Getting in the Zone - Udemy

Section 1: About the Zone Lecture 1 01:27
Hi I'm Tom Evans author of the Zone and welcome to the companion ecourse Getting in the Zone.

In the book, I explore where this mythical zone is, how we get in it and what we do when we are out of it to get back in it again.

I explore those special places called The Doings Zones we are performing at our peak.

We take a trip into the Danger Zones where nothing goes quite right.

The book finishes with a tour around the Being Zones where we can live a charmed and magical existence when everything flows with ease.

This course compliments and augments the book.

You'll find the audio visualisations I mention in the book.

Theres loads of lectures on how to be super creative and super-productive.

You'll also find interviews with artists, creatives, writers, healers and therapists who have been there and got the T-shirt.

Theres even an audio version of the book you can download and listen to on your MP3 player or in your car.

So take a trip with me into that magical place and learn how to get in and how to stay in The Zone.

Lecture 2 04:45 The Doing Zones are a place where everything happens effortlessly for us. Often we don't know we are in a Doing Zone until we find ourselves unwittingly out of it.

If you want to explore the Time Zone in more depth, The Bending Time course on Udemy will show you how to get more done in less time ...

Use the code THEZONE to save 33%

Lecture 3 04:50 It is a natural process to end up in Danger Zones from time to time. We can fall into them without warning when we are performing at our peak in the Doing Zones.

They are a place for learning and when we exit them, healing and catharsis can take place.

If you want to find out more about how to neutralise Danger Zones, check out the lectures later on in this course and see my service for creation of Personal Super Zones ...

Lecture 4 05:05 When we take up permanent residence in the Being Zones, life becomes magical and effortless.

Healing is a natural process that we undergo to get there and to stay there.

For more information on awakening your Inner Magician, see

Section 2: The Zone Audiobook Version Lecture 5 12:30

If you accessed this course without reading the book, this course will make much more sense if you listen to this audio version first.

Note that this course was designed to augment the book as opposed to being standalone.

The Zone is a magical space where we are super-creative and super-productive.

Our performances are effortless when we are in it. Our creative output is perfection itself when we are in The Zone.

We love watching our sports women and men, or our favourite singer or band, when they are at the top of their game and on fire. We feel for them if they are off form.

Just imagine, in business, what it would be like if clients just find you, just when you need them. When you are in The Zone, times of hardship and struggle fast become a distant memory.

In our personal lives, when you are in The Zone, you tend to be surrounded by supportive friends and families. You also tend to form longer lasting, more stable relationships. If you find yourself out of The Zone, it can be a lonely place to be. You might wonder what you have done wrong to deserve your lot in life.

When you are in The Zone however, by far the best aspect of being there is that it's nicely infectious. When you are in it, you cannot help but pull in those around you.

The first part of this book explores how we perform when we make things happen when we inhabit the Doing Zones. These are zones where we are at our creative and productive peaks.

By way of contrast, the second part of the book takes us on a journey into the Danger Zones. These are places we end up in, from time to time, where nothing goes right for us, despite our best efforts. We must beware when we find ourselves in these dark corners and cul-de-sacs, as our friends and colleagues can all too easily end up in there with us.

The concluding section is a doorway into another world and a new way of being. Just imagine what your life might be like if you were permanently in the Being Zones. Imagine a world where everything happens magically and good fortune knocks at your door every day.

At the end of each chapter in the Doing and Being Zones, youll find suggestions on Zoning In still further. At the end of each Danger Zone chapter, theres tips on Zoning Out, as a route back to getting on an even keel.

This book has been constructed in a special and magical fashion. As such, it can be read in several ways.

For example, it works equally well if you read it backwards as well as forwards. You can read about a category of zones at a time, again either backwards or forwards.

You can simply dip in and out of the book, sampling an individual zone at a time.

Zones, as you will see, are what we make them. While they have walls and boundaries, they can also have doors and windows so they can be open or closed. We can also form enlarged Super Zones from any number of zones.

Such is the magic that unfolds when you enter The Zone.

Lecture 6 01:00:00 Doing Zones are where we show the world what we are made of.

They are where we perform.

They are where we produce.

They are where we make waves.

They are where we find our niche.

They are where we shine our light.

Lecture 7 52:29 Danger Zones are where we come off the rails.

They are where life gets tough.

They are where the world seems out to get us.

They are where we suffer unduly.

They are where we blame others.

They make us question the point of everything.

Lecture 8 52:00 Being Zones are where we find
peace and tranquility.

They are where we find purpose.

They are where we become lucky.

They are where we go with the flow.

They are where life becomes easy.

They are where we find out why we came to be.

