People all over the world drink and enjoy alcohol. As a matter of fact, the different kinds spirits you will find on the bar shelf will usually represent just about every continent and large culture on earth! In a bar, youll see Russian Vodkas, American whiskeys, French wines, English beers and Carribean rums all on one shelf! Throughout history, negotiations have been brokered and treaties have been finalized over the raising of a glass filled with an appropriate spirit
Alcoholic beverages have been popular for celebrations for a long period of time in human history. In this lesson. Well discuss some of the more popular spirits youll find in a well stocked bar today.
There are several things that go into making a perfect cocktail: proper measurements,quality spirits, and what you do to it just before you serve it. There are three basic methods to creating a great to cocktail: building the cocktail in the glass, shaking it in a Boston shaker or stirring in a mixing glass.
Since the dawn of time, humans have taken advantage of the metabolism in a tiny fungus called yeast to create beer. In this lesson, learn about beer, the history of beer, how beer is made and beer styles.
There's a lot more to becoming a wine expert than tossing back a glass now and then.
Wine has been around for thousands of years, and for a newcomer wine can seem very intimidating. Many people in the world drink wine simply as a healthy, enjoyable daily drink. Many people make wine in their own back yards out of the available fruits and berries found there. Wine should not be intimidating or pretentious. It should be something you enjoy!
Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs in the World. You need to know how it affects those who drink it.
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