A brief introduction to who I am, what you'll be learning on this course and how you'll be able to apply that to further develop your story.
Getting to grips with who you are, your protagonist is, and therefore what you should focus on in developing your screenplay
A quick look at some common screenplay problems you may well be facing. Plus, a warning of how not to use the lessons you'll be learning.
Don't be scared! Science is simply about predicting how the world works, and that's all I talk about here. How do predictions develop and change over decades and centuries? An important starting point for understanding people...
If this is hard to follow, stick with it, then maybe revisit it after finishing the section. It's really just about predictions for the world becoming grander theories that are harder to relinquish, so how they protect themselves from having to change.
How does a model for scientific change help us with character change? First, think about our basic senses and perception of the world. Then, how people's modus operandi for living in the world come about. Then ask yourself - how do people change these mindsets? An important first step is to ask how they refuse to change...
A brief look at some recent stellar films will make all of this clear.
Bringing it all together in one simple model, step by step. Don't worry if the model isn't making complete sense yet, as we work through Finding Nemo it will be explained further and become radically clear.
The first step is the most important ingredient: misjudgement...
What was the genesis of Finding Nemo? How much work did it take? Was it worth it?
The ideal setup for watching the film alongside studying the course.
Let's meet our protagonist. What's his Hard Core?
How does Marlin's Hard Core affect the world of the story? What's the effect of that change for Marlin? This gets to the central story values, and the main thrust of the story.
....or, how to fill you story world with the most antagonistic forces to catalyse change.
Friends or Killers? The importance isn't in the answer, but in the fact there's a question to begin with.
The introduction of stakes, and what that does to Marlin.
How there is no 'is' in your story - only 'looks according to a character'.
A cameo from the Director for some straight up dialogue.
Staring down in to the heart of Marlin's character.
Be sure to check out the Worksheet in the Lecture resources - there's one for you to fill out, and also one with the answers for you to compare.
Between a rock and a hard place - some questions for you to try.
How to deliver an utterly crushing blow to your protagonist.
That do-or-die scene and how to genuinely bring about change in your protagonist,
With all we've just worked through, let's look again at scientific and character change.
With the model in hand, now let's look again at your story.
Course Summary notes are a resource in this lecture.
A thank-you, a heads-up, and some pointers.
A basic overview of further reading.
*NEW IN SEPTEMBER 2015* - Course Transcript is now a downloadable resource.
Choices for a Strong Story
Why do audiences engage with films like 'The Wrestler', 'Little Miss Sunshine' and 'The Conjuring', but you're struggling to make your screenplay as powerful as you
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Powerful Character Development with Pixars Finding Nemo Creativity course coupon Powerful Character Development with Pixars Finding Nemo coupon Udemy coupon
Finding Nemo - Pixar
Nemo: Characters. Watch Now. Run Time: 1:44. Nemo: Sets. and the Pixar team had the perfect new realm for a CG adventure. Story. The Characters. In Finding Nemo .
Character Design - Pixar
Pixar in 1997 as a visual development artist. He lead the character team on Monsters, Inc. and was the art director for Finding Nemo. Character Design.
Finding Nemo Characters - Pixar Wiki - Disney Pixar ...
Pages in category "Finding Nemo Characters" Retrieved from "http://pixar.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Finding_Nemo_Characters?oldid=114631" Categories: Finding Nemo.
Everything I Needed to Know About Character Development I ...
Everything I Needed to Know About Character Development I Disney/Pixar smash hit Finding Nemo has characters that round out Finding Nemo's
Finding Dory - Pixar Wiki - Disney Pixar Animation Studios
2 in development, his character's voice 'Finding Nemo' sequel 'Finding Dory' to star Ellen DeGeneres for 2015 release 18.0 18.1 18.2 Pixar's 'Finding
Finding Nemo Reviews & Ratings - IMDb
This is in fact the only Pixar film to feature true character development. "Finding" A Flight odf Fancy `Finding Nemo' takes PIXAR technology to its ultimate,
Finding Nemo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
even the supporting fish in "Finding Nemo" are more developed as characters than Finding Nemo lives up to Pixar's high Inc. 2 into development,
Finding Dory - Disney Wiki
Finding Dory, which stars a fish character Plans for a sequel to Finding Nemo have been in development as far Finding Nemo is the fourth Pixar film