Section 3: Creativity Boosters Lecture 9 07:30 Before starting any creative project, spending a few minutes 'Active Doodling' will get the left and right brains communicating. This exercise can be done just after alternate nostril breathing.

Note to that it's a good idea to vary the 'rules' given to the left brain. For example, in this exercise you are told to use 3 circles, 4 squares and 7 lines. You could use other shapes like triangles, pentagons and hexagons. Alternatively, you could use different numbers or specify a range of colours. The detail is not important, just to mix an overall vision for the doodle for the right brain with a number of guidelines for the left brain.

p.s. any left and right brain model is a gross over-simplification anyway!

Lecture 10 07:30 This Mind Mapping technique is brilliant for taking your mind in new directions if you are working on a newproject or stuck on an existing one.

All you need for this lecture is blank paper and coloured pens or pencils.

Lecture 11 04:15 This lecture outlines a process we can use to make sure we always make the right decisions.

If you have ever been in two or more minds about something, this will explain why and show you a map to guide you out of an indecision.

You will also find a file you can download to print a template of this map out.

If you have mind mapping software, let me know the version and I will post templates here too.

Lecture 12 34:58
A excerpt from a one day workshop I deliver on creativity. This short video covers where ideas come from and how we can tap into light bulb moments on demand.

Topics covered:
Where light bulb moments come from
What blocks them
Five ways to encourage them

Note that the free downloads are now under


p.s. I delivered this talk over a year ago and I felt the content was relevant to this course. The reference at the very end to the Light Up Your Business course was something I offered at the time of this talk. The book of The Zone and this course contain most of that material and more ...

Section 4: Explorations of The Zone Lecture 13 13:34 In this Zone Show interview I interview Brian Cormack Carr to find out:
- Why anyone can find their own dream job
- The four essential factors that make up a Vital Vocation
- How to get past the blocks that keep us from doing our ideal work
- The importance of figuring out what we love as a guide to discovering our talents
- Why we shouldnt try to do the things were not naturally good at (thats why other people were invented)
- How you can find out more about How To Find Your Vital Vocation and your own dream job.

For more information, visit

Lecture 14 13:47

Author, poet and creative catalyst, Orna Ross, talking about her new novel Blue Mercy and the seven stage process she uses to go from seed to novel.

For more about Orna, visit

Lecture 15 08:02
Writer and poet Orna Ross talks about the creative process with poetry and how it differs from writing a novel.

This short interview also includes reading from Orna of a very appropriate and sublime poem, A Writer At Work

Lecture 16 44:05 Lecture 17 11:15 In conversation with novelist Iain Broome on how a 23 year old wrote a book way beyond his years ...

For more about Iain -

Lecture 18 09:10 Author and podcaster Iain Broome talking about why it's important for authors to be performers.

Tune into Iain's podcast here -

Lecture 19 14:44 Kira Kenley, singer, songwriter and vocal coach, Kira Kenley talking about her voice and approach to the Performance Zone.

For more about Kira see

Lecture 20 40:00

Author, dream whisperer mystic and shaman Davina Mackail explains how we can use our sleeping time to be creative.

Lecture 21 23:10

Recovery specialist and ex-addict, Beth Burgess, shares her wisdom on how to become un-addicted from even the most innocuous of cravings.

Lecture 22 58:59 Lecture 23 38:00

Author, speaker and entrepreneurs' entrepreneur Tony Robinson OBE shares his wisdom on how to make it as an SME in these times and why we need a cunning plan to be so-cool-it-hurts.

Section 5: Just a Minute Creativity Tips Lecture 24 01:00 These days when people are short of time (at least those that haven't taken the Bending Time course), we might just have a minute to get our message across.

So, appropriately, in Just a Minute this lecture shows how to craft a message which does what it says on the tin in just 60 seconds

Lecture 25 01:00

This is the first in a series of 60 second productivity and creativity tips I was commissioned to do by the animation specialists Powtoon. I am sharing them here as they take Just a Minute of your time to absorb.

Lecture 26 01:00

When we access the meditative state, we get to a place where ideas just flow freely.

Listen to the lectures "Just Breathe" and "Hold that Thought" to learn how to get your mind to go quiet.

Lecture 27 01:00 This is a shorter version of the lecture Free Association Mind Mapping.
Lecture 28 01:00 Thomas Edison was not so much an inventor as a pragmatic empiricist.

If you are short for ideas, this one minute lecture will show you a technique to spin your mind off in a whole new direction.

Lecture 29 01:00 When we set the right intention, without ego, real magic starts to unfold.

So rather than expending loads of effort generating and generating, why not let serendipity arrive at your feet?

Lecture 30 01:00 When we forge the right collaborations, we can get to a point and place where 1+1 = 3 or even more.

