More than 275 happy students and 8 five-star ratings!
If you're reading this, you probably consider yourself to be a creative person. Great. But are you an "Empowered Artist"?
If you are truly empowered, you don't buy into the misguided notions of the "starving artist" or the "struggling artist."
You know that your gifts and talents have value, and that - once properly honed and presented to the world - you can make a difference and maybe even make a living with your art.
But most creatives don't start off their careers with that level of confidence, and with this course, I'm out to change that!
I've been blessed to have made a living most of my life from my creative endeavors. For the past ten years, my efforts as an author, speaker and teacher have paid the bills. I also supplement my income by playing music, selling original paintings, teaching and performing improv comedy, and more.
I know first-hand what it's like to live a rich, creative life. I also know there are countless others around the world who would like to do the same thing ... but convince themselves that it is not possible.
In this course I'll take you by the hand and walk you through:
- Laying the Foundation for Creative Success
- Setting Yourself Up to Thrive as an Artist
- Making Money and Growing Your Career
- Marketing Your Talent and Getting Paid
- Talking to Your Fans So They Support You
- Mastering the Art of Sales
- Preparing for a Long-Term Creative Career
Make no mistake. Creative people have a long history of making a difference in the world. Most innovation and human progress over the centuries has come from human beings who think like artists.
But for some reason, the role of the artist has become diluted, and even frowned upon, in many cultures. And that's just wrong!
Seriously, I'm tired of creative people being treated like second-class citizens (by themselves and others), when the truth is ... We are the ones who create the culture, innovation and new ideas that humanity needs now more than ever.
So, if you're ready to grow and thrive with your own unique brand of creativity, watch the welcome video and the preview lessons, then ...
Register for this course on Udemy today and get lifetime access to the lessons. Watch them on your computer, or on your smartphone or tablet using the free Udemy app.
Plus, it comes with a 30-Day, Money-Back Guarantee!
30 daily videos to inspire and empower musicians, writers, visual artists, and creative entrepreneurs of all kinds to step into their power. Part of my first
"30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist" - Udemy Course
Take this $99 course for FREE here "30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist - How to Thrive as a Musician,
30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist - Udemy
How to Thrive as a Musician, Writer, Visual Artist, or Other Creative Entrepreneur
The Dirty Little Secret of Being a Successful Creative ...
This is the 2nd installment in a series of daily videos and audio podcasts that cover 30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.This series is part of a month-long
The First Step to Becoming a Successful Artist, Musician ...
This is the first installment in a series of daily videos and audio podcasts that cover 30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist. This series is part of a month
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Udemy discount 89% - 30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist How to Thrive as a Musician, Writer, Visual Artist, or Other Creative Entrepreneur
How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 2/3 ...
everywhere with his free Youtube video series 30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist. that want to become an empowered and successful artist,
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The Empowered Artist A Call to Action for Musicians, I want to give you FREE access to my $99.00 course, 30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.
The Self Empowerment Guide
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