An Expert in Your Corner!
As a former globally Certified Dale Carnegie Trainer and Coach, and as a present-day Master NLP Trainer and Certified Positive Psychology Coach, my focus is on helping you make massive shift in the areas of life that you deem most important.
Short BIO:
Patrick Howell is a best-selling author of the American Society for Training and Development's 2014 guidebook, "The Positive Workplace". He is an advisor and human-performance coach to international corporation, and personal seekers alike. Over the past 18 years Patrick and his team of experts have help thousands of individuals, and hundreds of companies, achieve heightened engagement, higher productivity, and sustained well-being and happiness.
Patrick is a founding member of the Institute for Advanced Human Performance, a collaborative initiative delivering positive psychology and NLP workshops and programs.
In 2013, Patrick's company, Team Development Group, partnered with Wiley Publishing, and acquired DiscAffiliate a Personality Assessment website. Since that time Discaffiliate has become one of the most popular websites for corporations to purchase world-renowned DiSC Assessments.
A frequent guest in media, Patrick is the former host of a local "career corner" television program viewed in 500,000 homes.
Patrick lives by the Jersey shore with his family and you can often times catch him filming lectures with an ocean view.
Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, theorizes that while 60 percent of happiness is determined by our genetics and environment, the
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Simple secrets for a Happy Life from Michele Moore and the Happiness Habit team.
Happiness Habits - Project Happiness
As a Circle member, you get free unlimited access to the Happiness Habits Library below its never too late to START growing your happiness!
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Happy Habits: Choose Happiness. 623. Excel At Life Health & Fitness. Everyone Reset your habits, Rewire your Brain & Transform your Life, all in 24 days!
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Regular reminders of 10 awesome happiness habits: 5 Daily Habits for joy boosting RIGHT NOW. And 5 Habits that are a slower burn for long term contentment
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10 Simple Habits Proven to Make You Happier You are good enough! Self-acceptance is a key happy habit, yet its one people practise the least.
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The Habits of Happiness So what habits make you happy? Try doing these on a daily basis, and see if you get the same results: List 3 Good Things.
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What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a
The Happiness Habit - Life and Mind Coaching For Everyone
Whatever you want from life, The Happiness Habit will have a benefit for you. A key element to finding happiness is understanding what your (often unconscious) basic