So when you meet people, don't ask "What do you do?" - rather ask "What could we do?"

Lecture 31 01:01

These days we have around a second to grab peoples' attention.

This latest animation in the Just a Minute Series is the first in a mini-series on how to write attention grabbing titles for articles, blogs, tweets and animations

Lecture 32 01:01 When you have just a second to get someone to click a link, how and what you name it makes the difference between it being clicked or not. Lecture 33 01:01 Here's how to write headlines that make your audience take notice.

It's all down to the way our brains encode information - not as words but as amplitude and frequency patterns on a timeline.

Section 6: Super Zones Lecture 34 02:36 The observant and enquiring reader may have wondered if there is any significance to each zone being comprised of six sub-zones.

As any bee or apiarist knows, the six-sided hexagon allows maximum packing density for a honeycomb of chambers in the hive for new larvae to grow. At the same time, the hexagon is virtually incompressible and therefore incredibly strong and resilient.

So this shape was intentionally chosen when I started this book to allow further experimentation with the zones. I was purely driven to think of this idea one day somewhat ironically when I was driving in that chilled out state along a familiar route. I did not at that time fully explore the possibilities opened up by adopting this meta-strategy. Only when writing this chapter did the full comprehension of the significance of this seed notion become clear.

The idea that came in was that the 18 zones described in this book could be combined and fused to form complex honeycombs of zones, which also encapsulate all attributes of their sub-zones. Ive called them Super Zones.

For the mathematically inclined, there are 18 factorial composite zones that can be formed. This means there are billions of theoretical Super Zones that can be synthesised - 6,402,373,705,728,000 in fact. So if you tried out one permutation of just these 18 zones per second, you would have to live for over 2 million years to go through them all. There are even more subtle variations to be fabricated still when you start to flip and rotate the orientation of each zone.

Some fun can be had however with relatively simple Super Zones formed of just a few other zones. Just combining three zones together allows us to synthesise new ways of approaching a task or endeavour.

Zones of seven are powerful agents for change and transformation. The zone in the centre can become the Master Zone supported by those around it. This type of Super Zone brings amazing enlightenment to its designer.

Conversely, if the central zone of seven is one of the Danger Zones, its negativity can be annulled by choosing the right zones to envelope it. This allows us to create powerful mechanisms for change in our lives.

This chapter contains just a few examples. I invite you to play and let me know how you get on and what you come up with via my web site at the back of the book, which links to all my social media channels.

Lecture 35 01:36 Lets imagine you were launching an online dating agency and wanted some inspiration in the design phase. You will need to be creative to make your site different from the rest. You will need to be entrepreneurial in business. As the site is all about joining hearts together, you will also need to sprinkle a bit of love into the mix. So heres the first example of a Super Zone to help steer this business forward.

This new composite zone shows you the values the business can use to build its brand. It gives you the qualities your team will need to be successful. It also indicates what qualities you can bring to your clients so that they may find love. You can create copy for brochures and web sites based on the key words of the sub-zones.

For example, by helping your clients improve their luck, you give them optimism. Some added spark will give them more exposure. This will increase their confidence and help them be less desperate and more empathic. Using a more whole-istic approach in dating will eventually lead to longer lasting relationships. So, by using this kind of language, your site will stand out from the pack and your clients will become more attractive as a result. You will make the more complete.

Lecture 36 01:06 As mentioned, we often occupy more than one zone at a time. This is especially true when we enter the Danger Zones. So someone who is in the Addiction Zone might also have one foot in the Guilt Zone. They may also be inhabiting the Anger Zone. They may be both angry at themselves and the world in general. When we live in multiple Danger Zones, rational logic can get thrown out of the window as we create a distorted view of the world for ourselves.

This type of Mega Danger Zone gives a better picture of what might be going on in the world of an addict. They may be exhibiting psychotic tendencies from the Anger Zone. They may feel guilt because they have disgraced themselves. As a result, what might happen is that we treat the psychosis not the underlying reason for the addiction in the first place.

Lecture 37 02:31 When faced with dealing with a number of Danger Zones at the same time, its challenging to take them all on at once. Perhaps the addiction arose as a result of being angry at the system or it stemmed from a hidden guilt from childhood abuse.

So what we do is to take a single Danger Zone and surround it with any six of the Doing and Being Zones, as shown. I have taken three of the Doing Zones and alternated them with three of the Being Zones. I did not give much thought to this and my intuition is that any Danger Zone can be neutralised with any six Doing or Being Zones.

Remember too that the 18 zones in this book represent a small selection of many possible zones.

