Welcome to the YOU Plan program! So, why do you need a YOU Plan? In this opening lecture Dr. Woody provides an overview of the program, discusses the concept of the career hot seat, and describes how the course works.
The YOU Plan program is based on Dr. Woodys VIPER model. In this lecture Dr. Woody gives an overview of the VIPER model and talks about the next steps in the program. The VIPER model consists of 5 fundamental questions which are at the core of the program. VIPER stands for Values, Intrinsic Assets, Passions, Essence (brand), & Roadmap.
Most people have some sense of their values, yet they have a lot of trouble actually articulating them, particularly when it comes to naming their top five (5)! In this lecture Dr. Woody defines the concept of values, talks about where they come from, and discusses why they are so critical to a successful career search. The complete "Values" chapter from Dr. Woody's Amazon.com top selling job hunting book, The YOU Plan, is also included.
In this lecture Dr. Woody discusses how values influence your decision making, how they influence your career choices, and how to identify your own set of top five (5) core values! This lecture provides an overview to the values exercise in this section.
There are six major components that make-up the core elements of what you have at your disposal. Dr. Woody refers to these as your Intrinsic Assets! Your Intrinsic Assets are what you showed-up on this planet with and what you have learned and experienced since that day. Lectures 5 through 11 will walk you through each of these intrinsic assets and guide you in articulating and harnessing them for your next career move.
Personlaity does in fact matter. Personality is that internal driver or natural disposition that we all have, but often misunderstand. In this lecture Dr. Woody talks about the importance of understanding your personality, share a common model of personality, and talk about ways to stay within your natural state. He also shares some resources for assessing your personality.
We have all made contributions, yet we often forget about their value in the career search. In this lecture Dr. Woody talks about how to identify and harness your contributions in a way that will make them valuable assets in your career transition efforts.
We all have a wealth of experiences. Key to leveraging those experiences is spending the time to identify, articulate, and organize them in a way that makes them easy to talk about. In this lecture Dr. Woody explains how to use the SAR method (Situation, Action, Results)for organizaing your experiences to effectively talk about them at networking events, in interviews, and on your resume.
The job market has and always will be about who you know! In this lecture Dr. Woody talks about building your "Who You Know" network, both on and off-line, to effectively expand your reach and enhance your chances for landing the job and career you want.
We all have skills we have developed, knowledge we have learned, and abilities that are unique to us (your SKAs). The challenge is organizing these assets in a way that makes them easy to portray in resumes, interviews, netwokring events, social media... In this lecture Dr. Woody talks about how to use the SKA exercise to effectively talk about these assets and use them in the career search process.
Passion is that internally driven enthusiasm that gets you bounding out of bed and joyfulling engaging in that which you love. In this lecture Dr. Woody discusses identifying your passions and how to harness those passions, so as to align them with your career direction. The "Passions" chapter from Dr. Woody's Amazon.com top selling job hunting book, The YOU Plan, is also included in this section!
If you can answer the three questions: What are my values?; What are my intrinsic assets?; and what are my passions?, you have basically answered the question of: What is my essence? This lecture is about taking your VIPs and putting them in the context of explaining who you are, so as to prepare you for creating a genuine career vision that you can take action on.
Once you have articulated your Values, Intrinsic Assets, and Passions in terms of your Essence, you have taken the first step in developing an authentic personal brand! In the New Economy you have to have a brand that is genuine and meaningful if you want to stand out from the rest of the crowd in a positive way. In this lecture Dr. Woody talks about the concept of authentic personal branding and he walks you through some examples. In the following lecture Dr. Woody will walk you through the actual branding exercise.
The purpose of this lecture is to walk you through how to audit the current state of your brand, craft the right brand message, develop credible talking points, and get the message out! In this lecture Dr. Woody walks you through the basics of the accompanying exercise and helps you create your unique professional brand message!
In this lecture Dr. Woody walks you through creating a vision and destination for YOU and your chosen career direction. This is all about creating a roadmap and ultimately a YOU Plan. This lecture is designed to take you through the critical steps to creating an action plan complete with activities, timelines, milestones, and goals. This section includes both an exercise and an roadmap sheet.
Success is about knowing the right people and putting together the right team. We all need help from others at various points in our career search. In this lecture Dr. Woody will discuss how to leverage those we know and those we need to get to know so as to build the right support network.
Connecting to the right jobs means connecting to the right people! The job market has, and always will be, about who you know! In order to build and effective and expansive Who You Know network, you need to understand social media and the concept of social recruiting. In this lecture Dr. Woody talks about social recruiting techniques and shares some social recruiting resources to get you connected and on your way.
A growing trend particularly among recent college grads is gigging. Gigging is essentially pursuing short-term project-based and freelance work that falls within a general career theme. Over the past several years gigging has gained popularity and a number of websites have grown to support the concept. In this lecture Dr. Woody gives an overview of gigging and provides some resources for landing gigs.
There are numerous resources out there for helping you get your career back on track. In this lecture Dr. Woody discusses the various free and fee-based career center and career coach options out there and how to find them.
Additional Articles and Resources
Changing career | Plan your career Are you ready to change career? Maybe you have reached a point in your working life when you need a new challenge.
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The 10-Step Plan to Career Change - Quintessential Careers
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The YOU Plan for Career Change! - Udemy
What am I going to get from this course? Over 21 lectures and 2 hours of content! In this course you will learn how to leverage your personal trait and skill assets
Planning a Career Change - Careers Advice - jobs.ac.uk
Writers Profile. Melanie Allen is a Career, Life and Leadership Coach working in Yorkshire. She brings over 20 years of writing and developing Career Development
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