everyone he meets and works with and you are never quite the same again - something shifts. Inspired by Victor Frankl, Chris is a real life example of someone who chose to respond to adversity as both the best thing that ever happened to him as well as the worst thing that ever happened to him, when he lost his leg in an accident whilst in a travelling circus in Mexico. Chris continues to embrace the paradoxity of life and has become known as Chris Paradox.
Watch this man, or better still attend one of his workshops or sign up for some e-learning. You won't be disappointed! On a personal note I am glad to be able to count Chris as a dear friend and wish him all the best in his future adventures."
Caroline Adair - Associate Account Director for MotivAction Group Plc"I highly recommend Chris. He has been on a fearless journey himself and this in itself is inspirational. He is very heart oriented and with a great deal of caring, love and humour encourages and facilitates others to do what they didn't think they could do. His workshops are an enjoyable and often very touching experience for all involved and he is a great appreciator of vulnerability and therefore strength both in himself and others."
Trish Young - Independent Information Services Professional"Chris is a very inspiring teacher and performer. Whatever he choses to speak about is sure to make you think about and question your current position. He does this in an inclusive way, without making you think that you are wrong - but more that perhaps there are also other ways. I would highly recommend seeing him perform or going to his workshops."
Dolly May - Voice & Dialect Coach at Masters Performing Arts College"Through Chris Paradox's workshop, I learnt that our true purpose does not come with a societal status or a financial reward attached, but that the rewards of bringing your true self to the world will certainly bring so much more richness and depth of being into all aspects of your life. I discovered that my own purpose was to experience and expand my capacity to love - I think I had always known this really, but it never seemed enough, so I had maybe thrown it to the side and waited for a different Earth changing mission. However on rediscovery at the workshop, I truly understood what this purpose meant to me and I knew I actually had the greatest purpose I could have ever wished for. There was just much to explore, to share, to bring to life and to experience.
It is such a real blessing indeed to be able to hold and honour my own gifts. I truly hope that many more people can experience their own unique purpose and benefit from what Chris is offering to the world. He truly is the real deal, a crazy, poetic, angel magician and a very special soul purpose activator indeed . Thank you millions xxx"
Shakti Tracy - Diamond Energy Practioner & Mother"I honestly wouldn't have ended up here without you. I was in a really bad way physically, mentally, spiritually, the symbols and insights you gave me became rungs on a ladder to climb out of that pit. Can't thank you enough. So excited to embark on this next stage. All the time during the last seven years I have been focussed on getting to this point... I never really thought about the "then what?". Thanks for, once again, turning up at the right time to nudge me in the right direction."
Magnus Stokoe - Award winning Artist Jeweller @Magnus & Bell- You deserve to live a life full of purpose and meaning. Your life does matter and you do make a difference.
- Take the Art of Meaning course today and discover what that FEELS like.
Learn the 3 uncommon skills that turn a Near Life Experience into a Meaningful Life Experience
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