So what we have now done is matched the six sub-zones of Addiction with attributes from the surrounding zones. This allows us to redefine the behaviour of someone who is addicted as shown in this new Super Zone.

So starting at the top of the Addiction Zone and going clockwise, we can morph the old addiction into a way of being which is much more productive and healthy.

Where we previously had an Inclination towards our addiction, we can choose to Discriminate and Drive our focus away from it by being Kind to ourselves and others.

Where we had a Dependence, we can Formulate a way to Control it by being Creative.

Where we were Enslaved, we can take Care of ourselves by gaining Mastery of our thought forms. This is the most powerful self-delivery Healing mechanism around.

Where we were Self-Destructive, we Redirect our energies in an Entrepreneurial activity.

Our Obsessions are replaced with small Successes as we find Love both in ourselves and those around us.

Our Cravings transmute into being merely Requisites as we become addicted to fulfilling needs that allow us to Perform at our best again.

In this way the old sub-zones of addiction get replaced by six new attributes which lead us towards a new coping strategy. In time, this new way of being becomes the New Addiction.

Lecture 38 01:21 We can also assemble Super Zones with a central Master Zone, surrounded and strengthened by supporting zones. So lets say we were involved in live performance of some form, we could then choose what qualities we would like to support us in constructing our persona and in entertaining or educating our audience.

Before each live performance, we could glance or ideally meditate on this Super Zone to get ourselves into the perfect mind space for optimum delivery. For example, this is the one I use to prepare for an interview or when I deliver a workshop.

While this might all seem merely as linguistic fun, and perhaps construed as a cunning sleight-of-mind trick, there is something important to remember. The thoughts and words that go around in our head are the prime modifiers of our behaviour. They make the difference between having a bad or a good day.

When we change our thoughts, we change our mind. When we change our mind, we change the world.

When we are in The Zone, the world doesnt just happen to us, it happens because of us.

Lecture 39 09:16

In conversation with Brian Cormack Carr to create a Super Zone to promote vitality.

The Super Zone created can be downloaded below

Section 7: Visualisations for Creativity Lecture 40 10:59 As we go through the day, mostly unconsciously, we breathe through different nostrils.

When we breathe through our right nostril, it energises the left hemisphere of the brain. When we breathe through our left nostril, the right hemisphere gets a boost.

This short visualisation takes you through a short routine to give your brain a boost. You can do this before embarking on a creative task or if you find yourself flagging during the day.

The eye movement exercise is also good for relieving tension and, I am told, even headaches.

The diagrams below show how to move your eyes.

Lecture 41 18:00

We know of course that breathing is essential to life.

What is less known is that the breath powers inspiration. It is also the basis of most meditative practice. This visualisation is best done lying down and it's even OK to fall asleep to it. By relaxing the mind and body daily, our creativity takes a boost.

Just take 10 to 20 minutes out each day to meditate and you will get that time back in leaps and bounds as the quality of your output soars.

Note, do not listen to this visualisation especially while driving or operating machinery.

Lecture 42 11:11 The normal human mind can only hold one thought at a time.

We can use this phenomenon to make our busy minds go quiet. When we think about our thoughts, they end up collapsing in on themselves. When we get to a 'place' where no thoughts are running in our head, we allow inspirations and light bulb moments to arrive.

This visualisation is best to be done before when you are looking for seed ideas perhaps for a new chapter or blog, a new song or when you are staring at a blank canvas.

Lecture 43 12:54 You can use the visualisation on any Mind Map whether it is hand drawn or computer generated.

Note though, if you do use software Mind Mapping, it's a good idea to use a print out first. This visualisation takes a Mind Map and embeds it into your cellular neurology such that two things start to happen.

Firstly, you commit it to memory much better.

Secondly that you become better at noticing coincidences and serendipities associated with elements on the map.

For example, if your map contains your goals and ambitions for the year, you start to become luckier. If you are writing a book, you come across information and ideas that help you in ways that seem uncanny.

I do this before I do any talk, workshop or presentation. Firstly, I Mind Map the talk some days before and I seal it in my neurology at the time. Then just before I go into the event, I repeat the visualisation - it works every time.

Section 8: Zoning Out Quiz 1 7 questions Lecture 44 00:40 So I hope you enjoyed this course and got value from it.

I'd be really appreciative if you could leave a review so others can know what you found useful.

If you have a copy of the book, good reviews on Amazon make my day. Not so good reviews make me a better writer.

And if you have experience and wisdom to share and would like to be interviewed for this course and The Zone Show video channel, get in touch.

Lecture 45 6 pages

If you have knowledge, experience and talent you'd like to showcase in this ecourse and on The Zone Show podcast channel, download this PDF to learn what's involved and expected from you.

Listen to the latest episodes here -

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