Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner

Section 1: My First Section Lecture 1 01:08

Welcome to Find and Work with An Accountability Partner!

We hope that if you haven't worked with an accountability partner before that you now consider partnering with at least one and even more.

We want to help you reach your personal and business goals!

Lecture 2 Text

Please take advantage of the perks (e.g. Nudge Village Facebook group, other courses) that enrolling in this course provides.

We have a strong accountability group on Facebook and many of us have achieved goals that we didn't think were possible just by having others to hold us accountable.

Lecture 3 TextSection 2: Find an Accountability Partner Lecture 4 02:56

Here's a short accountability partner story.

I partnered with one of my siblings so that we could both reach some personal goals. We connected through text messages each week.

This is just one small example of how accountability partnering can make a huge difference in a brief period of time.

Note: This was a partnership with my brother. One of the tips in this course is to select a partner that has some professional distance. I still believe in that, but once in a while I do partner with a close friend or family member because it gives us a chance to connect.

See what a difference it makes to have partners?

Lecture 5

Find an Accountability Partner

03:55 Lecture 6 01:25

Check out the Accountability Resources section of the course periodically.

We will be continually adding resources that we find and even those that YOU share with us.

Section 3: Scheduling Lecture 7 01:54

Years ago, people looked down upon scheduling friends and family into the calendar.

But, life gets busy and if we don't put "first things first" (to quote Stephen Covey in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and First Things First), they may never actually come first in our lives.

It's the same for our goals!

Schedule the time with your accountability partner and it will happen!

Lecture 8 00:43

We love Accountability Fridays!

But, Accountability Saturdays might be better for some because it gives that one extra day to get your goal done.

Just be sure to pick what works best for you and your accountability partner!

Section 4: Time Constraint Lecture 9 02:13

We ALL are busy! Respect your accountability partners time as much as your own.

If your partner can't respect yours. Well, it may be time to move on to someone who does.

Sound harsh?

These are your goals we are talking about, right?

Section 5: Communications Method Lecture 10 02:41

This is so important, especially in a day and age where there are a lot of early adopters that have become very technical in their communication methods working with others that prefer the good old fashion way of communicating.

Be very clear with each other on what communication methods you plan to use in your partnership.

If what you select doesn't work, be willing to re-visit another approach or find partners that are compatible communication styles.

Section 6: Focus Lecture 11 02:00

This is a touchy area. You want to be a good accountability partner, but remember that you aren't THEIR psychologist and you are not theirs.

Stick to your goals as you build the accountability partnership.

Section 7: Partnership Goals Lecture 12 02:32

Remember - both of you should benefit from this partnership.

If you don't, there are other people out there that would be happy to partner with you!

Lecture 13

Commercial Break - Need a Daily Nudge?

TextSection 8: Progress Tracking Lecture 14 02:32

This is one of the most important tips in working with an accountability partner.

There are so many lessons to be learned by reviewing your progress. It is worth every minute you spend keeping small notes, small audio notes or write a journal on what actions you take each week.

Over a few months or years it is amazing the changes that take place.

Lecture 15 01:02

Write in your journal - whether it is paper, in email, online, in a blogpost or whatever format you choose.

If anything, it is a great way to dump all the great moments, the challenges and the progress out of your brain to free it up for the next experience.

Highly recommend a journal tracking what you report to your accountability partner!

Lecture 16 TextSection 9: Accountability Partners - Summary Lecture 17 02:30

Thank you again for taking our course! We hope to see you in our Nudge Village Facebook Group or one of our other courses.

Lecture 18

Accountability Partners - 10 minute version

09:49 Lecture 19 1 page

Want to have the 7 Tips at your fingertips?

Here's a one page PDF. Use it as a cheat sheet as you start setting up your accountability partnerships.

Section 10: Accountability Resources Lecture 20 00:37

This is the section focused on providing you resources about accountability. Check back since this will get updated frequently.

Lecture 21 Text Lecture 22 Text Full curriculum

Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner - Udemy
Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner . A guide to finding but we can find and work with accountability partners as well. Find an Accountability Partner;

Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner: Simple Steps to ...
Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner: Simple Steps to Connect and Collaborate Toward Achieving Personal Goals Kindle Edition

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View all details on Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner course on, the UK's #1 job site.

3 Tips For Finding an Acting Accountability Partner ...
here are three tips to help you find an accountability partner that sticks But dont assume your best friend is the ideal accountability partner.

Are You My Accountability Partner? | Suzanne Grossman
Here are some suggestions for how to successfully work with an accountability partner on your ideal accountability situation and then find out

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Coupon Details. A guide to finding and working with an accountability partner to reach your personal goals. Lectures 22 Video 1 Hours Skill level beginner level

Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner: Simple Steps to ...
Find Your Ideal Accountability Partner: Simple Steps to Connect and Collaborate Toward Achieving Personal Goals

Are You My Accountability Partner? | Love Your Job
Here are some suggestions for how to successfully work with an accountability partner on your Get clear about your ideal accountability situation and then find

Find an Accountability Partner - Dr. Ivan Misner ...
meet with your accountability partner to identify your Who is also interested in networking her business so that we can be accountability partners for

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Covenant Eyes gives some basic advice about how to find an accountability partner that's right your spouse should know who your Accountability Partners are,