Welcome to the course!
In this introductory lecture I will go over who the course is for, why it is such an important topic, and who I am.
Overview of the course outline and how to get the most from the lectures
Short overview of how to use and navigate the Udemy course platform.
**For first-time Udemy users.
Discussion of the different types of interviews you may encounter
Goal: inform you of what to expect so you aren't unprepared or caught off guard
Why the different types of interviews are used, and what the goal of them is
Goal: Show you what the goal of the interview is from the company's perspective so you will know what you need to do to stand out
Discuss the basics of Fit or Behavioral Interviews
Goal: Show you where your focus needs to be during Fit interviews
Overview of the different categories of Fit/Behavioral questions you might encounter
Goal: Prepare you for the different types of questions that you will need to answer during interviews
**A more comprehensive list of specific questions is given in a later lecture
All about the basics of Case Interviews, and how they differ from normal Fit Interviews
Goal: Give you an idea of what case interviews are, what the goal of them is from the company perspective, and when you might encounter them
Conclusion of our discussion on Case Interviews
** Because Case Interviews are more specialized and much less common we won't discuss them anymore after this lecture. This course is primarily about the fit/behavioral interviews that you will encounter in nearly every hiring process.
An overview of Fit/Behavioral interviews
Goal: Show you where your focus needs to be during these interviews
Short demonstration of the LinkedIn Alumni Tool and how to use it.
This tool is very useful for you if you're trying to network and learn more about a company that you hope to work for.
All about the importance of having a purpose for yourself, and setting goals to get there
Goal: Understand why it is important to at least have short-term plans and backups
A more traditional interviewing guide about the importance of making the right impression
Goal: Learn the simple things that can make a big first impression, and show how important it really is
About the critical need to have a relevant story to tell and tell it well
Goal: Be able to craft your story and tell it naturally during the interview
This is NOT about how to answer specific questions - It IS about being a good communicator so you don't make the common mistakes that will be very costly to you during the interview
Goal: Communicate during the interview with professionalism and respect that will set you apart from the majority of your peers
A recap of this section of the course that ties together the main concepts
Goal: Remind you that although many of the points discussed in this course seem to be common sense, they really are NOT that common, and so it's the best way to distinguish yourself from your peers and get a job offer.
Checklist of 10 things you can do BEFORE the interview to prepare yourself for success
**There is a handout with this checklist in the RESOURCES tab for this lecture so you can print the list off or view it from your mobile device
Checklist of 10 things you can do DURING the interview to have success
**There is a handout with this checklist in the RESOURCES tab for this lecture so you can print the list off or view it from your mobile device
In case you missed this document in the Resources section of the last two lectures, here it is again.
It might be helpful to keep a copy of this on your computer or phone for easy reference!
I recently wrote a post for my Blog that went in depth a bit more on the Top 10 Checklist for During the Interview. You can download it here.
One example of a very simple answer to a possible behavioral question that is answered using a STAR format and a basic example from a class project.
Actual work experience is better, but I've used a class example to show you that you can answer these questions easily even if you don't have much work experience.
Another example of a very simple answer to a possible behavioral question that is answered using a STAR format and a basic example from a class project.
Actual work experience is better, but again I've used a class example to show you that you can answer these questions easily even if you don't have much work experience.
An example of how to work out a simple guesstimation or brainteaser question. We don't really cover these much in this course, but wanted you to have an idea of what this sort of question looks like, and how to approach solving it.
Showing/telling HOW you are going about solving the problem, and clearly stating your assumptions is more important than having the exact right numerical solution.
This shows one reason it is always important to take a pen and paper with you to the interview. It would be hard for the interviewer to follow you (and for you to keep track of your thoughts) if you tried to do this verbally.
Eight pages of sample interview questions that you might encounter. Although the list is not comprehensive, it will help you get an idea of what sort of questions you will be asked.
I don't really think you have to practice all of these (of course that is up to you) but I do recommend trying to answer any that seem especially difficult for you.
For most cases, following a logical approach to answering (like STAR) will serve you well. See the lectures in the previous section for examples.
A list of oddball interview questions taken with permission from Glassdoor.com
These lists were made by Glassdoor by going through thousands of interview questions that their users provided them and finding the most odd ones. It never hurts to be prepared!
Glassdoor.com Most Common Behavioral Questions
I want to give you one of my courses with resume reviews for free + my Resume Secrets course at a BIG discount!
Thanks for being a part of this course!
I'd like to give you my book for free as a thank you for taking this course.
It's called Resumes, Interviews & Careers
If you'd like a free copy please send me your email at the link provided in this lecture so I can put your name on the list. Unfortunately I can't offer the book as a free download here right now because of an exclusivity agreement with Amazon KDP Select. But I will periodically make the book free on Amazon Kindle for my students to download right from there.
Use the course discussion board and the Facebook group to collaborate with other students so everybody can improve
Short recap of the course and my suggestion for getting the most out of it in the future.
**Please let me know if you have any questions or there is anything I can help with!
Join over 1,000 students in my Resume Writing course
Your resume needs to stand out to get read - only then will you get invited to interviews!
8 pages: Eight pages of sample interview questions that you might encounter. Although the list is not comprehensive, it will help you get an idea of what sort of
Interview |Get That Dream Job - YouTube
on this video I share 5 tips on how to do your your best when going to an interview. i really hope this video helps you get that dream job
English Interview Training - Get your dream job today
Interview tips and techniques for English interviews Is English your second language? Have you got an interview for your dream job and want to be the best candidate?
Job Interview Skills Training - How To Get Your Dream Job
http://insideoutcoach.com.au/maximise In this video, job guru Jane Anderson of Insideout Coach shows how anyone with the proper job interview skills
Job Interview Coaching, Preparation, Interviewing Skill ...
The Interview Coach, specializes in Job interview coaching. Her interviewing techniques will help you get the job and offer interview training your dream job
Attend an Interview Skills Training Course and Get Your ...
Attend an Interview Skills Training Course and Get Your Dream Job. about possible interview questions, have undergone an interview skills training
Dream Jobs - How To Find a Dream Job - About.com Careers
Here are a variety of free career quizzes and tests you can to get ideas. How to Find Your Dream Job. Get a Job at Your Dream Common Job Interview Questions;
Getting A Job Interview Tips, CV Preparation, General ...
Tips to Get Your Dream Job Menu after completion of the training, you can get a job right So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and
How to Get Your Dream Job [6 Solid Tips]
How to Get Your Dream Job [6 Solid Tips] You have done well to get an interview but this is now your opportunity to stand out further from the crowd.
Attend an Interview Skills Training Course and Get Your ...
Attend an Interview Skills Training Course and Get Your Dream Job. interview questions, help even after your interview. With Business Training