Welcome to this introductory lecture, where we launch into the first topic: how this course relates to your career interests.
You are asked to consider the next destination on your career path.
I introduce myself and briefly show examples of how career networking and social media helped my career journey. We go over what you will learn, and preview the included worksheet tools and self-quizzes.
Meet your instructor!
- A little background
- My life after "likes" and "follows"
"How-tos" you will do during and after completing this course
- Set immediate goals for career networking
- Upgrade social media use to career networking
- Reserve a domain name
- Plan initial social media outreach
- Plan ongoing career networking
V.I.P.'s - Very Important Practical Stuff
- Career networking rewards and necessary investment
- Traditional and 21st-century career development tools
- Free places to set up a blog
- Unique advantages of six popular services
As you answer the eight questions of this video self-quiz, consider how social media works for you today, and what more it could do in the future.
If you would like to have a printed copy, download the attached .PDF form. You can fill-in your responses while you watch this lecture.
There are no wrong answers! Just give thought to what you want to achieve. When you do that, you take the first step towards success with career networking.
This section of the Strategic Social Networking Course teaches how to plan your path to success.
A Career Path Planning Worksheet is attached to this section overview. Download and print it out. Fill out all three forms on it during the other lectures in this section.
Your worksheet choices and notes can be a resource to review and update as your career network grows.
Highlights of this section:
- What it takes to make opportunity knock
- Claim four rewards for making social media work for you
- Why your career path does not need to be a lonely road
- Know the career development tools you will need today
- Build a better network and a wider path to success
- Choose social media services to best reach your network
Downloadable freebie:
- Career Path Planning Worksheet
Attached examples
- Career Path Planning - as I would have done in 2005 (before Google+, Pinterest,, and Twitter!)
- Career Path Planning - 2015 example
What difference can social networking make to your career?
This lecture looks at that difference and explains why you should market your unique combination of skills, experience, and personality through social media.
- Point A: The lonely career path
- Point B: The fast track
- What it takes to get from Point A to Point B
We visit six social media services and consider the rewards they offer individually and together:
- Feed your brain
- Explore new directions
- Mentor and be mentored
- Extend your reach
In this lecture you choose tools to boost your career development.
You will accomplish this with three forms from the Career Path Planning Worksheet. The first two forms assess your immediate career needs:
- Begin where your career journey has brought you; your current job status
- Set immediate goals for work status, job title, and profession
The third form focuses on what tools would best support your goals:
- Consider the traditional tools of career development
- Determine which tools you still need
- Decide which social media services can best help to create or refine what is needed
This lecture explains how a career network extends outward, like spokes from a hub. Your blog will be that hub,
We view another form from the Career Path Planning Worksheet.
- If you have a blog, record basic information about it on this form
- If you are new to blogging, the form can be completed later
We return to six social media services during this lecture. This time, we examine which may be best for reaching your social network.
The Career Path Planning Worksheet is completed as you decide:
- Where might you see comments or content from the people you want to reach?
- Which services have most content that would interest them?
- Would your career network favor text, photo, or video content?
- Which social media services are best aligned to their needs?
PROJECT: For each of the six social media services featured in this course, evaluate one similar competing service.
- Facebook > MySpace
- Google+ > MeetUp
- LinkedIn > MeetTheBoss.TV
- Pinterest > Instagram
- Twitter > Tumblr
- YouTube > Reddit
The freebie is the Social Media Strategies Worksheet, available from the Download tab. As you watch the remaining lectures of this section, pencil your strategic choices into the worksheet's three forms:
- The Vision form is for use during Lecture 11
- And, for use in Lecture 12, there are forms for First Outreach and Ongoing Effort
Attached examples
- Social Media Strategies - as I would have done in 2005 (before Google+, Pinterest,, and Twitter!)
- Social Media Strategies - 2015 example
What should a career network do for you?
Easily document your vision for a career network, using the Social Media Strategies Worksheet. Choose from several options under each of these categories:
- Networking
- Personal branding
- Learning
Take the first simple steps needed to launch and sustain a career network.
This lesson completes the Social Media Strategies Worksheet. Use the two remaining forms to plan:
- Your first outreach; the foundation of your online network
- Ongoing efforts to nourish your network
Every career network needs a blog at its hub. The eight steps of this project will produce a WordPress blog to move career journey farther and faster.
WordPress offers free detailed help pages at https://learn.wordpress.com/get-started/#create. For your own copy of the quick-start information, download and print this lecture and the attached BlogOverview.
To recap, we look across the course to the places where these goals were covered:
- View and compare several top social media services. Learn how each can bring a career network to you.
- Choose the services that best support your career development goals.
- Document your path to success using the checklists and worksheets included with this course.
- Plan daily and monthly strategic use of social media. Make opportunity knock!
Explore career networking in-depth using the attached resource files:
- Review the major topics using an index to the lectures.
- Go further in depth by exploring sixteen links to content used in developing this course.
Complete this optional project to create a wide, solid foundation for your career network!
To get started, download the attached Career Network Construction checklist. Refer to it as you watch the 4-minute video introduction.
Recommended time for completing is 10 weeks. At no cost and with less than 2 hours per week, set up a career network across six powerful social media services.
Check Your Strategic Social Networking Knowledge
This brief video shows five ways that Facebook can help you build a career network.
- ADD content
- Advertise your career BRAND
- CREATE a Facebook page
- DISCOVER Facebook groups
- ENGAGE with your online community
This brief video shows five ways that Google+ can help you build a career network.
- ADD content
- Advertise your career BRAND
- CREATE additional pages
- DISCOVER circles and communities
- ENGAGE using +1, circles, and by sharing
Learn strategic social networking from start to success. Build an online community that brings opportunity to your door.
Fast-Track Your Career Journey With Social Media - Udemy ...
Now you can Fast-Track Your Career Journey With Social Media. Register today. It's your lifetime pass to Fast-Track Your Career Journey With Social Media.
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Udemy Fast-Track Your Career Journey With Social Media [100% off] Posted on 02/07/2015 by admin | 0 comments
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Coupon Details. Learn strategic social networking from start to success. Build an online community that brings opportunity to your door. Lectures 16
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Try this career network quick-start | WageScope
Strategic Social Media Course >>> Discounted to $10 this month On July 1st, we launched our Fast-Track Your Career Journey with Social Media course at Udemy.com.
Try this career network quick-start | WageScope
The networking quick-start is based on an optional project in Lecture 16 of FAST-TRACK YOUR CAREER JOURNEY WITH SOCIAL MEDIA, a course at Udemy.com.
George Pond | LinkedIn
View George Pond's professional //www.udemy.com/fast-track-your-career-journey-with-social //www.udemy.com/fast-track-your-career-journey-with-social-media
Tips for Using Social Media to Advance Your Career
Tips for Using Social Media to Advance Your Career . You can fast-track your self-directed journey if you make effective use of social media.