This short video gives you some details about what training materials are available within the Developing your Emotional Resilience course.
This introductory module identifies what resilience is and how to develop it.
We look at stresses and strains as a part of life
We review a definition of resilience which is different from what most people think it is.
This section reviews what emotional intelligence is and why it is important.
It summarises how resilience fits into emotional intelligence.
This section looks at when resilience is useful
It summarises the benefits of emotional resilience as a competence.
This comprehensive E-book contains all the information from your Developing your Emotional Resilience program. It contains sections for you to complete as you work through the program.
This part of the course looks at emotions in detail - what they are, their role and why it is important to manage them.
Here are the learning objectives.
Emotions are viewed differently today compared with how they have been in the past.
Emotions have an important biological function that is important to recognise and understand.
This lecture looks at understanding emotion and looks at how this can be done.
This lecture describes the seven basic human emotions that are universally expressed and recognized.
Here are the seven basic human emotions described by Paul Ekman showing the physiological expressions on the face.
This lecture covers ways to identify emotion, what the term "use emotion" refers to and looks at how to use emotion intelligently.
Managing Emotion - Conclusions
This section looks at what emotions are experienced during any kind of change so that they can be understood in context and managed better.
Here are the learning objectives.
Change is the only constant. This is a phrase that is often repeated so let's look at what it means.
A look at the emotional roller coaster that people go through as they experience change.
This illustration is of the Personal Transition through Change diagram devised by John M. Fisher and originally presented at the Tenth International Personal Construct Congress, Berlin, 1999. This is the most recent version, updated in 2012.
The first phase of a transition through change is anxiety. Why does anxiety occur and how can you help people anxious about change?
People experience happiness about change in the initial stages. Why is this and what does it mean?
People often go into denial during change. How does this occur and what can be done about it?
Anger is expressed in change in a variety of ways. This lecture looks at managing anger.
When disillusionment occurs in change and what can be done about it.
Depression or despair can be the longest and deepest emotional stage of the change process.
People may be quite hostile during change. When does this occur and how can you help others stuck in this phase?
Gradual acceptance means that emotionally the change is being accepted and adjustments are being made.
Moving forward the future is looking much more positive and activity occurs to support this.
This lecture looks at how you can move forward from a setback to make a positive comeback.
The final part of this section reviews the learning objectives.
This section looks at how flexible you are in certain situations,what it means and what impact this can have on others.
We will assess your attitudes and preferences around flexibility.
We will identify ways to develop your flexibility around working with changeThis exercise will focus on how you use your time preference and will help you assess your adaptability under pressure.
This section looks at the ways that you tolerate stress and how this relates to resilience.
We will identify emotions that drain and emotions that facilitate resilience.
We will explore how to put your stress tolerance to use.
This exercise gives you some insights into how stress affects you personally and help you to explore ways that you can manage a currently stressful situation.
This section looks at the role of optimism in developing resilience.
We explore why having a realistic level of optimism is helpful by looking at the three factors of optimism
We will review the health benefits of realistic optimism
We will look at ways to develop optimism and overcome negativity.
This exercise helps you to explore how you view experiences and how you explain good and bad experiences to yourself.
This series of lectures looks when resilience is useful and eight ways to develop personal resilience.
This first lecture covers the learning objectives.
This lecture looks at situations when resilience is useful and reviews eight ways in which resilience can be developed.
This lecture looks at the strategy of creating a personal vision. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that facilitate creating a personal vison and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture looks at the strategy of feeling in control. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that facilitate feeling in control and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture looks at the strategy of being flexible and adaptable. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that being flexible and being adaptable and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture looks at the strategy of getting organised. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that facilitate getting organised and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture looks at the strategy of being able to solve problems. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that facilitate being able to solve problems and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture looks at the strategy of creating a personal vision. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that facilitate creating a personal vison and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture looks at the strategy of being socially competent. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that facilitate being socially competent and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture looks at the strategy of being proactive. It covers the emotions that drain and the emotions that facilitate being proactive and includes some hints and tips.
This lecture reviews the learning objectives of this section of the course.
This is the final series of lectures and looks more specifically at working with other's resilience on an individual level, in teams and in organizations.
This first lecture covers the learning objectives.
This lecture looks at some ideas and strategies for developing resilience in other people - family members, team members, friends, colleagues, direct reports, etc.
This lecture looks at how to develop resilience in teams focussing on how the team thinks (mapping minds) and how it feels (mapping hearts).
This lecture focuses on building the right structures and processes in order todevelop resilience in organizations.
This lecture reviews the learning objectives for this section of the course.
This exercise will give you some insights into how you view your resilience and how your view compares with how other people see your resilience.
It enables you to put a plan of action in place that you can assess and review over a period of six months.
A series of 24 Lightbulb Moments cards that give a good overall summary of the course. They can be downloaded and printed as an aide memoire.
Some extra reading and resources to help you understand and explore aspects of emotional resilience in more depth.
worry, anger, dislike or unhappiness, learn how to manage your emotions at work constructively. Whether you Stress Management; Communication Skills
9 Simple Tips to Help You Manage Your Emotions | Norman ...
As a psychiatrist, I have given a lot of thought to how to lead a healthier life by managing your emotions. Here are some of my thoughts, which I expressed in my book
Want to Successfully Manage Your Emotions? Be Flexible ...
The right emotion regulation strategy is key to managing emotions. Psychology Today. Stress. Therapy. Work. See All; Want to Successfully Manage Your Emotions?
SOS FOR EMOTIONS - New York University
IN MANAGING EMOTIONS? Set a GOAL!-- PREVENTION: Preparing and anticipating difficult times with better coping skills -- REGULATION: STRESS MANAGEMENT TOOLS
Managing Your Emotions - Managing Your Emotions in PTSD
you may find that you sometimes have difficulty managing your emotions. unhealthy ways of managing emotions, way of reducing your stress and
Stress Management - HelpGuide
What is stress management? We all respond to stress over your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, ways to manage stress. If your methods of coping with
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Managing Emotions Under Pressure: say when soneone isnt managing his/her emotions in a pro- stress unless she is put in an unfamiliar situation.
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In Managing Emotions and Thriving Under To manage the stress of workplace change by going The very real connection between stress and intense emotions;
3 Ways to Manage Your Emotions | Guide2Psoriasis
and they're flexible in the way they deal with stress. 3 Ways to Manage Your Emotions Break This Common Cycle in 6 Steps What You Need to Know
How to Manage Emotions More Effectively - Psych Central
people who handle stress effectively have to help people identify and manage their emotions. 2012). How to Manage Emotions More